LOTS of manga/anime now illegal in Sweden; soon to be in EU

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21 May 2012, 12:46 am

CrazyCatLord wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
CrazyCatLord wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
i think underaged fanfics or fiction with underage sex should be illegal too, absolutely. i don't see why not.

Do you think Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita" should be illegal as well? What makes his novel superior to fanfic?

And why stop at underage sex? Fictional bestiality is just as abhorrent. So let's throw all paintings that depict Leda and the swan onto the pyre while we're at it.

yes yes and yes. i have no problem censoring those things too. censorship is no big deal to me - our society is already heavily censored, but we are used to it so it doesn't chafe too much.

I vaguely recall you posting that while you're opposed to porn, you aren't in favor of censorship. It seems you have changed your mind since then, to the point where you approve the censorship of historical art and literature. I've always suspected as much from anti-porn activists. There goes Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice, as well as several movie adaptations of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

And how old were Lot's daughters again in the Bible tale? Two of them weren't married when they had sex with him, only betrothed. Seeing that girls were usually married at age 12-14 in those times (think of how young Mary must have been when Yahweh or his angel impregnated her), the story of Lot is not just an incest story, but a child abuse story to boot. And then there is that unpleasant business with the virgin Midianite girls. So the Bible will probably have to go too.

about your other points, "barely legal" or "barely 18" means just that - LEGAL as it would be people who are obviously 18. but it does not excuse someone being made up to look 14 and sexualised in that context. the two areas are completely distinct.

I think when it comes to legal age, the deciding factor should be age, as the term already suggests. The appearance or outfit of a person shouldn't factor into it. Since you seem to think otherwise, do you also think that men should be prosecuted for statutory rape if they have sex with an adult woman who wears a school uniform?

a child is whoever our society deems to be a child. if we decide people who are 20 years old are children and should be protected... then that is our decision. i don't have a problem with that. it is somewhat arbitrary, but so what? i think that the line has to be drawn somewhere, and if sex is not permitted with a certain age group, then neither should the porn be allowed.

I think the legal term is minor, not child. The law can decide that people under 20 are minors, but the transition from child to adolescent is determined by mother nature.

if it is not acceptable to see actual children naked in a sexual context, then it does not really make sense to have pretend-porn being acceptable. it sends a message that pedophilia is ok... and frankly it isn't. there is no guarantee that a pedo won't act on it at any given moment. if the urge is there, it may just be a matter of opportunity. researchers are not certain what makes one person act on it while another does not.

I'm not sure that this is what legislators had in mind when they outlawed child porn. If a mother walks in on her teenage son having sex with another teenager, or on her prepubescent children playing doctor, does that make her a criminal? I don't think so. Seeing minors naked in a sexual context is not a crime. The original aim of anti-child porn laws is to prevent the sexual abuse of children and teenagers, as well as their commercial exploitation. Not to eradicate every literary or artistic reminder of the fact that teenagers have sex, and have been doing so since the dawn of times.

I also disagree that fictional stories and artwork give the impression that their content would be ok to reenact in real life. Horror movies and video game violence didn't cause an increase of violent crime, it has actually decreased in recent decades. People, at least adult people, are very good at distinguishing between fiction and reality.

i think people should be prevented from acting on their urges if they are pedophiles, and to me.... acting on it includes viewing porn. apparently the law agrees. go figure.

The only reliable way to prevent people from acting on their sexual urges, especially male people, is to remove their libido. You can't remove sexual urges by outlawing porn. Pedophiles would only be more inclined to satisfy their urge by preying on actual children. I guess we would have to find all pedophiles, round them up, hospitalize them and chemically or surgically castrate them, against their will if necessary.

And then we'd have to do something about the pesky human rights activists who would undoubtedly compare this to the chemical castration of Alan Turing and other gay people, the forced sterilization of minority women, or the forced medical experiments on other groups of sexual deviants in the past. They would even have a point if they dropped words like "eugenics", seeing that there are many non-exclusive pedophiles who have children with adult partners.

Hebephiles, which have strongly been selected for in historic times and might constitute a considerable portion of the adult male population, would have to undergo the same forced treatment. Including non-exclusive hebephiles who are attracted to sexually mature women of all ages. After all, there is no telling if or when they might act on inappropriate urges that were perfectly appropriate and natural for the first 200,000 years of Homo sapiens evolution. Nowadays, people who feel attracted to 13- or 14-year-olds are just as dangerous as pedophiles.

In countries where the age of consent is 18, one would also have to kill the libido of ephebophiles. I suppose the governments in those countries would end up chemically neutering the vast majority of males. Probably all males except for a handful of guys who are very good at pretending :) And finally, if we must assume that all pedophiles and hebephiles are rapists waiting to happen, must we not assume the same of heterosexual men? In a South African survey, one in four men admitted to being a rapist (source). I don't think that the percentage of child abusers among pedophiles is much higher than that, although I don't have any statistics to support this hunch.

It might make more sense to try and screen out all men, regardless of sexual orientation, who are most likely to become sexually violent or abusive. Such as sadists and other sexual deviants of the BDSM variety. We could call the resulting list of names a minority report. Sorry for being a bit sarcastic, I just think that attempts to punish crime before it actually happens, or to preemptively "treat" potential criminals, is a really huge and ugly can of worms in terms of human rights.

i have never been opposed to censorship, no. the way we express ourselves is already censored, as not one of us has the freedom to say/display whatever we like in whatever manner we desire.

you have no evidence to support the idea that pedophiles would be more likely to offend if they did not have their porn, so you're drawing an unsubstantiated conclusion there. also, violent crime has not actually decreased in the united states, except in the last 15 years. prior to that it escalated steeply. also, even though it decreased it is still much higher than it was 50 years ago:
http://www.lowtechcombat.com/2010/12/50 ... in-us.html

your analogy comparing all men as rapists to pedophiles doesn't work because it isn't abnormal to be attracted to women, nor will it do damage to women for men to have consensual sex with them. but it is impossible for an adult to have consensual sex with a minor.

i would agree that being attracted to teenagers has been the norm for much of human history (and possibly prehistory). but i am talking about pedophiles here. not the same thing.

you are also unfamiliar with canadian law, that says it is perfectly acceptable for 12 year olds to have sex... with each other. it is another issue entirely when adults or older youths are involved. the laws are not so ridiculously draconian as you paint them to be.

i did have an epiphany about the value of "art", but that would take this thread way off the topic. :wink:

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21 May 2012, 12:56 am

hanyo wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
like i said above, the urges themselves are wrong. at no point did i say that the entire person is wrong for existing, but yes - i think the sexual urge directed at children is wrong and we should be trying to help people to stop desiring children in that way. we do not know when a person may cross over from thought into action.

Looking at pictures, reading text, or fantasizing about a particular thing does not always mean you want to do that in real life.

Thinking about things is not wrong.

i don't see how it would NOT mean that a person wants to do it. and fantasies are desirable by nature.

intrusive thoughts are not necessarily desirable but they are controllable. the biggest determiner of who will act on intrusive thoughts is a person's level of discomfort with them. people who know that their thoughts are unnatural and undesirable are less likely to act on them. this is not the case for fantasies, but fantasies are intentionally created.

thoughts can lead to actions. not everyone with the thoughts will act on them, but someone who does NOT have the thoughts is exceedingly unlikely to offend.

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21 May 2012, 12:59 am

something to keep in mind is that pedophilic behaviour is highly treatable, and treatment includes staying AWAY from triggers like kiddie porn. the recidivism rates are in fact very low:

Margaret Alexander concluded that men treated before 1980 (treated by more traditional methods) reoffended at a rate of 12.8%, while men treated after 1980 (treated by present day methods) reoffended at 7.4%. She did a kind of meta-analysis, over viewing 79 studies with nearly 11,000 people in the samples. So, the recidivism rate of the modern methods appear to be lower than the more traditional methods.

Karl Hanson & Monique Bussière presented the most recent meta-analysis about those recidivism rates in their article from 1998: Predicting Relapse: A meta-Analysis of Sexual Offender Recidivism Studies. They re-analyzed 61 follow-up studies with a total sample of nearly 23,400 people. On average, the sexual offense recidivism rate was low: 13,4%. Note that the general recidivism rate, according to Hanson, is 36.3%. So, the recidivism of sexual offenders is not 3 times the general one, but one-third of it. I'ts simply not true that 90% or more of the sexual offenders reoffend - it's 13.4%.


the recidivism rate is lower than for other kinds of crime.

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21 May 2012, 3:46 am

hyperlexian wrote:
i don't see how it would NOT mean that a person wants to do it. and fantasies are desirable by nature.

When I was growing up especially with all the shunning and isolation I learned to entertain myself in my head. I always thought of my mind as a safe place where I can think what I want.

Maybe I'm unusual for being this way but I never connected any kind of fantasy in my head to any desire to do things in real life. Just because I might imagine various scenarios for fapping or general entertainment doesn't mean I want to do them any more than watching tv means I want to do what is on the show.

I guess I had better keep any and all fantasies to myself then since people might think that means I want to do them which I don't. I don't even have sex with other people.


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21 May 2012, 5:01 am

hyperlexian wrote:
something to keep in mind is that pedophilic behaviour is highly treatable

How? You can't treat paedophilic desires without completely removing someone's sex drive and even then it ain't guaranteed to work, surely?

Snowy Owl
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21 May 2012, 6:31 am

So much hate against a victimless crime.

Morality is hilarious.


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21 May 2012, 7:42 am


Well you can go with that if you want.

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21 May 2012, 1:17 pm

Rainy wrote:
So much hate against a victimless crime.

Morality is hilarious.



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21 May 2012, 1:42 pm

Tequila wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
something to keep in mind is that pedophilic behaviour is highly treatable

How? You can't treat paedophilic desires without completely removing someone's sex drive and even then it ain't guaranteed to work, surely?

Paedophiles have more genes in common with crabs than you and me. This is scientific fact.

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21 May 2012, 2:16 pm

A lot of this stuff would have never been allowed when I was growing up.


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21 May 2012, 3:00 pm

shrox wrote:
A lot of this stuff would have never been allowed when I was growing up.

Nothing in my community, except for Penthouse, up until age 28, and a trip across statelines to a video store.

The internet is porn heaven compared to what was available then. The 72 Virgins in heaven, can't be much of a reward for suicide bombers anymore, if they can get interent access. More incentive to stay here, possibly.

Maybe that's part of the reason we don't get attacked as much anymore, if they come here, and hookup with uncensored internet access? :P

Porn isn't all bad, but I think most can safely do without further transmission of the underage stuff, that has been ruled illegal.

There is pretty much something for everyone out there, other than than that. Perhaps too much for some, but that's another topic for addictive behavior.


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21 May 2012, 3:06 pm


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21 May 2012, 3:48 pm

So stuff like these books which I and many others enjoy reading are now illegal and make us pedophiles?

I don't actually have these two books but could easily order them from Amazon or other sites.

There are many yaoi books which are set in high schools and have characters under 18.




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21 May 2012, 4:45 pm

Tequila wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
something to keep in mind is that pedophilic behaviour is highly treatable

How? You can't treat paedophilic desires without completely removing someone's sex drive and even then it ain't guaranteed to work, surely?

you evidently didn't bother to read my links.

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21 May 2012, 5:55 pm

Let's take yet another look at this, since people seem to have missed it the first two times:

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/20 ... 111326.htm

Science Daily wrote:
Could making pornography legal lead to lower rates of sex crimes? A new study by Milton Diamond, from the University of Hawaii, and colleagues, addresses this controversial question.

Results from the Czech Republic showed, as seen everywhere else studied (Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sweden, USA), that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalization and wide availability of pornography. In addition, the study found that the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible -- a phenomenon also seen in Denmark and Japan.

The research results are published online in Springer's journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.

The findings support the theory that potential sexual offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex crimes against children. While the authors do not approve of the use of real children in the production or distribution of child pornography, they say that artificially produced materials might serve a purpose.

Diamond and team looked at what actually happened to sex-related crimes in the Czech Republic as it transitioned from having a strict ban on sexually explicit materials to a situation where the material was decriminalized. Pornography was strictly prohibited between 1948 and 1989. The ban was lifted with the country's transition to democracy and, by 1990, the availability and ownership of sexually explicit materials rose dramatically. Even the possession of child pornography was not a criminal offense.

The researchers monitored the number of sex-related crimes from Ministry of Interior records -- rape, attempted rape, sexual assault, and child sex abuse in particular -- for 15 years during the ban and 18 years after it was lifted.

Most significantly, they found that the number of reported cases of child sex abuse dropped markedly immediately after the ban on sexually explicit materials was lifted in 1989. In both Denmark and Japan, the situation is similar: Child sex abuse was much lower than it was when availability of child pornography was restricted.

Other results showed that, overall, there was no increase in reported sex-related crimes generally since the legalization of pornography. Interestingly, whereas the number of sex-related crimes fell significantly after 1989, the number of other societal crimes -- murder, assault, and robbery -- rose significantly.

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21 May 2012, 6:04 pm

no, the steady decline in sexual abuse started a decade before kiddie porn was widely available, so that cannot be the cause of the drop. it's not even a correlation because the dates don't match up.

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