Mass Shooting in Michigan High School

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30 Nov 2021, 5:51 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
We need to ban all guns.
... and knives ... and red SUVs ... and ...


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30 Nov 2021, 6:38 pm

Is it weird that we're all waiting to for the race of the shooter to drop so we know which narrative to go with?

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30 Nov 2021, 6:43 pm

But that would mean getting rid of or changing the second ammendment

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30 Nov 2021, 6:45 pm

Dox47 wrote:
Is it weird that we're all waiting to for the race of the shooter to drop so we know which narrative to go with?

Hmmm.. Interesting


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30 Nov 2021, 7:05 pm

"Race" did not enter into my mind at all.

This is a school shooting. This kid shot and killed at least three people. It doesn't matter what race the kid is. The kid is a 15-year-old murderer.

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30 Nov 2021, 7:08 pm



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30 Nov 2021, 7:27 pm

Dox47 wrote:
Is it weird that we're all waiting to for the race of the shooter to drop so we know which narrative to go with?

I'm more worried about his mental state.

I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.

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30 Nov 2021, 7:29 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
"Race" did not enter into my mind at all.

This is a school shooting. This kid shot and killed at least three people. It doesn't matter what race the kid is. The kid is a 15-year-old murderer.

Yes, all true, but nonetheless the identity of the shooter will determine how the media covers it, and thus the narrative. They have one playbook for cishet white male shooters, and a different one for everyone else, it's really obvious if you follow these things.

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30 Nov 2021, 7:38 pm

Aspiegaming wrote:
I'm more worried about his mental state.

I'm not, it's trendy to claim a mental disorder these days, so there's no incentive to stigmatize them, it's not like the 90s anymore.

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30 Nov 2021, 7:47 pm

Dox47 wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
"Race" did not enter into my mind at all.

This is a school shooting. This kid shot and killed at least three people. It doesn't matter what race the kid is. The kid is a 15-year-old murderer.

Yes, all true, but nonetheless the identity of the shooter will determine how the media covers it, and thus the narrative. They have one playbook for cishet white male shooters, and a different one for everyone else, it's really obvious if you follow these things.

I hike in the woods, but I never see Bigfoot, like some folks do.

Everyone "follows it" but only you are waiting on the guys race, and only you see this media thing that you're talking about.

So elaborate. What is this media thing you're talking about?

Some gunplay (like innocent children dying in their own homes from stray bullets from gang drive bys) tend to be done by Blacks, and other gunplay (like Columbine type events like this) tend to be done by Whites. But thats not the fault of the media.


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30 Nov 2021, 8:23 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Everyone "follows it" but only you are waiting on the guys race, and only you see this media thing that you're talking about.

I'm the only one talking about it (here), but I'm definitely not the only one seeing it or thinking about it, it's very well known by politically aware gun owners. Also no, not everyone follows it, as in I have a personal stake in the matter as these events are often used as political cudgels to advocate for more gun control that I oppose, and so I have an interest that most here do not, along with my general media/politics interests that are far more in depth than those of the average person.

naturalplastic wrote:
So elaborate. What is this media thing you're talking about?

Put simply, if the shooter is a cishet white male, the media will run with the story for as long as they can, they'll use it as a hook to bring up previous shootings, they'll have Democrats on as guests to furrow their brows and claim that whatever their last gun control scheme was would have prevented this tragedy if it weren't for those dastardly Republican obstructionists, the late night hosts will deliver impassioned monologues, so on and so forth. The volume gets turned up to 11 if they can link the shooter to a right wing cause, if he used an unusual weapon (the AR15 is actually the most common rifle in America, but liberals don't know that), if there's a racial angle, or some other way to further use the event for activism, that's what they're looking for.

If the shooter is not a cishet white male, what you'll see is much more perfunctory coverage, maybe some of the same themes, but they'll try to gloss over anything politically inconvenient (a school shooting with a trans perpetrator, say), and generally let the story die as quickly as possible. Do you recall the King Soopers shooting a while back? You could literally see this happening in real time on Twitter, the outrage machine going from 60-0 in .5 seconds once the shooter's non-white identity was known, some of them were even dumb enough to say it out loud. You can see it right now with the Wisconsin Christmas parade attack, you don't need to be a conspiracy theorist to see that if a white guy with a bunch of anti black social media posts had plowed his truck through a Kwanzaa parade deliberately hitting people, you wouldn't see passive voice headlines about it and it would still be on every front page and on every network, as opposed to being scarcely mentioned.

naturalplastic wrote:
Some gunplay (like innocent children dying in their own homes from stray bullets from gang drive bys) tend to be done by Blacks, and other gunplay (like Columbine type events like this) tend to be done by Whites. But thats not the fault of the media.

Nope: ... phics.html

The notion spread from there. The Washington Post ran an op-ed titled “White men have much to discuss about mass shootings.” Salon declared that “White male privilege kills.”

What those initial Mother Jones numbers showed, though, was that white people weren’t overrepresented among mass shooters. The media outlet had found that roughly 70 percent of the shooters in mass killings were white—certainly a majority. But according to Census Bureau estimates for 2012, whites accounted for 73.9 percent of all Americans. (Keep in mind that the definition of whiteness is both vague and forever changing. In the 2010 census, the “white” category includes those whose families originate in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Mother Jones, for its part, categorizes one Moroccan immigrant killer as “white”; leaves the race field blank for a Turkish immigrant; and describes several shooters of Pakistani, Palestinian, Afghan and Kuwaiti extraction as “other.”)

I’m not sure where Kimmel and Leek got their stat about mass murders perpetrated by teenagers, but that figure, too, wasn’t that far off from U.S. demographics. At any rate, it certainly wasn’t true—as many argued then, and many do today—that mass shooters were “almost exclusively” or “disproportionately” or “nearly all” white. (Mass shooters are disproportionately men, however—more on that below.)

Since 2012, Mother Jones has added 29 more mass-shooting events to its database (and tweaked its definition of the crime to fit with new federal guidelines that placed the threshold at three victims instead of four). In this bigger data set, the proportion of white mass shooters drops down to 56 percent, by my count. Judging by those newer numbers, and the most current census estimate that 76.9 percent of Americans are white, the whites-are-overrepresented-among-mass-shooters meme appears even less accurate. Perpetrators that Mother Jones classifies as Asian make up 7.4 percent of the data set, versus an estimated 5.7 percent of the population, while those MoJo identifies as black represent 17.0 percent of the mass shooters in the database versus an estimated 13.3 percent of the population. According to this data set, then, Asians and black Americans are overrepresented among mass shooters by about the same proportion (a bit more than one-fourth) that whites are underrepresented. This means the population rate of mass shootings by whites (at least according to the tiny sample measured in the MoJo database) is 0.021 per 100,000 people, while the corresponding rate of mass shootings by blacks is 1.7 times higher, at 0.037.

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30 Nov 2021, 8:24 pm



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30 Nov 2021, 8:42 pm

Dox47 wrote:
Aspiegaming wrote:
I'm more worried about his mental state.

I'm not, it's trendy to claim a mental disorder these days, so there's no incentive to stigmatize them, it's not like the 90s anymore.

Well then the other thing I'm worried about is did he play any violent video games. I don't need left wing and right wing media bringing up yet another dime a dozen video game violence causing real world violence debates.

I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.

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30 Nov 2021, 8:50 pm

Aspiegaming wrote:
Well then the other thing I'm worried about is did he play any violent video games. I don't need left wing and right wing media bringing up yet another dime a dozen video game violence causing real world violence debates.

I wouldn't worry, that moment has also largely been left in the 90s, the last guy to try it pretty much got laughed off the stage.

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01 Dec 2021, 4:38 am

School shootings are usually argued in gun rights and mental health terms; I doubt race will play a major role.

We aren't giving enough recognition to what raising a generation of kids on lock down drills and school shootings has done to their mental states.

My young adult children have never known a life where they did not have to fear the potential a gunman entering their school and shooting at them. They have never known a life without school lock downs due to credible threats. Many mental health issues reflect a type of PTSD in our youth that can be tied to this constant fear.

We'll hem and haw argue about policy proposals, then reject them all because they would infringe on some perceived right or freedom.

I'm sick of it.

My thoughts and prayers do, of course, go out to the students and families involved. I know that isn't really what they want, but its all I have.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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01 Dec 2021, 5:39 am

DW_a_mom wrote:
School shootings are usually argued in gun rights and mental health terms; I doubt race will play a major role.

Maybe not openly (though recently any white guy with a gun seems to be automatically presumed to be a white supremacist, which is relatively new), but it certainly changes the tenor and duration of the coverage, which is the point I'm making. The same people who push gun control are the same people who are obsessed with race, and so non-white mass shooters present a conundrum for them, and receive different treatment in both tone and duration, it's very observable if you pay attention to the coverage of these things. You'll notice, for example, that many people still think that the Pulse shooting was an ant-gay hate crime even though that was debunked years ago, the shooter picked it at random for his ISIS inspired terror attack, but that wasn't convenient for the narrative on multiple levels and so the anti gay angle was played up, and the later correction by the FBI was played down.

DW_a_mom wrote:
We aren't giving enough recognition to what raising a generation of kids on lock down drills and school shootings has done to their mental states.

That is a real problem, but one that has more to do with threat inflation and availability bias than anything else, very few people are actually killed in school shootings relative to the amount of attention they receive, with the "we have to do something mentality creating programs that haven't really been subjected to cost/benefit analysis. I was in school for the start of this stuff in the late 90s, and I'd definitely take a slightly higher risk of a school shooting over having to go to a school that felt like a prison, but in my case that wasn't entirely due to the perceived threat environment so much as race and class conflict at my urban magnet school.

DW_a_mom wrote:
My young adult children have never known a life where they did not have to fear the potential a gunman entering their school and shooting at them. They have never known a life without school lock downs due to credible threats. Many mental health issues reflect a type of PTSD in our youth that can be tied to this constant fear.

Again, this is largely a media driven phenomenon, school shootings remain incredibly rare, our perception that they are not is fully attributable to the outsize coverage they recieve, for reasons of both ratings and politics.

DW_a_mom wrote:
We'll hem and haw argue about policy proposals, then reject them all because they would infringe on some perceived right or freedom.

Plenty of things you can do that don't infringe on anyone's rights or freedoms, but I'm increasingly convinced that the lack of interest in them is a feature and not a bug.

Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.

- Rick Sanchez