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11 May 2017, 8:57 am

Trump sent his termination letter to the FBI headquarters, but Comey wasn't there. Comey found out while in a meeting with FBI personnel because CNN was playing in the room at the time. Comey had flown to the meeting on the Director's plane (which has communication technology), but since he was fired he could not fly back on it and he had to wait for a regular plane to be sent for him.


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11 May 2017, 9:03 am

This reminds me of Nixon's firing of Archibald Cox during Watergate.


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11 May 2017, 9:20 am

On AC360 last night, it was reported that Trump was enraged that Comey said in his testimony that he felt nauseous at the thought that his actions effected the election. Apparently Trump took this personally and was extremely angry.


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11 May 2017, 9:56 am

What's worrying about Trump, frankly, is that he seems to have created a personality cult.

Part of his charisma is borne of his ability to convey his "facts" in a crafty sort of way.


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11 May 2017, 10:05 am

How deranged are the people that oppose Trump? One week Comey is a whitewashing Russian agent, the next he's martyr. People who believe in the whole Russian narrative earn extra points for stupid.


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11 May 2017, 10:12 am

the_phoenix wrote:
Yep. It goes way deeper than what the "fake news mainstream media" reports.

Yes, I think so, too. Another element was brought into the saga, when I heard on the news this morning, that Jared Kushner was one of the people advising the president to fire Comey----I have NEVER, for a SECOND liked the president's kids being in the White House (in his administration)! !

I think it was in April that it was found that Jared had not mentioned that he had talked to somebody in the Russian banking system (I can't remember the date, they said he talked to him), and there were congresspeople asking Comey to take his security clearance away; then, he had some kind of business dealings with China----and, we all know, Ivanka did, as well----and, we all know that Jared had a hand in his campaign, and Comey was investigating the campaign.....

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11 May 2017, 10:13 am

Jacoby wrote:
How deranged are the people that oppose Trump? One week Comey is a whitewashing Russian agent, the next he's martyr. People who believe in the whole Russian narrative earn extra points for stupid.

You're wrong Jacoby. There is something going on. Too many flares for something not to be setting them off. I am puzzled by the blind faith of Trump supporters. I think they are drinking the Kool-aid, but why?


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11 May 2017, 10:18 am

EzraS wrote:
Wasn't he first given a letter of termination by the President? That's what they were showing during the newscast.

I know you were talking to ASPartOfMe, but I, too, wanted to respond.....

I heard both, as well----that he had been sent a hand-delivered letter, and that he saw it on TV----but, it's unclear to me which occurred, FIRST, though. It seems like he was delivered the letter, at the FBI headquarters; but, because he was in California, he didn't receive it, and then he heard it on the news, and called headquarters, and the letter was read aloud to him. TERRIBLY unclassy whichever way, it was----at least, they let him fly back home, on the bureau's jet (according to the news).

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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11 May 2017, 10:20 am

androbot01 wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
How deranged are the people that oppose Trump? One week Comey is a whitewashing Russian agent, the next he's martyr. People who believe in the whole Russian narrative earn extra points for stupid.

You're wrong Jacoby. There is something going on. Too many flares for something not to be setting them off. I am puzzled by the blind faith of Trump supporters. I think they are drinking the Kool-aid, but why?

This also strikes me as the biggest mystery here.

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11 May 2017, 11:57 am

androbot01 wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
How deranged are the people that oppose Trump? One week Comey is a whitewashing Russian agent, the next he's martyr. People who believe in the whole Russian narrative earn extra points for stupid.

You're wrong Jacoby. There is something going on. Too many flares for something not to be setting them off. I am puzzled by the blind faith of Trump supporters. I think they are drinking the Kool-aid, but why?

Well I think the problem is flairs have been seen daily everywhere even before Trump took office and certain people and media sources were going on and on about how fast he was going to get impeached and other hyperbole. It's always been constant hype drama over one thing and then the next and it never amounts to anything. It's like the boy who cried wolf.

Personally my feelings towards Trump are ambivalent at best, so there's no matter of faith in him on my part. I've just always thought the whole Russian collusion scandal is pure hogwash. So that's why I don't suspect ulterior motives. Maybe someday I'll be proven wrong about that, but I seriously doubt it.


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11 May 2017, 12:35 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
This reminds me of Nixon's firing of Archibald Cox during Watergate.

Some similarties mainly suspicion it was done to cover up wrong doing. but important differences. Trump has the authority to fire the F.B.I. Director, only the Justice Department had the ability to fire the Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox. Nixon ordered the Attorney General to fire Cox who refused and resigned, as did his assistant. The soliciter general carried out the request and Nixon abolished the office of Special Prosecutor. The F.B.I. sealed off the offices of the Attorney General, Assistant Attorney General and the Special Prosecutor.

Up until Comey was fired the Democrates disliked him also. This was not the case with Archibald Cox who was a close confidant of the Kennedy's. Very unlike now at the time of the Saturday Night Massacre the Democrats had solid control of both houses of Congress and thus actually had the ability to do more than complain.

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11 May 2017, 5:34 pm

I meant, really, in the possible reasoning behind the firing.


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11 May 2017, 5:35 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
What's worrying about Trump, frankly, is that he seems to have created a personality cult.

Part of his charisma is borne of his ability to convey his "facts" in a crafty sort of way.

You mean, like how Obama's followers referred to him as the Messiah?

And how he craftily portrayed Obamacare "facts" such as "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" ?


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11 May 2017, 5:39 pm

I feel that anybody who would call Obama "The Messiah" has a screw loose somewhere.

I think Obama would think so, too.

I know Obamacare sucks. My feelings about it are well-documented.

But what is it about Trump that makes people feel he's going to effect any sort of change in this country? He's just a guy that "goes with the flow."


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11 May 2017, 5:49 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
What's worrying about Trump, frankly, is that he seems to have created a personality cult.

LOL. You mean like this?

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11 May 2017, 6:01 pm

It's just that I've come across many Trump supporters who don't believe he can do any wrong. Like he is a source of salvation or something. Some people (not many) thought the same thing about Obama. Like I said, even Obama would probably think there's something wrong with them.

People who support Obama, the Bushes, Reagan, etc., usually are able to acknowledge the mistakes of these previous Presidents. They have a more objective, multifaceted view of them.