10% of Americans are “unvaccinated but willing”

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Mona Pereth

Joined: 11 Sep 2018
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27 Sep 2021, 1:16 am

According to a series of tweets from the Washington post (the actual news story is paywalled):

Many unvaccinated people are not opposed to getting a shot. The challenge is trying to get it to them.
Barriers to getting the shot and information about the vaccines have hindered the “unvaccinated but willing,” who account for approximately 10 percent of the American population, according to a report last month by the Department of Health and Human Services.


Immunizing this group could be critical to attaining herd immunity and protecting those disproportionately affected by the pandemic.


To fill the gap, a motley contingent of volunteers has stepped in — from nurses ferrying patients in their own cars to retired health care workers manning phone lines to community members passing out educational fliers.


The reasons people have not yet gotten their shot vary widely, making it difficult to find a one-size-fits-all approach.


Nearly 100 free and charitable clinics across the country, which services uninsured or underinsured people, have forged bridges with underserved communities in an initiative dubbed “Project Finish Line,” aiming to vaccinate 1 million hard-to-reach people.


“The hotel housekeeper and mother of four worried about her anemia, a risk factor for severe illness from the virus. But Orosco-Arellano doesn’t have a car and needed a vaccination slot scheduled around her shifts at the hotel.”


Lack of access and lack of information are among the reasons Black and latinx people make up a bigger portion of those who are unvaccinated but willing to get the jab.


Nearly half of unvaccinated Americans say they would get vaccinated but are dealing with a lack of transportation, scheduling challenges and other hurdles.

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