Multiple Stabbings - White supremacist rally attacked

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27 Jun 2016, 1:39 am

Confrontation on California State Capital grounds - multiple stabbings

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27 Jun 2016, 6:10 am

California needs stronger knife-control laws.

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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27 Jun 2016, 12:13 pm

Didn't this happen at a Trump rally too? One band of protesters started attacking the others so the others stabbed the sh** out of them?

I don't understand protesting in general. Like, about anything. I think it must be an old hippy and new Millennials thing. The rest of us would rather fight problems at home, in front of our computers, peacefully. Last I heard there weren't any bagel bites being served at protests, and bathrooms are scarce.


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27 Jun 2016, 12:35 pm

Damn Nazis. They don't think they're being Nazis, but they are.

I heard a young, fervent lady on the news last night saying: "When the Nazis come to our town we will meet them in force."

Now those 1 1/2" X 1 1/2" sticks, they're shown using as clubs, may not kill you but they're just as damaging as police truncheons, maybe more.

What she doesn't say is the people she hates so much are American citizens who have the right, as American citizens, with their permit, to speak. How would this confused women react if a group of Nazis broke into her peaceful legal meeting and began attacking her???? SHE (in her actions) is the real Nazi.

Some people these days are like injured, frightened dogs, biting out at anything, not knowing where their true pain comes from.


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28 Jun 2016, 9:00 am


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28 Jun 2016, 9:55 am

thoughtbeast wrote:
"snip out video link"

Not sure what your point is . It seems you are saying it is okay to do these long as EVERYONE present hates that group

So, humor is supposed to justify things like "I hate Illinois Nazi" and breaking up, by violent action, a peaceful assembly?
Seriously? <_< If that is so I will object with following:
So if it was BLM on that bridge it is okay if I plow through them? Anti abortionists? Women's "rights". It would be funny as long as they were the hated group of the era?

So I guess you approve that when War activist in WA threw bricks and broke my window , my 'accidental' reaction of fear and startlement having me drive on a I5 overpass bridge sidewalk and they happen to disperse falling into the street in traffic (how much better if over the rail onto the I5?). Hey PTSD and prior service myself. *shurg* right.
And it was okay they were dropping these bricks on minivans full of kids just because of abase sticker?
That a SEATAC teacher toler elementary school kids their military parent DESERVED to die for being in a unjust war.

I won't say more than that is a VILE and UNAmerican way to think. Hate speech is hate speech no matter who it is you hate.

I hate? Today's brand of Anti-Protest protestors. Their foamy mouthed zealotry of hating the 'hateable" makes the violence levels in america spike with no good reason.

The best way to disapprove of some legal march on issue you don't like is make sure it is to an empty audience and let the police handle if they are obstructing anyone. No media coverage.

If tree fall in the forest? If a Nazi march is so uninteresting the media is silent except local paper page 6 across from obituaries. In America, if it isn't breaking the law it is supposed to be none of our business. We lose that right and no underdog/unpopular class will ever be safe.

That is not what I said my pledge for when I reupped in National Guard. I don't remember my supreme chief above Commander in Chief being "the Constitution, except the parts I don't like."

For the record, none of my direct bloodline were ever Nazi, Fascists, Slave Owners, KKK or involved especially cruel wartimes events like genocide and mutilations (granted I do not know what my cherokee ancestors were up to pre 1750 nor my Eu ancestors before 1040. I guess the one that was a Dutch Teutonic Knight might of done some shiz to Slavs)

FFFFF Captchas.


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28 Jun 2016, 11:01 am

That is not what I said my pledge for when I reupped in National Guard. I don't remember my supreme chief above Commander in Chief being "the Constitution, except the parts I don't like."

Your responsibilities in the National Guard have nothing to do with private activity. The government cannot take sides. Individuals are not bound by the Constitution at all, only the government and its agents are and only while they are acting as agents of the government. For instance, I participated as a member of an audience at a university where venomous racist Meir Kahane (founder of the terrorist Jewish Defense League) was given an hour-and-a-half to speak. Along with the vast majority of the others in the audience, who were a coalition of Jews, Muslims and a variety of political organizations, Kahane was shouted down. Not one word did he say that could be heard during the entire hour-and-a-half. Now, if we had been a group of policemen doing the same thing, Kahane's rights would surely have been violated and he would have been entitled to sue the government for damages. But we were all private individuals. The right to free speech does not guarantee the right to a respectful audience. In fact, the First Amendment doesn't guarantee anything against private individuals. Indeed, our right to shout him down had the same legal protection that he had in giving his talk. This doesn't apply only to nazis, it applies across the board. It applied to Spiro Agnew, too.

So yeah, as long as you're acting as a private individual and not in your National Guard capacity, you too can be loud and rowdy against whoever is speaking in a public place, and the government may not take sides as to whose speech is more protected than the other, yours or theirs.


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28 Jun 2016, 11:58 am

f**k the Nazi pigs. Beatings are too good for them.


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28 Jun 2016, 2:26 pm

Free speech is free speech.

It's why you can have black supremacists doing their rallies just as white and yellow ones; communist, alienist, gay/lesbian, and what have you.

If someone decides to attack it, then they're in the wrong, no matter how justified they feel.

(Free speech is far more important than some bigots holding rallies.)


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28 Jun 2016, 3:15 pm

It's never wrong to attack a Nazi.


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28 Jun 2016, 3:18 pm

AspE wrote:
It's never wrong to attack a Nazi.

It's never wrong to attack a homosexual
it's never wrong to attack a communist
it's never wrong to attack a white person
it's never wrong to attack a woman
et cetera


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28 Jun 2016, 3:53 pm

AspE wrote:
It's never wrong to attack a Nazi.

I'm actually with Dillogic here. Nazis are a complete waste of human life. But freedom of speech means we have to tolerate the speech of the most hateful people. Using violence against any group cedes the moral high ground.


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28 Jun 2016, 3:56 pm

thoughtbeast wrote:

You pick up the wrong part of my narrative example :| Defending CONSTITUTION was my point.

And shouting down someone is NOT the same as raining rocks on minivans, stabbing, shoving, pushing, vandalizing, ASSAULTING. No amount of matching sized wall text can make that a right. And being selective on who is attack-able is a terrible precedent to allow/
I think thugs that three first punch should have longest sentence possible for acts of violence and their groups prohibited from ability to assemble at that location for a loooong time if not permanent. see which groups survive that.

FFFFF Captchas.


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28 Jun 2016, 4:00 pm

People often don't realize how important free speech is.

There's always someone or some group that holds beliefs and/or opinions that we don't like. It might be homosexuals for Muslims/Christians, it might be communists/Nazis for either of those, it might be anything for anyone.

The point of free speech is that everyone gets a voice without fear of being silenced through violence or other similar means, because everyone will dislike something.

So yes, if you physically attack someone for an opinion you don't like, you're the bad person.


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28 Jun 2016, 4:42 pm

Let's keep the Nazi killing in the video games.


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28 Jun 2016, 4:59 pm

AspE wrote:
It's never wrong to attack a Nazi.

Isn't that a wee bit harsh, mr. Robespierre? I'd reckon that Miss Beatrice Hall and the Reverend Niemöller would both be alarmed by such a vigorous stance...

After all...

William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!

Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?

William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!

Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!