Mysterious jump in excess mortality among younger cohorts

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13 Feb 2022, 5:55 am

Some alternative medical history, cliff notes from a book called Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History.

It's interesting stuff.

What is occurring now in Canada and other places is almost identical to what happened with the smallpox vaccination campaigns over a century ago, and I believe it is critical we understand these lessons from the past and it is vital this message gets out to the Truckers. As you read through this, you will see many parallels to our current events.

Briefly, the original smallpox vaccine was an unusually harmful vaccination that was never tested before being adopted. It increased, rather than decreased smallpox outbreaks. As the danger and inefficacy became known, increasing public protest developed towards vaccination. Yet, as smallpox increased, governments around the world instead adopted more draconian mandatory vaccination policies. Eventually, one of the largest protests of the century occurred in 1885 in Leicester (an English city). Leicester‘s government was replaced, mandatory vaccination abolished, and public health measures rejected by the medical community were implemented. These measures were highly successful, and once adopted globally ended the smallpox epidemic, something most erroneously believe arose from vaccination.


On May 14, 1796, the physician Edward Jenner took disease matter from the hand of a milkmaid he believed had cowpox and inoculated an 8-year-old boy with it, then in July, inoculated the boy with smallpox, and after the child did not catch smallpox from the inoculation, declared that his vaccine would be 100% effective for life (later saying every 10 years and eventually it would last for a year). As no controlled experiments were done to study this practice, immunity was judged by the belief the presence of a vaccine scar would guarantee immunity, and even now, the CDC admits the level of antibody necessary to prevent smallpox infection is unknown. Additionally, studies of the vaccines with modern technology have found they contained a wide variety of viral species (widespread contamination and poor-quality control was also observed during the initial smallpox vaccination campaigns), and a debate as to the exact biological origination of the vaccine exists to this day.


Initially Jenner’s claims (first published in 1798) were met with much skepticism, as many physicians had observed patients develop cowpox and subsequently smallpox, and others questioned the basic validity of his studies (one who tested 3 children with his vaccine found all 3 subsequently developed smallpox after inoculation, with similar results obtained by other physicians). Nonetheless, the practice gradually caught on, became a larger share of physician income, became more and more popular within the medical field, and over the next hundred years, the number of dissenting physicians gradually diminished. However, what is relatively unknown now is that many did speak out, and published literature with data showing serious issues with the vaccine.

Some examples are as follows:
Dr. Woodville, in 1799, after having administered the vaccination to many children stated, “…in several instances, the cowpox has proved a very severe disease. In three or four cases out of 500, the patient has been in considerable danger, and one child actually died.”

In 1809, the medical observer reported on over a dozen cases of often fatal smallpox contracted after vaccination (frequently occurring a year after vaccination), while the 1810 medical observer contained 535 cases of smallpox after vaccination (97 that were fatal), and 150 cases of severe vaccine injuries.

An 1817 London Medical Repository Monthly Journal and Review likewise found that many people who received the smallpox vaccination were still experiencing smallpox.

In 1818, Thomas Brown, a surgeon of 30 years and ardent proponent of vaccination, after vaccinating 1200 people stated: “The accounts from all quarters of the world, wherever vaccination has been introduced… the cases of failures are now increased to an alarming proportion.”

In 1829, the Lancet describing a recent outbreak stated “It attacked many who had had small-pox before, and often severely; almost to death; and of those who had been vaccinated, it left some alone, but fell upon great numbers.”

In 1845 George Greogory M.D. reported: “In the 1844 smallpox epidemic, about one-third of the vaccinated contracted a mild form of smallpox, but roughly 8 percent of those vaccinated still died, and nearly two-thirds had severe disease”.

Because of the genuine concerns against the immunizations, widespread resistance existed in the public towards the immunization practices. As the press was less censored at this time, there were frequent reports of deaths from smallpox in properly vaccinated citizens, as well as deaths from other conditions after vaccination.

In 1829, William Cobbett, a farmer, journalist, and English pamphleteer, wrote, in addressing the failures of vaccination: “Why, that in hundreds of instances, persons cow-poxed by JENNER HIMSELF [William Cobbett’s capital emphasis], have taken the real small-pox afterwards, and have either died from the disorder, or narrowly escaped with their lives!”

A 1850 letter to the “Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle” claimed there were more admissions to the London Small-Pox Hospital in 1844 than during the smallpox epidemic of 1781 before vaccination began, and that one-third of the deaths from smallpox were in people who had previously been vaccinated.


As it became clear that the smallpox vaccine was unable able to prevent disease as initially promised, the medical profession moved the goal posts from lifelong “perfect” immunity to “milder disease” to justify vaccination, a tactic that has since repeated with other vaccination campaigns.

Mr. Henry May, writing to the Birmingham Medical Review, in January, 1874 reported that deaths as a result of vaccination were often not reported because of an allegiance to the practice. Often a vaccinated person was recorded as having died from another condition such as chicken pox or erroneously listed as unvaccinated.

This corruption of the vital statistics creates many challenges in assessing the efficacy of immunization, and is also why many authors have noted no metric can be used to assess COVID-19 immunizations except total number of deaths (independent of cause) as this cannot be fudged. Of note, a different significant overlap exists with the early Polio campaigns (also detailed within Dissolving Illusions), where “Polio” diagnostic criteria was repeatedly adjusted to meet the political need for Polio cases.
Governments responded to this skepticism by progressively using more and more force to mandate vaccination. Vaccination was made compulsory in England in 1853, with stricter laws passed in 1867. In the United States, Massachusetts created a set of comprehensive vaccination laws in 1855 (which created the Supreme Court case Jacobson v. Massachusetts a case that is frequently cited about state enforced vaccination). Lemuel Shattuck emphasized the need for vaccination and pushed for house-to-house vaccination to be enforced by the authority of the City of Boston in an 1856 report, also noting ““The City has already provided that no unvaccinated child shall be admitted into the public schools.”

A situation emerged I term the "Vaccine positive feedback cycle". Keep in mind that most systems in nature are instead negative feedback systems. In these, when something occurs, it self-corrects the system and turns it off rather than accelerating it, as occurs in a positive feedback system.

The cycle is as follows:
A concerning disease exists

Immunization is cited as a potential solution to the problem

An immunization campaign is conducted and makes the problem worse

As the problem is now worse, the need for immunizations to address it increases and another campaign is conducted

This makes the problem worse

This increases the need for more aggressive measures to increase immunization

This makes the problem worse and further perpetuates the cycle, before long leading to very questionable governmental policies designed to force unwilling parties to vaccinate.

The underlying drivers of this process seem to be an unquestionable faith in vaccination, a conviction dating back to the days of smallpox, that vaccinating an ever increasing proportion of the population through vaccination can end epidemics (now termed herd immunity), and the government having limited options to address the issue besides immunizations and governmental force.


**Effects of Mandatory Smallpox Vaccination**

In accordance the positive feedback cycle, these results were found everywhere. Within the United States, as smallpox worsened in Boston, in 1855, the government made enacted strict enforcement of vaccination. It was followed by the epidemics of 1859-1860, 1864-1865, 1867 (these were all similar in size to earlier epidemics), and then infamous 1872-1873 epidemic which dwarfed all previous epidemics (proving fatal to 1040 persons, at a rate of 280 deaths per 100,000 people).

By the end of 1868, more than 95 percent of the inhabitants of Chicago had been vaccinated. After the Great Fire of 1871 (it leveled the city), strict vaccine laws were passed, and vaccination was made a condition of receiving relief supplies. Chicago was then hit with a devastating smallpox epidemic in 1872 where over 2000 persons contracted small pox, with over 25% dying, and the fatality rate among children under 5 being the highest ever recorded.

A 1900 medical article discussed vaccination in 3 European nations. In England, of 9392 small-pox patients in London hospitals, 6854 had been vaccinated and 17.5% of the 9392 died. In Germany “official returns show that between 1870 and 1885 one million vaccinated persons died from small-pox.” In France, “every recruit that enters the French army is vaccinated. During the Franco-Prussian war there 23,469 cases of small-pox in that army.”

An 1888 article in the Encyclopedia Britannica describing Prussia’s strict vaccination practices throughout the population (including mandatory re-vaccination for school pupils), noted “Notwithstanding the fact that Prussia was the best revaccinated (boosted) country in Europe, its mortality from smallpox in the epidemic of 1871 was higher (59,839) than in any other northern state."


As widespread skepticism of the vaccination increased, enforcement increased, with no legal recourse available to opt out of the immunization regardless of the situation or physician recommendation. Reports are abound across the world of vaccination resistors being fined and jailed or forcefully vaccinated, with parents often opting to receive these punishment in order to spare their children from vaccination.


Tensions reached a boiling point and on March 23, 1885, a large protest estimated at 80,000 to 100,000 people erupted. It was composed of citizens of all professions from across England and receive support from citizens across Europe who could not attend it. The procession was two miles long, with displays showing the popular sentiments against vaccination present throughout the crowd. The demonstration was successful, and the local government acceded to and acknowledged their demands for liberty. Many of the description of this protest (and the jubilant mood there) are extremely similar to reports I have read of the Trucker's protest.


That year, following the protest, the government was replaced, mandates were terminated, and by 1887 vaccination coverage rates had dropped to 10%. To replace the vaccination model, the Leicester activists proposed a system of immediately quarantining smallpox patients, disinfection of their homes and quarantining of their contacts alongside improving public sanitation.

The medical community vehemently rejected this model, and zealously predicted Leicester’s “gigantic experiment” would soon result in a terrible “massacre,” especially in the unprotected children, who were viewed by government physicians as “bags of gunpowder” that could easily blow-up schools (along with much other hateful and hyperbolic rhetoric directed at them). This smallpox apocalypse would forever serve as a lesson against vaccine refusal the medical profession bet their stake upon.

As the predicted catastrophe failed to emerge and Leicester had dramatically lower rates of smallpox in subsequent epidemics than other fully vaccinated towns (ranging from 1/2 to 1/32). Various rationalizations were put forward to explain this, but as the decades went by, a gradual public acceptance of Leicester’s methods emerged, but even 30 years later, a New York Times article still predicted a disaster was right around the corner and it was imperative Leicester change their methods. Fortunately, the value of Leicester’s novel approach of quarantining and improvement public hygiene was recognized and gradually adopted around the world, leading to the eventual eradication of smallpox.

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21 Feb 2022, 5:04 am ... -data.html

The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects

But the C.D.C. has been routinely collecting information since the Covid vaccines were first rolled out last year, according to a federal official familiar with the effort. The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public, the official said, because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.

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21 Feb 2022, 12:03 pm

Mikah wrote:
The blip I am referring to is in the leaked DMED data. There were still 20 million (compared to 31m in 2021) cases in the U.S. in 2020, but there is barely any change in most of the medical conditions tracked or "covid symptoms" as you dismissed them in 2020. It's 2021, Year of the Vax, when you see the explosion in these diagnoses.

Show that list of symptoms to just about any Long Hauler, and they'll tell you they've had most of them since Spring 2020 (we didn't even have a Covid test yet, let alone a vaccine).

Besides, most doctors weren't "diagnosing" Long Covid in 2020, and many still aren't. It's much easier to just dismiss it as anxiety and hypochondria.

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21 Feb 2022, 2:12 pm

SabbraCadabra wrote:
Mikah wrote:
The blip I am referring to is in the leaked DMED data. There were still 20 million (compared to 31m in 2021) cases in the U.S. in 2020, but there is barely any change in most of the medical conditions tracked or "covid symptoms" as you dismissed them in 2020. It's 2021, Year of the Vax, when you see the explosion in these diagnoses.

Show that list of symptoms to just about any Long Hauler, and they'll tell you they've had most of them since Spring 2020 (we didn't even have a Covid test yet, let alone a vaccine).

Besides, most doctors weren't "diagnosing" Long Covid in 2020, and many still aren't. It's much easier to just dismiss it as anxiety and hypochondria.

An interesting theory. Let's see how it pans out.

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21 Feb 2022, 7:10 pm ... e-results/

Back to the blog from the OP. An interesting prediction lies within.

Heads I win, tails I don’t report the results

Scotland has just announced that they’re going to stop reporting the death rates of vaccinated versus unvaccinated COVID patients. Others have already covered this, so have a look at this:

Data about the vaccines is disappearing

Scotland will HIDE Vaccinated and Boosted Deaths

Public Health Scotland Discontinues Vaccine Efficacy Statistics: “COMPARISON OF CASE RATES IS INAPPROPRIATE”

And so here you see the problem we’re dealing with. Any conversation I have on the vaccines tends to go like this:

Normie: “The data shows the vaccines are very effective.”

Me: “Well actually, the data here shows that it’s not.”

Normie: “Then those numbers must be wrong and misleading.”

You’re not supposed to be able to win, the game is rigged against you. This is a global experiment, you’re supposed to participate and if turns out later on that it didn’t work, then we’re just supposed not to notice it.

Scotland was the country that published the most useful numbers: Age standardized death rates, for different levels of vaccination. They’re now going to stop reporting those numbers, because they have grown too ugly. England is likely to be next, because their numbers are also embarrassing.

The main reason the numbers are becoming so embarrassing is because of the reality that viruses evolve to adapt to their host’s immune response. Omicron BA.2 is spreading faster than BA.1 and BA.1.1, because it has more immune evasive characteristics.


The vaccines have so far failed to work and that’s why politicians are now so eager to return to normal, without reporting what’s going on in the hospitals anymore. They’re now under the impression that the vaccines can’t solve it and merely make it “manageable” and so they’re eager to get the population to go along with going back to normal. They’re also going to painstakingly insist that the problem is over, even when it proves to be far worse than last winter, as in Denmark right now.

However, unfortunately for everyone, this is just not where it stops. Vaccine efficacy doesn’t decline to zero, it declines below zero, as the virus gradually evolves to use your vaccine induced immune response to its own advantage. This eventually leads to the dreaded antibody dependent enhancement. The zero point is merely the point where governments stop reporting the data (because clearly there must be some issue with the data when it shows the vaccines don’t work, even if said issue wasn’t there before Omicron and even if we don’t have a clue what the issue might be!), it’s not the point where the numbers stop getting worse.

Our failed vaccine experiment that leads to antibody dependent enhancement is different from the failed Dengue vaccine experiment in the Philippines that killed children through antibody dependent enhancement, for a simple reason: Our vaccines have been distributed to so many people that they have created evolutionary relevant selective pressure for antibody dependent enhancement.


Antibody dependent enhancement may be playing a role in a strange phenomenon we observe: People get Omicron, they get sick and then they take an unusually long time to die from it. If infection triggers the rise in antibodies that merely make the infection worse, it would explain the delay in death.

And so this is how the vaccination experiment resolves. It’s not so much that the vaccines fail to protect people. That would be bad enough on its own, considering the numerous deadly side-effects they are clearly having. Rather, by inducing homogeneous narrow Spike directed non-sterilizing immunity, they expand the evolutionary landscape of novel variants that can emerge and create a population that turns into sitting ducks for variants that are evolving, that use this artificially induced immunity to their own advantage.

Because of the mass vaccination campaign, we become more susceptible to infection, more susceptible to rapid reinfection and in the long run, the vaccines also cause the individual infections themselves to become more severe.

You should expect to see the first signs of this process begin to emerge and lead to disturbingly high levels of hospitalizations in Israel and Denmark in the weeks ahead. Denmark will be first and then followed by Israel, as Israel has again decided to kick the can down the hall by giving people a fourth injection with the exact same vaccine, based on an extinct old variant.

^The prediction.

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07 Apr 2022, 2:01 pm

Ukraine distraction aside, the vaccine disaster continues to unfold, not that you'd ever hear about it in the mainstream media. ... lly-hiding

The British are now officially hiding Covid vaccine data

Until last week, the British government offered the best source of raw data on the efficacy of the Covid vaccines. Each Thursday, the UK Health Security Agency reported the number of new infections, hospitalizations, and deaths by vaccine status.

Since last fall, and especially since the Omicron variant hit, the reports have presented an increasingly dismal picture of vaccine efficacy. Last week’s report showed that in March, nearly 90 percent of adults hospitalized for Covid were vaccinated. And OVER 90 percent of deaths were in the vaccinated:


The importance of these reports is hard to overstate.

They were the single best source of raw data about how well the Covid vaccines were or were not working anywhere in the world. It was a long-running sequential series with clearly defined rules from a large country with high vaccine coverage.

Plus, because the British have national health insurance, the government could determine with near-certainty who had been vaccinated. As you can see, fewer than 1 percent of the people in the reports are called “unlinked” - meaning their vaccine status was undetermined.


The British government is offering the nonsensical excuse that it can no longer provide the figures because it has ended free universal testing for Covid: Such changes in testing policies affect the ability to robustly monitor COVID-19 cases by vaccination status, therefore, from the week 14 report onwards this section of the report will no longer be published.

The British government is lying.

Even if the end of free testing somehow affected its ability to provide “robust” data about infections, it would make no difference to the hospitalization or death figures, which are far more important. Unless Covid patients are going to be hospitalized anonymously, the Health Security Agency will still be able to match their names (and the names on death certificates) against vaccination records.

In fact the British government would be derelict not to continue to collect the data, and it surely will. But the public will no longer see it.


One reason and one reason only. Ever since I mentioned the existence of these reports to Joe Rogan in October, they have become an embarrassment. They are impossible to spin, and the clearest possible signal of vaccine failure.

But hiding the numbers won’t make the vaccines work better. It will just make people less likely to believe anything else public health authorities tell them about Covid and the vaccines - if that’s even possible at this point.

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07 Apr 2022, 5:17 pm

It's rare to see data being posted that already contains the information debunking the point the poster is trying to make. You're committing the base-rate fallacy. Of course most people dying are vaccinated - most people are vaccianted! A better question would be whether a vaccinated person is more or less likely to die from COVID.

Let's look at the over 80s first. There are approximately 2.855m over 80s in England. Problem - 2.9m have received their first dose. That can be explained by uncertainty in population estimates, as well as people counted for outside England being vaccinated in England, but unless those numbers are very large, it suggests that basically all over 80s have been vaccinated. And somehow 1 in 14 over 80s dying with COVID are unvaccinated?

In order for vaccines to be having no effect at all in over 80s, we'd need 1 in 14 over 80s to be unvaccinated. That would mean that of those 2.9m first doses in the over 80s, 300,000 would have to be given to people who don't live in England. That's not plausible.

OK, what about 70-79? Well, 4.8m of them have had one dose. That compares, once again, to a population of 4.8m. I don't think there's any value in me trying to be more precise because the population figures are estimates. Hmm. I have been using the ONS estimates of population size, but we could try using NHS registrations (which will include people who don't live in England but maintain a registration with an English GP). Those numbers suggest that there are 5.0m people aged 70-79 registered with a GP in England. 96% are at least partially vaccinated. However, 11% of those dying with COVID in this age group are unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are almost three times more likely to die.

"Well," I hear you cry, "those are the old people. What about young people?" Sure. Let's jump to 30-39, the youngest age group with more than 6 deaths. There are currently 9.16m people registered with an English GP in that age group. 6.62m of them have had at least one dose. 72% are vaccinated. Among those who died of COVID, only 60% are vaccinated.

The data are very clear - being vaccinated reduces your risk of dying from COVID. I am forced to conclude that ALex Berenson is either stupid or deliberately misleading his readers.


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10 Apr 2022, 1:29 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
Let's look at the over 80s first. There are approximately 2.855m over 80s in England. Problem - 2.9m have received their first dose. That can be explained by uncertainty in population estimates, as well as people counted for outside England being vaccinated in England, but unless those numbers are very large, it suggests that basically all over 80s have been vaccinated. And somehow 1 in 14 over 80s dying with COVID are unvaccinated?

Indeed. Either the %vaccinated estimates (constructed, I believe, from the same NIMS database) are wrong or the raw data (which show a fairly consistent minority remain unvaccinated in the death/infected groups) is wrong or both.

I'd say well spotted, but having acknowledged this suspect data, you then use it to "prove" the effectiveness of the vaccines.

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11 Apr 2022, 12:54 am

Mikah wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
Let's look at the over 80s first. There are approximately 2.855m over 80s in England. Problem - 2.9m have received their first dose. That can be explained by uncertainty in population estimates, as well as people counted for outside England being vaccinated in England, but unless those numbers are very large, it suggests that basically all over 80s have been vaccinated. And somehow 1 in 14 over 80s dying with COVID are unvaccinated?

Indeed. Either the %vaccinated estimates (constructed, I believe, from the same NIMS database) are wrong or the raw data (which show a fairly consistent minority remain unvaccinated in the death/infected groups) is wrong or both.

I'd say well spotted, but having acknowledged this suspect data, you then use it to "prove" the effectiveness of the vaccines.

The ONS population estimates and the NHS records of the number of people vaccinated are measuring different things.

If we look at the NHS's patient registration data, there are 2.36m 80-89 year olds and 520k 90+ year olds for a total of 2.88m over 80s. That easily adds up when you account for people registered elsewhere getting vaccinated here, people without a GP, and people who have died or emigrated since the vaccine rollout began. Obviously estimating the unvaccinated population is very difficult, but it clearly isn't going to be high enough to support your case.


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18 Apr 2022, 5:50 am ... _microRNAs

The mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were brought to market in response to the widely perceived public health crises of Covid-19. The utilization of mRNA vaccines in the context of infectious disease had no precedent, but desperate times seemed to call for desperate measures. The mRNA vaccines utilize genetically modified mRNA encoding spike proteins. These alterations hide the mRNA from cellular defenses, promote a longer biological half-life for the proteins, and provoke higher overall spike protein production. However, both experimental and observational evidence reveals a very different immune response to the vaccines compared to the response to infection with SARS-CoV-2. As we will show, the genetic modifications introduced by the vaccine are likely the source of these differential responses. In this paper, we present the evidence that vaccination, unlike natural infection, induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. We explain the mechanism by which immune cells release into the circulation large quantities of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites. We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances are shown to have a potentially direct causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, increased tumorigenesis, and DNA damage. We show evidence from adverse event reports in the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines excludes them as positive contributors to public health, even in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This science is beyond me - but it looks like it could be bad news.

As I said a few months ago, if you've recovered from cancer in the past and had the vaccine, it's time to get a check up just in case. This paper aside, there are too many anecdotal reports to remain unconcerned at this point.

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19 Apr 2022, 5:14 pm

We're not quite at "you didn't have to take the vaccine" but this video from Australia of all places comes close: ... 8744819716

[In response to a report of someone dying as a result of vaccination]

"We are all responsible for our own health."
"Everyone had the opportunity to consult with a GP and acquire 'informed consent'"
"Informed consent process provides the decision to the individual, that's the sort of country we live in"
"People make their own decisions about their own health and their own bodies"

This is Australia remember, which had one of the most aggressively repulsive "get vaccinated or else" campaigns in the world.

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22 Apr 2022, 6:51 pm

Mikah wrote:

The mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were brought to market in response to the widely perceived public health crises of Covid-19. The utilization of mRNA vaccines in the context of infectious disease had no precedent, but desperate times seemed to call for desperate measures. The mRNA vaccines utilize genetically modified mRNA encoding spike proteins. These alterations hide the mRNA from cellular defenses, promote a longer biological half-life for the proteins, and provoke higher overall spike protein production. However, both experimental and observational evidence reveals a very different immune response to the vaccines compared to the response to infection with SARS-CoV-2. As we will show, the genetic modifications introduced by the vaccine are likely the source of these differential responses. In this paper, we present the evidence that vaccination, unlike natural infection, induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. We explain the mechanism by which immune cells release into the circulation large quantities of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites. We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances are shown to have a potentially direct causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, increased tumorigenesis, and DNA damage. We show evidence from adverse event reports in the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines excludes them as positive contributors to public health, even in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This science is beyond me - but it looks like it could be bad news.

As I said a few months ago, if you've recovered from cancer in the past and had the vaccine, it's time to get a check up just in case. This paper aside, there are too many anecdotal reports to remain unconcerned at this point.

This doesn't look like bad news. This is Stephanie Seneff, a computer scientist who is renowned for publishing utter rubbish on a range of biological topics. She is best known for claiming that by 2025, half of all babies would be autistic.

One does not need to be familiar with the biological mechanisms in order to see through this:

Furthermore, it has become clear that the vaccines do not prevent spread of the disease, but
can only be claimed to reduce symptom severity [10]. A study comparing vaccination rates with COVID-19
infection rates across 68 countries and 294 counties in the United States in early September, 2021, found no
correlation between the two, suggesting that these vaccines do not protect from spread of the disease [11].
Regarding symptom severity, even this aspect is beginning to be in doubt, as demonstrated by an outbreak
in an Israeli hospital that led to the death of five fully vaccinated hospital patients [12]. Similarly, Brosh-Nissimov (2021) reported that 34/152 (22%) of fully vaccinated patients among 17 Israeli hospitals
died of COVID-19 [13]

Chasing up the references often finds that Seneff et al. have over-egged the pudding. For example, their citation for omicron having changes to the spike protein is a paper which doesn't mention omicron at all. And this isn't limited to their citation habits. Indeed, the worst bits are where they try to write something original. They often use words like "inevitably" within claims that they have no data to support.

Bluntly, if the claims these people were making were true, actual scientists would have noticed, and so would everyone else. But they don't present any data to support their claims, they never manage to substantiate anything beyond "someone got sick" but expect us to believe that this presents a threat to, in their words, "billions of lives". Nope. Not how this works. Probably why this paper, which again, doesn't have any original research, apparently still hasn't been accepted by a journal after three months, despite Seneff's usual tactics of submitting to low-quality journals.


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25 Apr 2022, 3:47 pm

^ Let's hope you are right. Cancervaxx is possibly one of the worst scenarios.

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31 May 2022, 2:11 pm ... ap-what-it

Australia releases some data that might raise a few eyebrows.



What if we break it down by sex and age?

In the over 75s, the pattern is quite consistent, regardless of sex. There was modest excess death during 2020, the year of the plague, followed by significant excess starting exactly on 11th April 2021, just under two months after the mass COVID vaccinations began.

In the 65 to 74 year olds, the men have been dying at a steady excess pace since the start of 2020 with no obvious inflection like the older age groups. The women, on the other hand, were dying at a slightly slower pace but caught up after an inflection on 25th April 2021, two weeks after the older age groups.

Things to start to get interesting in the 45 to 64 year olds. The men have been dying less than expected since the start of 2020 but stop their decline when vaccination starts and rally in early September 2021.

Conversely, the women seemed to have a little spike Feb to May 2020 when COVID was pandemic before also declining in the run up to mass vaccination. But the biggest anomaly is that their death rally starts on 18th April, 1 week after the oldest groups but 1 week before the 65 to 74s and a massive 5 months before the men.


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26 Jun 2022, 9:27 am

An odd decrease in births in the first quarter of 2022 in Germany.


Similar drops observed in the UK, North Dakota, Switzerland and double that in Taiwan. The "it's a sterilization shot" crowd are a tad excited by the news.

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27 Jun 2022, 5:14 am

^ For those who enjoy the maths and the hyperbolic terminology, that drop is 9 Standard Deviations, or a 9 sigma "event". Births are delayed 9 months so something astonishing must have happened in the months April-June 2021. By complete coincidence, I'm sure, that is when the jab started getting rolled out properly to the population of child bearing age. But still only rolled out to a minority of that group - the data for the rest of the year may be even worse.

Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!