Five First Ladies Speak Out Against the Cruelty to Children

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19 Jun 2018, 2:36 am ... -at-border

No word though from Ivana Trump, who previously promoted herself as a caring spokesperson for families as part of her "official" role.

No word from a lot of Republican politicans who championed family values either, though some have spoken out.

It is of little comfort that the polls show most USA adults oppose the treatment of children as political footballs, though disagreeing while tolerating the outrageous treatment of children as hostages is somewhat contradictory.


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20 Jun 2018, 9:30 pm

considering today's events, it appears their words had some major juice.


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20 Jun 2018, 11:49 pm

The NZ Government lodged an official complaint earlier this week too, both to the (unqualified) USA ambassador here and also to the USA state department. These actions were confirmed by Acting Prime Minister Winston Peters today.

The American Paediatric Society officially spoke out in strong terms too, (a relief) though what did not surprise me is that there was silence from most of the "mental health professionals" who seem only interested in spending time on things that are in their own self-interest, like drumming up business.

This ugly chapter will never be forgotten and the USA will never regain the respect it once had.

There is still going to be extreme pressure on the 2000 or more children, getting them reunited. I wish independent bodies were able to be direct observers to keep them safe from predators meantime, getting them professional care meantime, and protecting their human rights. I would think that there will already have been predators looking for an opportunity, because they know that powerless and unprotected young children in a state of terror will be easily threatened and silenced.

No wonder the USA (and Somalia) are the only countries which never ratified the UN treaty on the protection of children (UNCROC) which every other country did decades ago.

If things turn to custard for Trump and his henchmen, I believe they will fancy a long "holiday" in a country like New Zealand, and when/if that day comes, I will gladly help slam our immigration doors in their faces.

You know, Aunt Blabby, for decades now, in New York, (where they know his level of integrity all too well) that orange-faced man has been known there as "Don the Con". If we know that down here in New Zealand, how come so many Americans seem to be unaware of it? He was known as Don the Con long before scams like "Trump University". If he did come here I think he might get a very great shock at how on to him and what he really is Kiwis are.


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21 Jun 2018, 12:35 am

I don't get how this isn't a crime against humanity? in a similar manner as "ethnic cleansing." and to answer your last question, his supporters DO know how evil he and they are, and they LIKE it that way. they are fully aware, and fully complicit.