Putin to press Biden on human rights

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02 Jun 2021, 1:58 am

Not something I had imagined I would ever see...

Russian President Vladimir Putin is prepared to press President Biden on the “human rights” of Capitol rioters when they meet this month in Switzerland, the country’s top diplomat says.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said alleged rioters are being “persecuted” and that Putin will turn the tables on Biden over US support for Russian dissidents, such as jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who last year survived poisoning attempts.

“We are ready to talk, we have no taboo topics. We will discuss whatever we think is necessary. We will be ready to answer the questions that the American side will raise. This also applies to human rights,” Lavrov reportedly said at a press conference Monday in Moscow.

“For example, we are following with interest the persecution of those persons who are accused of the riots on January 6 this year,” Lavrov said.

Source: https://nypost.com/2021/06/01/vladimir-putin-to-press-joe-biden-on-capitol-rioters-rights/


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02 Jun 2021, 2:21 am

You Americans. You boast and brag about your freedom and liberty. But vee en Russia have same tings.

For example ...you Americans boast about freedom of speech, and that you can go to Vashington, and you can go to Vite House, and you can go to Oval Office, and you can go right up to President Biden, and you can say to him "YOU...Mr. Biden are SON OF b***h!". And that no consequence happens to you!

Is no big ting. Here in Russia is same ting.

I can go to Moscow, I can go to Kremlin, I can go to office of head of Russian Republic, and I can say to him "MR. PUTIN!...Mr Biden...he is SON OF b***h!". And no consequence happens to me either! :D


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02 Jun 2021, 3:05 am

This probably won't help Mr Biden's cause, considering how long it took to happen (over 4 months) - particularly as most, if not all, those arrested have been held in custody and denied bail since their arrests:

Federal prosecutors revealed Tuesday that for the first time they have dropped criminal charges against an individual accused of participating in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Christopher Kelly of New York is the first among more than 450 people charged in the Capitol attack to have the Justice Department withdraw the case.

Mr. Kelly, who was arrested two weeks after the riot, was charged with unlawful entry, obstruction of an official proceeding, and other offenses.

Source: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jun/1/christopher-kelly-arrested-capitol-riot-first-have/

But...What possible reason could there be to drop the charges against him?
But the U.S. later determined that Kelly “wasn’t actually inside the building,” even though he’d shared a photo on social media that appeared to show people in the Capitol, said Marc Raimondi, a spokesman for the Justice Department. “Further investigation found out it wasn’t his photo,” Raimondi said.

Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-01/u-s-moves-to-drop-charges-against-accused-capitol-rioter

Off Topic
It's curious how news agencies now refer to it as a "riot" rather than an "insurrection"...I wonder how long until it is downgraded to a "mostly peaceful protest"?


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02 Jun 2021, 8:44 am

Putin would have had Russians acting like the Jan 6th terrorists machine gunned by Spesnatz so he has nothing worth listening to to say on this topic.

Putin is relying on the old Soviet trick of responding to valid human rights criticisms with but in America they lynch blacks.

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02 Jun 2021, 9:00 am

Actually, we are vulnerable to charges about human rights violations. Biden I think takes that seriously, but with every well-publicized killing of a black man in police custody, we lose face internationally.

A finger in every pie.