Newly Elected Republican Lied about his entire life

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01 Feb 2023, 12:42 pm

Obviously there's something pathological about this guy that makes him automatically lie just like breathing. Also, my guess is that he's terribly insecure about himself if he has a long history of fabricating his entire existence and over promising all kinds of stuff about the future to his gay boyfriends in order to string them along and keep them dating him. If he was confident in himself, his looks/body/personality etc, then he'd be enough to keep them interested w/o the pie in the sky promises of future benefits/wealth/green card etc - they would want to be with Him, not stick around because of some stories he's spun about who he is and what he can do for them. Kinda sad, really, but also funny.

If he were in the local gay community here he would most DEFINITELY be talked about behind his back, made fun of, discussed for being so insecure and an absolute fraud. Word would get around that he's a pathetic loser, but he'd still likely charm someone else who didn't know his reputation and the same story would play out for as long as he could keep finding a new target or until he got too old or out of shape/poor etc for younger guys to be interested in him. I'd Like to think word would spread and after maybe a few years he'd have such a bad rep he'd go into hiding or relocate, but it's possible he could just keep it up under different names etc forever in any major city and just be That Guy that never has a genuine connection with anyone, only bs to try to get laid for as long as he can before his target realizes the guy is a loser and leaves, rinse and repeat.

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01 Feb 2023, 12:44 pm

If I was “found out” like Santos was, I would have resigned. I wouldn’t want to face people.


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01 Feb 2023, 12:56 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
If I was “found out” like Santos was, I would have resigned. I wouldn’t want to face people.

I don't think he cares about facing the people at this point.. I think he'd Maybe be more worried about facing the DOJ and criminal investigations. Maybe the thinks he's somehow shielded from stuff like that by being in office like trump thinks announcing a presidential run means he has presidential immunity and can scream about presidential harassment as he's investigated/charged? :lol:

But really, I think it's probably simpler than that: "He who holds the gold makes the rules." It wasn't whatever-this-drag-queen's-real-name-is' $700K that paid for this campaign. They're broke. Whoever paid for this and WHY they paid for it is why he's refusing to leave office and will hang on to the bitter end.. someone paid for him to be there and do something for them - so he has to stay and try to get them what they paid 700 grand for. Otherwise, who knows, maybe santos' life is on the line even. People have been made to disappear for a lot less than 700K..

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01 Feb 2023, 9:21 pm

The FBI is investigating Santos' role in alleged GoFundMe scheme for a veteran's dying dog

The FBI is speaking with a Navy veteran who recently alleged that Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., essentially stole thousands of dollars from an online fundraising campaign intended to cover lifesaving surgery for his service dog.

Richard Osthoff told NBC News on Wednesday that he had been on the phone with the FBI and provided all requested records and information, including text messages dating back to his exchanges with Santos in 2016 about raising $3,000 for his dog Sapphire.

“I’m elated the big guys finally picked it up,” Osthoff said. “I turned over all my text messages and I’m in the process of turning over everything related to the GoFundMe campaign."

Politico first reported on the scope of the FBI's investigation. An FBI spokesman in New York declined comment, as did a spokesperson for the Eastern District of New York.

Osthoff's allegations drew national attention after first reported on his claims that the funds Santos helped raise on GoFundMe through a charity group linked to the lawmaker were never made available.

Osthoff later said in an NBC News interview that Santos helped him launch the fundraiser but began “coming up with all these excuses” about the money and ultimately refused to hand over the funds.

Osthoff said he believes the funds would have saved his dog’s life.

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02 Feb 2023, 12:36 am

All politicians embellish their resumes. Santos may have taken it to a new level.

How do you know when a politician is is lying? His lips are moving.

We must be ever vigilant to resist the machinations of those who rule over us, lest we fall into complacency and acceptance.


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03 Feb 2023, 10:11 pm

George Santos admits he 'lied to everyone' in leaked audio recorded this week by a prospective staffer

Rep. George Santos said "I've obviously f***ed up and lied to him, like I lied to everyone else," in audio leaked by a prospective staffer and obtained by Talking Points Memo.

It's not concerning to us, it's concerning to this institution," said Santos.

Myers told TPM the remark stunned him, given the accusations Santos faces about his own misconduct.

Santos swerves to another topic, remarking that CNN host Don Lemon had just texted him.

"Don Lemon just texted me — I'm sorry, I'm listening to you — Don Lemon just texted me!" Santos said on the recording.

Santos then discussed his own personal scandals, and praised his embattled chief of staff Charley Lovett, according to the recording.

"I've made bad judgment calls, and I'm reaping the consequences of those bad judgment calls," Santos said.

"I've obviously f****d up and lied to him, like I lied to everyone else," Santos later added, apparently referring to Lovett. "And he still forgave me and gave me a second shot, unlike some other people."

"I trust his judgment more than my own judgment," Santos added.

New add to George Santos’s résumé: producer on Spider-Man musical
Just as it seemed the well of bizarre stories about George Santos might have begun to run dry, it was reported on Friday that the New York Republican congressman told potential donors he was a producer on the notoriously ill-fated Spider-Man musical.

Bloomberg News said: “The lead producer, Michael Cohl, denied Santos’s involvement, saying through an assistant that [Santos] wasn’t a producer on the musical. Santos’s name also never appeared in the playbills for the show.

George Santos may owe thousands for traffic violations in two states
Add traffic and parking tickets to the growing list of legal and political woes facing embattled Rep. George Santos, a Republican from New York, who may owe more than $3,400 in unpaid citations, according to records from New York City and Florida.

A car registered to Santos was cited six times in 2016 and 2017 in Florida. Two tickets for running red lights were paid, but four toll violations racked up late fees and were ultimately sent to collections agencies according to Florida records. Santos, who represents New York's 3rd Congressional District, now owes $1,299.10 for those tolls.

In November 2016, Santos, who previously had a Florida drivers license, was issued a driver's license in New York. That month, a car with the same license plate began piling up citations in New York City — 29 in the next two and a half years, according to city government records, which do not identify the drivers of vehicles being ticketed.

The tickets ran the gamut, from expired meters and double parking to five more red light violations. More than $1,800 in payments were made for 17 citations, but another 12 remain unpaid, with $2,142.61 still due, according to city records.

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03 Feb 2023, 10:32 pm

I wonder how many super bowl rings he has ? :lol:

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04 Feb 2023, 6:19 pm


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04 Feb 2023, 6:45 pm

We live in the era where conmen can rise seamlessly through the ranks of the republican party.


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04 Feb 2023, 6:55 pm

cyberdad wrote:
We live in the era where conmen can rise seamlessly through the ranks of the republican party.

..that happened 8 years ago when trumplestiltskin got the nomination. There were probably others before him, though.. just not to such extremes.

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04 Feb 2023, 8:17 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
We live in the era where conmen can rise seamlessly through the ranks of the republican party.

..that happened 8 years ago when trumplestiltskin got the nomination. There were probably others before him, though.. just not to such extremes.

Richard Nxon and Ronnie Reagan paved the way for future conmen

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04 Feb 2023, 9:25 pm

Lovely video of the Topical Dude on OAN [One America Network - very "Right WIng" - said with apologies to any real, genuine conservatives out there.]
"I've said I was sorry many times. I've acted like I was sorry. And the most telling remark: I don't know what looking like I'm sorry means...."

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05 Feb 2023, 1:01 pm

George Santos Is Accused of Sexual Harassment in His Capitol Office

A prospective congressional aide has accused Representative George Santos of ethics violations and sexual harassment, according to a letter the man sent to the House Committee on Ethics and posted to Twitter on Friday.

The man, Derek Myers, briefly worked in Mr. Santos’s office before his job offer was rescinded earlier this week, according to the letter.

Mr. Myers said in the letter that he was alone with Mr. Santos in his office on Jan. 25 when the congressman asked him whether he had a profile on Grindr, a popular gay dating app. Then, he said, Mr. Santos invited him to karaoke and touched his groin, assuring him that his husband was out of town.

Mr. Myers’s account could not be corroborated, but a spokeswoman for Representative Susan Wild, ranking member of the House Ethics Committee, acknowledged that his letter had been received by her office.
Mr. Myers said in an interview that he also filed a report with the Capitol Police, speaking to an officer over the phone. On Twitter, he said that he was making his complaint public for the sake of transparency.

A day before making his complaint public, Mr. Myers received attention following the release of recordings he had secretly made of Mr. Santos and his chief of staff, Charley Lovett.

Mr. Myers was charged last year with wiretapping in Ohio, after a small newspaper he ran published audio of courtroom testimony that someone else recorded and sent to him. Journalism organizations rallied around him, calling for the charges to be dropped in the name of press freedom.

Mr. Santos told the news start-up Semafor on Thursday that his office had been in the process of hiring Mr. Myers, but had decided against it because of concerns over the wiretapping charges. Mr. Lovett confirmed the same to Talking Points Memo.

Mr. Myers claimed that the alleged harassment occurred five days before he secretly recorded Mr. Santos. In that conversation, audio of which was published by Talking Points Memo, Mr. Myers declared his fealty to Mr. Santos, telling him, “We’re all George, this is how we got here. We’re just masters of the game.”

At another point, Mr. Myers says on the recording, “I will never lie to you guys. I have no reason to. But I will lie for you.”

“You shouldn’t,” Mr. Santos replies.

In his letter to the Ethics Committee, Mr. Myers said that he was told he would work in Mr. Santos’s office as a volunteer before his employment paperwork was processed.

He said in the letter that he now believed that such an arrangement violated the House’s ethics rules, and he asked the committee to investigate Mr. Santos for his use of volunteer labor as well as for sexual harassment.

It is unclear how the Ethics Committee will proceed. Tom Rust, the committee’s chief counsel and staff director, declined to comment, and the spokeswoman for Ms. Wild said that the congresswoman would not “make comments regarding potential or pending matters before the committee.”

The Capitol Police did not respond to messages requesting confirmation that Mr. Myers had filed a report.

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06 Feb 2023, 2:47 am


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06 Feb 2023, 5:59 pm

Just another sociopath wanting to make a name for himself. :roll:

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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08 Feb 2023, 2:06 am


No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.