Father: Teen Jailed For Facebook Comment Beat Up Behind Bars

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03 Jul 2013, 9:03 am

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The family of Justin Carter, the 19-year old Texas gamer who made offensive Facebook comments is working with new urgency to get his $500,000 bail reduced because they say he's getting beat up while behind bars.

"Without getting into the really nasty details, he's had concussions, black eyes, moved four times from base for his own protection," says Carter's father, Jack. "He's been put in solitary confinement, nude, for days on end because he's depressed. All of this is extremely traumatic to this kid. This is a horrible experience."

Carter has been in jail since a February arrest. After Justin finished playing the online game League of Legends, where the community trash-talking can get quite toxic, court documents show he posted the following messages on a Facebook page:

"I think Ima shoot up a kindergarten / And watch the blood of the innocent rain down/ And eat the beating heart of one of them."

Carter's father says his son was responding to an insult by being sarcastic, and followed the message with "JK" for just kidding, but that's disputed by police.

In April, a grand jury in Comal County, Texas, indicted Carter on a charge of making a terroristic threat, and a judge set bail at $500,000. The high bail has kept Carter imprisoned while his case moves through the court process.

"I have been practicing law for 10 years, I've represented murderers, terrorists, rapists. Anything you can think of. I have never seen a bond at $500,000," says Carter's attorney, Don Flanary.

The charge is a third-degree felony, which in Texas, carries up to 10 years in prison. The Comal County District Attorney's office hasn't responded to our calls, but police in New Braunfels, Texas, who have investigated the case, say in a time of heightened sensitivity to school shootings, their interest is in preventing violence when they can.

"The whole situation is kind of unfortunate," said New Braunfels Police Lt. John Wells. "We definitely understand the situation that Mr. Carter is in, however he made the comments, and it is an offense. We have to ... protect the general public and specifically, in this case, with it involving schoolchildren, we have to act. We take those very seriously."

Carter's father says his son's past five months of "suffering quite a bit of abuse" behind bars don't fit the crime. "He says he's really sorry. He just got caught up in the moment of the game and didn't think about the implications," Jack Carter says.

An online petition for Justin Carter's release has gotten nearly 40,000 signatures, and attorney Flanary got a new hearing set for July 16 to bring up issues of his abuse and to try to get bond lowered so Carter can go home to await trial.

If convicted, Carter could face up to 10 years in prison.

Totally crazy. :?

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03 Jul 2013, 9:53 am

This is truly infuriating.

This is what happens when people in the American legal system get drunk on power. They know most Americans are getting outraged over their actions, yet they are continuing to torture this young man just because they can.

It also is worth noting that this is in Texas, which just had its 500th execution (and where it has been proven that a few of those people who were executed were innocent of the crimes they were convicted of). They'd put a needle in this kid's arm if they could, because they've really developed a taste for that kind of thing.

It seems to me like the prosecutors and the judge are thirsty for blood. And it does not matter who they destroy, as long as they are amused at the end of the day.

EDIT - I'm adding more to this post, seeing as I feel the need to further elaborate why this situation is so utterly disturbing to me.

When I was a young man, anybody could do whatever they wanted to me, and there was nothing I could do to defend myself. I faced physical, emotional, sexual and psychological abuse at the hands of my family, at the hands of the mental health system, at the hands of my peers, and at the hands of many school staff. Every word that came out of my mouth, they found some way to use it against me. I was having meltdowns on a regular basis where I would start to shout and I would start to cry. I was never violent, but they loved to treat me like I was a violent criminal. I spent a all of my middle school years in a school program for students who were in-and-out of the legal system, where I was brutally beaten on a daily basis while the staff stood by and let it happen.

The kid in this story has it worse than I did. All he did was crack a tasteless joke. But I strongly suspect that the prosecutors and the judge in this case have exactly the same mentality as the people who got pleasure out of abusing me when I was younger. They see an easy target, and they beat the hell out of him. Such predatory mentalities like that disturb me to no end.


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03 Jul 2013, 11:32 am

In jail since February with bail set at 500k for saying this \/ on line, followed by JK?

"I think Ima shoot up a kindergarten / And watch the blood of the innocent rain down/ And eat the beating heart of one of them."

What's the world coming to? :?

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03 Jul 2013, 12:22 pm

Just to put this story into perspective, I have to wonder how many of the countless Zimmerman critics, many of whom have threatened all manner of murder and mayhem against completely innocent people, have been arrested and charged with anything. And, as far as I know, none of them have said "jk" either.


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03 Jul 2013, 1:12 pm

Thelibrarian wrote:
Just to put this story into perspective, I have to wonder how many of the countless Zimmerman critics, many of whom have threatened all manner of murder and mayhem against completely innocent people, have been arrested and charged with anything. And, as far as I know, none of them have said "jk" either.

I've found that the ones that want to send Zimmerman up the river without trial are the race/victim fanatics and those that insist that armed self defense under ANY circumstances is murder.

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03 Jul 2013, 1:44 pm

Raptor wrote:
Thelibrarian wrote:
Just to put this story into perspective, I have to wonder how many of the countless Zimmerman critics, many of whom have threatened all manner of murder and mayhem against completely innocent people, have been arrested and charged with anything. And, as far as I know, none of them have said "jk" either.

I've found that the ones that want to send Zimmerman up the river without trial are the race/victim fanatics and those that insist that armed self defense under ANY circumstances is murder.

Yes, good point. Then, for liberalism love is hate, freedom is slavery, and ignorance knowledge. Orwell had 'em pegged.


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03 Jul 2013, 6:09 pm

and people said thought crime would never be real


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03 Jul 2013, 8:30 pm

Most people who go shooting up schools and blowing up places don't make their plans so obvious, especially on a social network.

Our so-called "hyper sensitivity" to school shootings in their aftermath, has brought about nothing but stupidity...pure stupidity. You would need to give me hard core evidence that all of this paranoia is actually effective in preventing what it's trying to prevent.


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03 Jul 2013, 8:37 pm

It's that zero-tolerance knee-jerk mentality at work.

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03 Jul 2013, 9:12 pm

Raptor wrote:
In jail since February with bail set at 500k for saying this \/ on line, followed by JK?
"I think Ima shoot up a kindergarten / And watch the blood of the innocent rain down/ And eat the beating heart of one of them."
What's the world coming to? :?

I know ... bail should have been at least a million.

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04 Jul 2013, 10:13 am

I've made some stupid/violent comments as a teenager when I got pissed off.... I would never actually harm anyone. And if I did have intentions of hurting someone, I sure as hell wouldn't have put it on Facebook. They can't actually think this kid was serious?!

This is one of the many ways where the U.S. fails.

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04 Jul 2013, 10:22 am

nuttyengineer wrote:
I've made some stupid/violent comments as a teenager when I got pissed off.... I would never actually harm anyone. And if I did have intentions of hurting someone, I sure as hell wouldn't have put it on Facebook. They can't actually think this kid was serious?!

This is one of the many ways where the U.S. fails.

I think one of the things most sinister about modern society is its complete humorlessness. Several years ago I was buying groceries and casually bantering and joking around with the cashier; we were both smiling. When it came time to pay, I broke out a hundred, and she began doing her thing with the pen to ensure it was real. I said jokingly that the bill was fine; I printed it up that morning. Well, that wiped the smile off her face. She told me in a very cold tone of voice not to say anything like that to her again or she would have to call her manager over.

If things get any worse, it won't be safe to go out into public without one's attorney being present.


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04 Jul 2013, 10:45 am

So a kid jokingly says something in bad taste and he is a terrorist but real acts of terrorism is marked as a scary day.


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05 Jul 2013, 12:48 am

Carter used a well-known rhetorical device. In Canada we have a frequent example of Stephen Harper supporters telling his opponents that Harper drowns kittens... a way to take the insinuations by his opponents that he is evil and blow it into absurdity with a description of his alleged over the top villainy. That US authorities are pretending to be unaware of this rhetorical device is yet another example of playing dumb deliberately to exercise their lustful desires to dominate, torture and terrorise. Carter never threatened anyone... any person in authority believing otherwise ought to have that authority stripped from them at once.

It is a shame that people are letting this happen...

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10 Jul 2013, 2:25 am

In my experience people that use JK are usually fishing and are people to be wary of. This wasn't a modest proposal.

And most criminals aren't that bright and do go around saying dumb stuff.

Terrorist organizations are constantly threatening, that's in part why they're called terrorist due to the psychologically demoralizing persistent threat of violence, right?

With most of the school shooters there are accounts that they made "jokes" or openly talked about violence. I find it really sad that there were often blatant cries for help that were seemly ignored by everyone around them that was in a position to help.

In this case, the handling seems quite bone headed, but - Texas. The kid (oh, wait 19!, I find that much more troubling) should have probably gotten counseling and community service, maybe serve food at an abused women and children's shelter. But, if you're 19, making jokes like that and don't get that facebook/internet is public? :roll: Now I wonder if it's a mental health issue, still shouldn't be in jail.

Regardless, he's likely more of a threat now, just like most people that enter the prison system, which isn't about rehabilitation, but about teaching better criminals.

Seriously, try it on yourself. Surround yourself with people you admire, respect, and are doing what you would like to be doing in the future for a year, then try surrounding yourself with criminals for a year. Positive role models + social support are the only things that can help those that can be helped.


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12 Jul 2013, 3:34 am

He is out of jail now... an anonymous person ponied up the $500,000 in bail money that the ex-cop judge had set...

Carter is completely not guilty of anything wrong. I think it's a shame that Josh Pillault was not able to get the kind of support Carter got.