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trickle down econonics- a fairy tale, or what?
trickle down benefits the 99% :idea: 9%  9%  [ 3 ]
trickle down benefits only the 1% :x 82%  82%  [ 28 ]
i'm not sure :shrug: 3%  3%  [ 1 ]
where's my ice cream? :chef: 6%  6%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 34


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02 Jan 2018, 11:02 am

Aristophanes wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Objectivity is a thing you strive for if you wish to think independently. If you fail at this attempt while striving to achieve it, that doesn't negate your intended goal. As with many disciplines, striving to achieve being objetive can be a trial and error processes.

You may think you're coming to conclusions independently, but your arguments tend to be the exact same talking points found on hard right websites. That's why the question remains: are you aware of that or purposely using it as a rhetorical tool? At this point I've made up my mind that it's not innocuous because you're swimming in that famous river in North Africa without taking any kind of objective look at your own work which generally means there's purposeful intent. But since we're playing this game: I'm actually pretty moderate, I just think everything Obama did was spectacular, and all criticism about him were lies, I'm just calling it as I see it-- as a moderate with no bone to pick. If you're laughing at that statement, as you should, that means you can see the point being made.

You've got the gaslighting routine down to an expert level. You're quite good at luring me with various bait and reeling me in so you can continue screwing with me. Dance monkey dance and all that.

Don't blame me, I'm just a moderate calling it as I see it...

More baiting.

Gaw, why are you attacking me all the time? Am I a special interest of yours or something? I'm just trying to tell the facts from an independent, objective point of view, and you're constantly harassing me for it...

More baiting and gaslighting.


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02 Jan 2018, 11:05 am



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02 Jan 2018, 11:11 am

SH90 wrote:

Haha you always find the best gifs.


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02 Jan 2018, 11:18 am

EzraS wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Objectivity is a thing you strive for if you wish to think independently. If you fail at this attempt while striving to achieve it, that doesn't negate your intended goal. As with many disciplines, striving to achieve being objetive can be a trial and error processes.

You may think you're coming to conclusions independently, but your arguments tend to be the exact same talking points found on hard right websites. That's why the question remains: are you aware of that or purposely using it as a rhetorical tool? At this point I've made up my mind that it's not innocuous because you're swimming in that famous river in North Africa without taking any kind of objective look at your own work which generally means there's purposeful intent. But since we're playing this game: I'm actually pretty moderate, I just think everything Obama did was spectacular, and all criticism about him were lies, I'm just calling it as I see it-- as a moderate with no bone to pick. If you're laughing at that statement, as you should, that means you can see the point being made.

You've got the gaslighting routine down to an expert level. You're quite good at luring me with various bait and reeling me in so you can continue screwing with me. Dance monkey dance and all that.

Don't blame me, I'm just a moderate calling it as I see it...

More baiting.

Gaw, why are you attacking me all the time? Am I a special interest of yours or something? I'm just trying to tell the facts from an independent, objective point of view, and you're constantly harassing me for it...

More baiting and gaslighting.

Stop trying to bait and gaslight me, I know I'm an independent thinker, stop trying to convince me I'm not!


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02 Jan 2018, 11:22 am

^^Point of that exercise was to demonstrate how annoying whining sounds. Also the fact that none of it is related whatsoever to the topic at hand, it's just a deflection tactic.


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02 Jan 2018, 11:32 am

Aristophanes wrote:
^^Point of that exercise was to demonstrate how annoying whining sounds. Also the fact that none of it is related whatsoever to the topic at hand, it's just a deflection tactic.

That's a very poor attempt at trying to disguise your BS trolling.


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02 Jan 2018, 11:43 am

EzraS wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
^^Point of that exercise was to demonstrate how annoying whining sounds. Also the fact that none of it is related whatsoever to the topic at hand, it's just a deflection tactic.

That's a very poor attempt at trying to disguise your BS trolling.

Nope, just trying to get you to answer the question from 2 pages back, I mean just think we could be on a different topic right now if you'd just answer. Are you using your purported non-bias as a rhetorical trick, or are you actually unaware of your own bias? It's very simple, it's not loaded, it's evidenced by anyone that wants to click your avatar and read back a mere 2-3 pages of comments. You're free to not answer, but I'm free to keep asking as well. And yeah, it's a question of credibility, which is not actually personal at all, it's a necessity for any speaker to be taken seriously in a public forum. If you want that credibility then answer the question and earn it.


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02 Jan 2018, 11:59 am

Aristophanes wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
^^Point of that exercise was to demonstrate how annoying whining sounds. Also the fact that none of it is related whatsoever to the topic at hand, it's just a deflection tactic.

That's a very poor attempt at trying to disguise your BS trolling.

Nope, just trying to get you to answer the question from 2 pages back, I mean just think we could be on a different topic right now if you'd just answer. Are you using your purported non-bias as a rhetorical trick, or are you actually unaware of your own bias? It's very simple, it's not loaded, it's evidenced by anyone that wants to click your avatar and read back a mere 2-3 pages of comments. You're free to not answer, but I'm free to keep asking as well. And yeah, it's a question of credibility, which is not actually personal at all, it's a necessity for any speaker to be taken seriously in a public forum. If you want that credibility then answer the question and earn it.

Uh huh, from a couple of pages back:

EzraS wrote:
However when it comes to being unbiased, I don't believe I have referred to myself as such. And if I did it was an incorrect choice of words. I am obviously biased regarding my views of liberalism.

Proof that your claims of what you're up to aren't legitimate and that you completely lack credibility. You are just maladroitly gaslighting, BS trolling and making a fool of yourself.


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02 Jan 2018, 1:37 pm


EzraS wrote:
Well that's one rose colored way of looking at it I suppose. Like I said, if he starts going after nonpartisan non-sensationalistic real news, then I'll become concerned.

Ethos appeal: Inferring your ideas come from nonpartisan sources, thus you have no bias.

EzraS wrote:
I'm not defending either party, I'm just saying it like it is.

Ethos appeal: direct claim of non-bias.
EzraS wrote:
I mean if there was any actual proof to back up the accusations I would acknowledge it. The way my mind works I wouldn't have any other choice. But likewise I can't accept accusations as fact without proper evidence.

Ethos appeal: claiming you only accept evidence, thus a claim of non-bias.

EzraS wrote:
No I would be dispassionate like I am about most events. Especially remote events that I have no control over and don't affect me directly.

Ethos appeal: claim of dispassionate logic, thus no bias.

EzraS wrote:
I would think more people with autism would be centrist, neutral, objectively detached. Rather than so emotionally caught up in one political party. That seems like such an NT thing to do.

Ethos appeal: again, inferring your own non-bias by applying bias to others: oddly enough using autism/NT as a dividing line to boot, under that logic every autistic is unbiased.

Ethos is the rhetorical concept of credibility, namely how does a rhetor (speaker, writer, anyone using rhetoric to persuade an audience) appeal to an audience through their ethical standards and trustworthiness, or authority on a subject. The list above is a list of ethos based appeals you've made towards your purported neutrality, some are sublte, some are overt. This list was a random sampling, namely I pulled your post history and typed in a random number in the address bar. Evidence was collected from 5 pages between page 64-210 of your posting history. That's 75 posts, of which 32 were political in nature, and of those 32 there are 5 examples of ethos appeals to your non-biased nature, or ~15.6%(~1/7) of all your political posts in this sample included an ethos appeal to your non-biased nature. Source pages have been linked for anyone to verify the quotes I've provided. Context was not taken into consideration because it's not a fluid argument, but raw data collection on the rate at which ethos appeals to non-bias were made.

It's there, and as I said all it takes is a little browsing work. So gaslighting, not even close, it's a 'misstatement' you seem to make quite often. I would have compiled a larger sampling but WP is exceptionally slow right now, and I don't like using a site that feels like I'm still on dial-up.

On a completely unrelated note: If you've never seen "Thank You for Smoking", I highly recommend it. It's an entertaining look at speaking, persuasion, and PR-- all closely related fields. Nick Nailor, the protagonist (or antagonist depending on viewpoint), mentions in a later part of the movie why ethos appeals are a dangerous sword to be wielding in an argument. Plus the vanilla vs chocolate argument he has with his child is classic.


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02 Jan 2018, 2:19 pm


Aristophanes wrote:
Nope, just trying to get you to answer the question from 2 pages back, I mean just think we could be on a different topic right now if you'd just answer. Are you using your purported non-bias as a rhetorical trick, or are you actually unaware of your own bias?

The question was answered:

EzraS wrote:
I am obviously biased regarding my views of liberalism.

Therefore this off-topic topic has already concluded. I hope you didn't put too much effort into all that verbose rambling above, because I didn't bother reading it, seeing as how the matter was already concluded.

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02 Jan 2018, 2:23 pm

OK, mod time - please get back to the topic at hand rather than analysing each other's failings as posters.


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02 Jan 2018, 2:47 pm

EzraS wrote:

Aristophanes wrote:
Nope, just trying to get you to answer the question from 2 pages back, I mean just think we could be on a different topic right now if you'd just answer. Are you using your purported non-bias as a rhetorical trick, or are you actually unaware of your own bias?

The question was answered:

EzraS wrote:
I am obviously biased regarding my views of liberalism.

Therefore this off-topic topic has already concluded. I hope you didn't put too much effort into all that verbose rambling above, because I didn't bother reading it, seeing as how the matter was already concluded.

Common mistake: thinking your opposition in a public debate is who's important. I'm not trying to convince or persuade YOU of anything, it's everyone BUT you who is my concern. Whether you read or don't is really no concern of mine, you're merely a sounding board for my ideas, and vice versa. The evidence has been presented and the audience will make up their mind.

edit: and yes, I'm done now, as per the mod's request, until the next time I see a claim of non-bias of course...


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02 Jan 2018, 3:00 pm

TheAllegedlyQuietOne wrote:
As far as "trickle down" economics, it has simply been sold on false pretense. The original formulation is "if you give people easier access to financial capital, they will employ it to buy machinery/ build factories that can produce more stuff" (as this would be the most long-term profitable use), this will lead to excess production and in-turn, lead to abundance [In other words, it's stuff, not money, that trickles down].

An easy way to increase financial capital is to give rich people more money (as they save more of their income and in theory have the free time necessary to wisely invest it).

What trickle down does not do is give poor people more money, either directly or indirectly, but it might reduce inflation, also often omitted is the original theory assumes a social safety net (or else the majority population won't be able to afford the extra stuff so the rich will stop investing in producing it).

In short, it's a solution to a lack of industrial capital caused by a lack of financial capital. But what about an excess of capital? The 1930's Great Depression can be considered the result of too much capital, and lax financial regulation - - in other words, rich people with too much money and a government that didn't care what they did with it, much of the money finding its way into asset speculation, questionable loans, and other "get rich quick" schemes.

Very interesting analysis. Economics certainly isn't my forte, but I am learning from this nonetheless.


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02 Jan 2018, 3:11 pm

^^Way to keep it classy.


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02 Jan 2018, 3:13 pm

Thanks :)


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02 Jan 2018, 3:17 pm

Professor is about the highest compliment I could think of receiving: it denotes sophistication, refined intelligence, and critical thinking. So thank you good sir!

edit: see, we CAN get along. lol.

Last edited by Aristophanes on 02 Jan 2018, 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.