Non-verbal Young Woman Gives Inspirational Speech

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12 May 2022, 3:44 pm

Here's something to give us on the spectrum inspiration: ... 52245.html

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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12 May 2022, 5:40 pm


Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

Matrix Glitch

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12 May 2022, 11:36 pm

I was expecting Carly Fleischmann. Glad to see yet another voice :)


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13 May 2022, 1:38 am


Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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13 May 2022, 8:35 am

You may be an aspie if, after reading the entire article, your first thought is, "What app did she use?"

(Really . . . I want to know!)



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16 May 2022, 9:13 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
Here's something to give us on the spectrum inspiration: ... 52245.html

This is a nice story and all. I commend her for her accomplishments. Here is the thing. We don't need inspiration, motivation and testimonials.

What we need is support. Support to get us employed whether we have a degree or not. Support to maintain employment. Things like explanations on certain things. Help with things like the personality tests, etc. Help with interview questions.

Personally, I don't want your motivation and inspiration. I want support and I want to be able to be myself in front street.


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17 May 2022, 8:40 am

What we need is support. Support to get us employed whether we have a degree or not.
You would still have to apply for employment and pass the screening process.
Support to maintain employment.
You would still have to do the work you were hired to do.
Things like explanations on certain things.
You would still have to understand what has been explained.
Help with things like the personality tests, etc.
You would still have to take the tests and provide your own answers.
Help with interview questions.
You would still have to attend the interview and provide your own answers.

If facilitation is necessary, that is okay; but if the facilitator seems better qualified for the job than the applicant, then I will offer the job to the facilitator instead.


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17 May 2022, 12:06 pm

cubedemon6073 wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Here's something to give us on the spectrum inspiration: ... 52245.html

This is a nice story and all. I commend her for her accomplishments. Here is the thing. We don't need inspiration, motivation and testimonials.

What we need is support. Support to get us employed whether we have a degree or not. Support to maintain employment. Things like explanations on certain things. Help with things like the personality tests, etc. Help with interview questions.

Personally, I don't want your motivation and inspiration. I want support and I want to be able to be myself in front street.

The Reality For Most Humans is Emotions Including
A Synergy of All Feelings And Senses Is What Actually

Precedes Decisions And Actions for Change; However,

Not All Humans Are Great At Prosody, Pragmatics, And

Metaphor While they May Have Stellar Language 'Acquisition' More Than

A Metaphor of Right Hemisphere Brain Processes, According to Most Recent
Research, Specifically in the Concentration of Focus of Folks Like Iain McGilchrist,
Recently With His Books "The Master and The Emissary" And "The Matter With Things"

As He Offers His Research Commercial And Book Free on YouTube As Well to Attain
Greater Knowledge in These Areas of Mind Sciences, All Cutting Edge Now As Such

As this Relates to Prosody, Pragmatics, And Metaphor Again Aligned with
More Right Brain Hemisphere Processes That See A Bigger Picture of the

World than Just

The Parts
All Materially
Reduced to Grasp
To Hold to Use Now As Tools

In Accord With More Restricted Left
Brain Hemisphere Processes Commonly
An Issue for Some Folks Autistically Now

So While You May Not Fully Be Able to 'See'
the Value, the Non-Verbal Autistic Valedictorian of

Her School On the Autism Spectrum Brings So Inspiring

In Her Commencement Speech in Seeing The Value All Human

Beings Bring With their Potentials In Life Fulfilled With the Help of Technology

Too; The Inspiration She Brings Could Bring Valuable Resources For Additional

Support For Autistic Folks To Achieve Greater Potentials in Life; How Would i Understand

This as A Person Diagnosed With the More 'Gillberg' Related Diagnostic Criteria For Original

Described Asperger's Syndrome; More Directly in Alignment With Hans Asperger's Clinical Studies

Before the APA Watered it Down And Eventually Eliminated it as A Specific Diagnosis; Well of Course,

the 'Gillberg' Criteria, Initially Leaves Plenty of Room For More Right Brained Hemisphere Folks Like me

With A Hyperlexic Delay iN Language Until 4 Years Old; Nope, No Precocious Verbal Abilities For me

Yet Decoding

And Creating

Symbols in Interpreting

Life With Ease So Much More Apt
to Read First Than to Speak Indeed

And True Eventually Apt to Write/Type and
Eventually Speak and Even Dance in Public

Once Very Restricted in Ways of Gross and
Fine Motor Coordination as Well As Another Part
of Gillberg Criteria for Asperger's Syndrome As Diagnosed too...

People Bond over Pro-Social Emotions Related to Finely Tuned Mirror
Neurons And Oxytocin Connections too; Yet Not All Autistic Folks Share

The Actual
Feeling Senses
Now of these Very
Human Inspiring

Feelings of Life to
Work together For
Action For Change Yet

As Science Shows Now Our
Emotions in Synergy of All Feelings
And Senses From Our Reptile Brains

Through Our Limbic System Brains Moves Us

First to Both Reason and Action of Life As Emotions

Are A 'Real Glue' Now of Our Cognitive Executive Functioning,
Including Short Term Working Memory; Long Term Memory
Storage and Retrieval; And Focus that May Be Laser Pointed
And Intense


On Task
to Actually
The Jobs at
Hand Without Fail...

On the Other Hand. more
Restricted Left Brain Processes
may Limit Emotions More to the
Bonding and Binding That Comes

With Con-Social Emotions Like Fear
And Anger and Even Hate of What is
Different and Always Changing As True

Human May Become Very Addicted to the
Associated Adrenaline Neurohormones and
Dopamine Neurochemicals That Addictions to

Con-Social more Left Brain processes Restricted Life Brings;

The Good News Is this is Not A Static Human Potential as Humans

May Enhance Both their More Materially Reduced Left Brain Processes

in Grasping and Using Tools In Life Step by Step and they May Increase the

Colors Of Life That Right Brain Processes Bring in Emotions, Feelings, And Senses
Associated More with Prosody, Pragmatics, And Metaphor As Well too; Yet First one

Must Have Some
Inspiration to Change
A First Step Comes Fueled
By A Fire or Real Emotional,
Feelings, Sensory Inspiration From Within

And Indeed this May be More of A Challenge to Some
Than Others; Never the Less, 'Normally,' Inspiration of
Human Emotions in Synergies of Feelings and Senses From

Head to Toe is What Moves Humans to Decision and Reasons
And Actual Actions in Life to Adapt to Environmental Challenges

And Again Emotions Do Emote Cognitive Executive Functioning Potentially

Finely Tuned
As A Human
Ferrari Vehicle
And Vessel Yes A Human

Boat Well Balanced With Anchors
For Safety And Sails for Exploration

That Comes With Well Regulating Emotions
And Integrating Senses in Moving, Connecting,

Co-Creating Ways and What This Means is the

Non-Verbal Autistic Young Woman Valedictorian

Giving Her Commencement Speech By An Adaptive

Tool of Typing is Actually Priceless as it Provides A Record
of Inspiration to actually Move Folks To Change in Support of More

Autistic Folks

And While i understand

Your Support Needs Now

The Human Condition

Does Not Work to Action
'Normally' In Most Cases
Without Some Kind of Inspiration First

As True Inspiration Can And Will Actually

Move Mountains of Even 'i Have A Dream' of Actual Change in Action...

All The Puzzle Pieces of the Recipe For Change Must Come And It is no Puzzle for me

to Understand

It Now

Yet i Surely
Didn't Always
Understand it Before...

Just Like i Saw little Value
in the Metaphors of Poetry

Or the Inspiration of Emotions

As This Modern Culture Took Away

Most all i Was Born With Before i Could Speak

True in this Way i Became Born Again With Dance
And Song Inspiring From my Soul For Real Deep Within

And It's True There is No Way i Can Explain this Without

Deep Metaphor

Yet There are
Ways to Find That

Human Potential Again;

Or Perhaps For the First Instance Forever

in Life Sort of Like When The Blind First See;

For me At Least i Became A Child of 3 With
The Ability to 'See' This Way again; of Course

Affective And Effective Results Depend on Make
And Model of Human Vehicle and Vessel Now in

Other Words

Nature And
Nurture For Real Now
As Experiencing Life
All the Way ACross the Lifespan New Now...

And to Be Clear i Am Speaking to Opinions

At Hand, in No Real Judgement of What Folks
Can And Cannot Actually Do Now Here as Written
Text Surely Does Not Usually Paint An Entire Human Condition..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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17 May 2022, 8:24 pm

You would still have to apply for employment and pass the screening process.

I never denied this!

You would still have to do the work you were hired to do.

I never denied this!

You would still have to understand what has been explained.

Of course! I never denied this!

You would still have to take the tests and provide your own answers.

If and only if the personality test and the personality sought were part of the essential duties of the job.

You would still have to attend the interview and provide your own answers.

Is it truthfully my own answers or is it canned answers that are expected by others?

If facilitation is necessary, that is okay; but if the facilitator seems better qualified for the job than the applicant, then I will offer the job to the facilitator instead.

The thing is though if I'm able to perform the essential duties of the job with reasonable accommodations then I think I'm qualified for the job unless my personality is essential for it like being a salesman.

Let me tell you what happened to me.

I went to staples a long time ago based upon worktec and voc rehab's suggestion online. I filled out stable's application and did their personality test.

Let me ask you this. One of the questions asked "Do I believe life is not fair?" <<<<<How is answering this question and how is my answer relevant to my ability to performing the essential duties of the job at staples which was computer repair?

And, if my qualifications include more then my technical ability especially personality then tell me where exactly would I qualify in the USA to work exactly?<<<<< Truth is my personality type does not mesh with today's American employers so I'm working in China now.

I will tell working in China is different and the culture is different.


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17 May 2022, 10:27 pm

Here is the assessment of my personality.

I'm a honest, hard working, extremely deep thinking, extremely introverted individual who will bust my ass at work. And, I will be on time and if that means I'm required to be there 15 minutes early then I will be there 15 minutes early and I will be ready to work at my designated time.

I will take the amount of breaks and lunch breaks per their required time. No more, no less. I will leave only at my designated time that my shift is over.

1. Don't ask me to pretend to be something I'm not.

2. Don't ask me to lie for you or to you.

3. And, if you ask me why do you want to work here. My answer is "I don't want to work at all but it is my moral duty to do so not only for myself but for my family. I would prefer to play games, read fanfiction and watch tv but while I'm here I will bust my ass for you."

4. I dislike Political correctness immensely.

So, I am a grumpy, introverted, deep thinking person who is extremely intolerant of BS who will bust his ass for your company Fnord. I guess I'm a curmudgeon and tend to be misanthropic.

Where do I fit in the employer's world exactly?


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18 May 2022, 6:32 am

cubedemon6073 wrote:
Here is the assessment of my personality. . .

. . . So, I am a grumpy, introverted, deep thinking person who is extremely intolerant of BS who will bust his ass for your company Fnord. I guess I'm a curmudgeon and tend to be misanthropic.

Where do I fit in the employer's world exactly?
That depends. Do you have any marketable skills?

It is all well and good that you are honest about your character flaws, but if you have no marketable skills, getting hired does not seem likely, no matter how much you claim to be willing to "bust your ass".


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19 May 2022, 1:01 am

Fnord wrote:
cubedemon6073 wrote:
Here is the assessment of my personality. . .

. . . So, I am a grumpy, introverted, deep thinking person who is extremely intolerant of BS who will bust his ass for your company Fnord. I guess I'm a curmudgeon and tend to be misanthropic.

Where do I fit in the employer's world exactly?
That depends. Do you have any marketable skills?

It is all well and good that you are honest about your character flaws, but if you have no marketable skills, getting hired does not seem likely, no matter how much you claim to be willing to "bust your ass".

I do have marketable skills if we mean the technical skills of the job. If I didn't, I would not be working in china lol.

The thing is though is employers demand a lot more then these technical skills.

Richard Branson hires by personality first and foremost and marketable skills second. ... rsonality/

How many employers do you think go by his way in the USA and what chance does the average autistic of being able to meet their standards of today?

And, you did make it Fnord including your time in military service. (THANK You for your service!)

Now, what is the ratio of autistics who can vs who can't be employed in the USA whatsoever even as a janitor due to their issues including their personality?

Looking at statistical data like the Bureau of Labor Statistics the majority of disabled folks in general will not be in the labor force.

So, disabled people need more practical and realistic solutions not more positivity and believe in yourself speeches that mean absolutely nothing including more from Charities or Government including increasing the funding for the department of labor and voc rehab.

If not, then let's cut the BS and accept that the majority of disabled folks won't be able to provide themselves a living and America should do the "Christian" thing and provide for those who can't through either charities and/or taxes.


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19 May 2022, 10:28 pm

Fnord, we don't agree on a number of things as you grew up in a different time then mine and we both have differing experiences but you're a good and decent man and I hope you have an excellent retirement.


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20 May 2022, 2:33 am

Fnord wrote:
but if you have no marketable skills, getting hired does not seem likely, no matter how much you claim to be willing to "bust your ass"

This is how times have changed from our and especially our parent's times. Then companies were willing to spend time and money training people that demonstrated potential. In return, the expectation and reality were that the employee would stay with your company until retirement. That mentality was more favorable towered change-averse undiagnosed autistics. In return for being a "lifer", the employer paid you enough to make a living and depending on the job even enough for a middle-class life.

I made the same mistake as cubedemon6073. In interviews, I would emphasize my willingness to stay overtime(these were straight salaried positions) mistakenly thinking I was demonstrating work ethic and commitment. I kept making this mistake until I was told by a number of people I was telling potential employers I was incompetent who could not get the job done in time. Since my diagnosis, I now realize I was also telling potential employers I was a show-off who would show up other employees. In other words, I wasn't and am not what is valued most, a "team player".

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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20 May 2022, 8:22 am

cubedemon6073 wrote:
. . . disabled people need more practical and realistic solutions not more positivity and believe in yourself speeches that mean absolutely nothing including more from Charities or Government including increasing the funding for the department of labor and voc rehab.

If not, then let's cut the BS and accept that the majority of disabled folks won't be able to provide themselves a living and America should do the "Christian" thing and provide for those who can't through either charities and/or taxes.
There are already such programs in place, but there is only so much money to go around.

Want more money?  Convince more people to give up their hard-earned wages for someone else's benefit while getting nothing in return.

As for that "Christian" thing you mentioned . . . what passes for popular "Christianity" these days is more concerned with denying education, medical care, voting rights, and Trump's defeat in the 2019 election than with providing jobs and vocational training to indigent aspies.


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21 May 2022, 11:39 am

There are already such programs in place, but there is only so much money to go around.

Yet, we can afford sending billions to Ukraine. Go Figure!

Want more money?  Convince more people to give up their hard-earned wages for someone else's benefit while getting nothing in return.

Well, if they won't listen to Jesus they sure as hell won't listen to me.

As for that "Christian" thing you mentioned . . . what passes for popular "Christianity" these days is more concerned with denying education, medical care, voting rights, and Trump's defeat in the 2019 election than with providing jobs and vocational training to indigent aspies.[/color]

True! If there is a God and this God of the Bible exists there will be many people surprised on judgement day.

As for me, I have doubts about the Bible and the God of the Bible but I'm going to conduct myself in a way that assumes there is one watching me and I will conduct myself the best I can.