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10 May 2017, 1:37 am

If anyone wants to read the official documents they are available here: ... OJ-DAG.pdf

The firing recommendation went from Deputy Atty. General Rosenstein, who was just confirmed two weeks ago, to the Attorney General and then to Trump, who accepted their recommendation.

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10 May 2017, 4:32 am

The Memorandum indicates that Comey was fired because of his holding the press conference regarding Hillary back last July. So why now? I know Rosenstein is new, but Comey's behaviour isn't. If Trump was bothered by his behaviour (and he should have been), he should have replaced Comey when he took office.


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10 May 2017, 4:58 am

androbot01 wrote:
It's suspicious. Comey is heading the investigation into Trump's Russia ties and he gets fired. The administration suggests that this was because of his behaviour during the email kerfuffle, but again, why now? More like Trump feels threatened by what Comey may uncover.

P.S. Gotta love Snoopy.

I would say it's another witch hunt that Trump needs to nip in the bud before it gets out of hand. The guy obviously turned his head to Clinton, otherwise, she'd be in prison now. This same doofus is now leading an investigation on Trump? Need I say more? It's totally obvious to me why he got fired.

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10 May 2017, 5:06 am

I found that the Washington Post is painting another picture of why Trump got rid of him. Like I said, the investigation is a witchhunt by the Democrats.

"President Trump fired FBI Director James B. Comey on Tuesday, at the recommendation of senior Justice Department officials who said he had treated Hillary Clinton unfairly and in doing so damaged the credibility of the FBI and the Justice Department.

The startling development comes as Comey was leading a counterintelligence investigation to determine whether associates of Trump may have coordinated with Russia to interfere with the U.S. presidential election last year. It wasn’t immediately clear how Comey’s ouster will affect the Russia probe, but Democrats said they were concerned that his ouster could derail the investigation.

(And the Washington Post thought I was going to renew my subscription - phooey!)

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10 May 2017, 5:17 am

Here's more from the Washington Post:

President Trump fired FBI Director James B. Comey on Tuesday. And while the termination happened rather quickly — mere hours after Comey's faulty testimony to Congress was revealed — it wasn't altogether a shock.

Over the past several weeks, Trump seemed to be in the market for a reason to get rid of Comey. This was an Obama appointee whom Trump derided during the 2016 campaign for not recommending charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server. Then, in March, Comey announced that the FBI was investigating alleged ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. He also cast doubt on Trump's claim that the Obama administration wiretapped him during the campaign.Against that backdrop, Trump firing Comey is bound to look suspicious. And Democrats are already crying foul, with Sen. Robert P. Casey Jr. (D-Pa.) quickly labeling the move “Nixonian.” But it's also true that if there was any time to fire Comey, Comey just gift-wrapped it to Trump and served it on a platter.

A couple of weeks after Comey made those announcements in March, Trump talked about his job security at length in a pretty conspicuous way, re-litigating the FBI chief's handling of the Clinton investigation. “Don't forget, when Jim Comey came out, he saved Hillary Clinton,” Trump told Fox Business in an interview airing April 12. “People don't realize that. He saved her life, because — I call it Comey won. And I joke about it a little bit. When he was reading those charges, she was guilty on every charge. And then he said she was essentially okay. But he — she wasn't okay, because she was guilty on every charge.

“Director Comey was very, very good to Hillary Clinton, that I can tell you. If he weren't, she would be, right now, going to trial.”

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10 May 2017, 7:00 am

So Trump is now "rushing" to defend Clinton?

The President fired the guy leading the investigation into his ties to Russia. Am I the only one on WP who finds this suspicious?


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10 May 2017, 7:49 am

androbot01 wrote:
So Trump is now "rushing" to defend Clinton?

The President fired the guy leading the investigation into his ties to Russia. Am I the only one on WP who finds this suspicious?

Trump isn't defending Clinton. Did you read what I posted? Comey defended Clinton when she was clearly guilty and is now going after Trump on a damn witch hunt. I don't understand how that cannot be clearly seen. The Democrats need to let go of the Trump - Russia Conspiracy because that ship has sailed. That dog don't hunt.

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10 May 2017, 9:07 am

Comey was hated by everyone(Democrats, Republicans, rank and file FBI) and was not upfront or truthful with congress when questioned, he serves at the discretion of the president and is not an independent branch of the government so whatever his angle is it's not okay. The FBI's handling of these political investigations during the 2016 elections has left a permanent stain on the reputation of the agency. We don't want a J. Edgar Hoover.


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10 May 2017, 9:53 am

nurseangela wrote:
...The Democrats need to let go of the Trump - Russia Conspiracy because that ship has sailed. That dog don't hunt.

I disagree. That dog is sailing right into Moscow.


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10 May 2017, 5:16 pm

androbot01 wrote:
So Trump is now "rushing" to defend Clinton?

Am I the only one on WP who finds this suspicious?

Methinks President Trump has a mischievous streak.
Being mischievous myself ...
I like it. 8)


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10 May 2017, 6:47 pm

There's just something with all of this, that doesn't sit right, with me.....

One of the things that keeps ringing in my ears, is that President Trump THANKED James Comey, in his firing letter to him, for letting him know 3 times that he (President Trump) wasn't being personally investigated (in regard to the Russian collusion in our election).

I dunno.....

I'm thinking something happened----to which we're not privy, obviously----and, something tells me that instead of James Comey being fired because "He wasn't doing a good job" (President Trump said something like that), I'm wondering if maybe he was fired cuz he was doing TOO GOOD of a job (meaning, I have to wonder if President Trump wasn't starting to sweat, for whatever reason, in regard to the Russian probe being directed by James Comey----AND / or, the AG & AAG were, and they advised the president that there was a bad moon on the rise, if he didn't get rid of Comey).

Also, IMO, President Trump firing James Comey in a letter, was incredibly disrespectful----I mean, why the expediency? I'm thinking one usually does something like that, by calling the one about-to-be-fired, into the office, and discussing things with him. I mean, afterall, it is my understanding that that's what was done, with Flynn----I'm thinking that President Trump told Flynn the situation, and let him bow-out, gracefully (say he resigned). With Comey, however, it seems something happened that made the president want to do it, "right now".

These things just don't add-up to "Good!" (several people's response), to me.....

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10 May 2017, 7:04 pm

Campin_Cat wrote:
There's just something with all of this, that doesn't sit right, with me.....

One of the things that keeps ringing in my ears, is that President Trump THANKED James Comey, in his firing letter to him, for letting him know 3 times that he (President Trump) wasn't being personally investigated (in regard to the Russian collusion in our election).

I dunno.....

I'm thinking something happened----to which we're not privy, obviously----and, something tells me that instead of James Comey being fired because "He wasn't doing a good job" (President Trump said something like that), I'm wondering if maybe he was fired cuz he was doing TOO GOOD of a job (meaning, I have to wonder if President Trump wasn't starting to sweat, for whatever reason, in regard to the Russian probe being directed by James Comey----AND / or, the AG & AAG were, and they advised the president that there was a bad moon on the rise, if he didn't get rid of Comey).

Also, IMO, President Trump firing James Comey in a letter, was incredibly disrespectful----I mean, why the expediency? I'm thinking one usually does something like that, by calling the one about-to-be-fired, into the office, and discussing things with him. I mean, afterall, it is my understanding that that's what was done, with Flynn----I'm thinking that President Trump told Flynn the situation, and let him bow-out, gracefully (say he resigned). With Comey, however, it seems something happened that made the president want to do it, "right now".

These things just don't add-up to "Good!" (several people's response), to me.....

It goes way deeper than what the "fake news mainstream media" reports.

"There simply is no ‘there’ there in the ridiculous “Muh Russian Collusion” conspiracy nonsense.

"When there’s nothing there, there’s nothing to fear from any backlash FBI ‘leaking’ nonsense. As with all of the vast Russian conspiracy nonsense in the past several months, everything is manufactured by swampian politicians for media consumption and narrative selling.



The above comes from an excellent forum I've discovered at the link below:



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10 May 2017, 8:06 pm

androbot01 wrote:
So Trump is now "rushing" to defend Clinton?

The President fired the guy leading the investigation into his ties to Russia. Am I the only one on WP who finds this suspicious?

No you're not the only one who finds it suspicious. Schumer and Franken are making speeches about it. One of them probably coined the "why now?" statement that's being repeated. Which I don't get, since this investigation has been going on for a long time and going nowhere.

What I saw a few days ago was Comey in the hot seat testifying about his actions agaist Clinton a few days before the election. So I wasn't the least bit surprised that he was fired for his bungling a few days later after it came to a head.

"Why Now?" Why not now?

If not now, when?

Funny thing is, no one is saying Comey should not have been fired - They're just doing the "Why Now?" thing.

It was fun listening to former SNL comedian Franken going on about how "we know" Russia did this and that, when there's still zero proof to back it up.

All they have is speculation and suspicion - just like the witch hunters of the 17th century.


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10 May 2017, 8:21 pm

Maybe it was this
Comey Had Asked for More Money for FBI’s Russia Investigation

A senior congressional official with direct knowledge told NBC News that James Comey briefed Congress in recent days that he had requested more staff and money for the Russia investigation from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

The New York Times first reported Wednesday that Comey, who was fired as FBI director Tuesday, had asked Rosenstein for additional resources for the probe. According to the Times, four congressional sources, including Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, said Comey asked the Justice Department for a significant increase in resources during a meeting with Rosenstein.

"I'm told that as soon as Rosenstein arrived, there was a request for additional resources for the investigation and that a few days afterwards, he was sacked," Durbin told reporters on Capitol Hill Wednesday. "I think the Comey operation was breathing down the neck of the Trump campaign and their operatives, and this was an effort to slow down the investigation."

The Department of Justice denies that Comey asked Rosenstein for more resources. Justice Department spokesperson Sarah Isgur Flores told NBC News the report was "entirely false," and "there was absolutely no request" from Comey for more agents or resources for the investigation.

Making the reason for the firing the handling of of Clinton's email is good politics because it exposed the Democrats

Comey finding out he was fired by seeing it on cable news was bad politics and just nasty.

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10 May 2017, 8:43 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
Maybe it was this
Comey Had Asked for More Money for FBI’s Russia Investigation
A senior congressional official with direct knowledge told NBC News that James Comey briefed Congress in recent days that he had requested more staff and money for the Russia investigation from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

The New York Times first reported Wednesday that Comey, who was fired as FBI director Tuesday, had asked Rosenstein for additional resources for the probe. According to the Times, four congressional sources, including Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, said Comey asked the Justice Department for a significant increase in resources during a meeting with Rosenstein.

"I'm told that as soon as Rosenstein arrived, there was a request for additional resources for the investigation and that a few days afterwards, he was sacked," Durbin told reporters on Capitol Hill Wednesday. "I think the Comey operation was breathing down the neck of the Trump campaign and their operatives, and this was an effort to slow down the investigation."

The Department of Justice denies that Comey asked Rosenstein for more resources. Justice Department spokesperson Sarah Isgur Flores told NBC News the report was "entirely false," and "there was absolutely no request" from Comey for more agents or resources for the investigation.

Making the reason for the firing the handling of of Clinton's email is good politics because it exposed the Democrats

Comey finding out he was fired by seeing it on cable news was bad politics and just nasty.

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10 May 2017, 9:37 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
Maybe it was this
Comey Had Asked for More Money for FBI’s Russia Investigation
A senior congressional official with direct knowledge told NBC News that James Comey briefed Congress in recent days that he had requested more staff and money for the Russia investigation from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

The New York Times first reported Wednesday that Comey, who was fired as FBI director Tuesday, had asked Rosenstein for additional resources for the probe. According to the Times, four congressional sources, including Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, said Comey asked the Justice Department for a significant increase in resources during a meeting with Rosenstein.

"I'm told that as soon as Rosenstein arrived, there was a request for additional resources for the investigation and that a few days afterwards, he was sacked," Durbin told reporters on Capitol Hill Wednesday. "I think the Comey operation was breathing down the neck of the Trump campaign and their operatives, and this was an effort to slow down the investigation."

The Department of Justice denies that Comey asked Rosenstein for more resources. Justice Department spokesperson Sarah Isgur Flores told NBC News the report was "entirely false," and "there was absolutely no request" from Comey for more agents or resources for the investigation.

Making the reason for the firing the handling of of Clinton's email is good politics because it exposed the Democrats

Comey finding out he was fired by seeing it on cable news was bad politics and just nasty.

Wasn't he first given a letter of termination by the President? That's what they were showing during the newscast.