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07 Feb 2011, 9:40 am

Honestly, I never really understood why it was such a bad term. It was just like another swear to me; I didn't know why it was taboo, but I never used it because apparently its a bad word. I mean, it's just a little word, right?

I've been called every other word you can think of. None of them hurt. Not even a bit. My babysitter called me a little a** and I never even flinched. All the fat jokes I get? I can brush them off easy with a laugh. You can call me a maniac or insane and I'll take it as a compliment.

Well I get it now. The "r" word. It freaking hurts. I have no idea how a word can actually be painful, but there. I'm hurt. The only other times a word has hurt me this bad (excluding threats or STOP signs) was when my teacher for my advanced class in 4th grade called me stupid. I would rather be tortured by clowns and covered in centipedes for a week than ever be called stupid again. I would literally give my left foot away if it meant no one would call me that.

I don't get it. Now I feel like I'm all of those things AND stupid. I mean, that's what ret*d is right? People use it as a synonym for stupid all the time. Does that mean that she thinks I'm an idiot? God if I'm stupid, then I freaking give up. I'm done.

Jeez, I hate how I overreact to every little thing.

Have any of you guys been called a ret*d?

I'm not mad, just terribly hurt.


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07 Feb 2011, 9:52 am

I've been called ret*d for a good portion of my life. When I was 16, I informed this guy that he was the ret*d instead of me, and he got really mad at me. I then realized that the only people who call others ret*ds feel like ret*ds themselves, which is why they feel the need to project it onto others they feel are less fortunate. It was a turning point as far as my understanding of people.


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07 Feb 2011, 9:55 am

I have, many times. It's never bothered me too much, though. The only times I can remember it really hurting was when it was my brother or father calling me it. Other people who have called me it were just horrible people that I hated anyway so I wasn't that bothered about it.

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07 Feb 2011, 10:08 am

I use it about myself if I'm trying to be deliberately offensive.

I'd never call anyone else a ret*d.


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07 Feb 2011, 10:25 am

I hate that word! Go to a mental instituition and MEET someone who is mentally ret*d! (While I haven't I've seen documentaries on tv) It is IMO a bad term. Kids such as my 11 year old little sister use it freely as do my parents something I do looks ret*d. Hand flapping once a few months ago. The other day the chair screeched (One of my sensory issues I HATE! I always grab my ear) my sister was like why do you always grab your ear and laughed (since I guess it looks weird/funny). I said it hurts my ears. They don't understand ANY of my traits sadly. :-)

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07 Feb 2011, 10:46 am

It only hurts you because you believe it! Once you realize that all those negative words being said do not apply to you, they will no longer bother you.


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07 Feb 2011, 12:07 pm

GammaGeek wrote:
Have any of you guys been called a ret*d?

While in school from 7th grade to 10th grade I was called it everyday.
Three or four times a week at a resteraunt job I worked at for 9 years
Two or three times a month at a machine shop I worked at for 9 years
Hey at this rate by the time I am 60 I might get shown some form of respect if I am lucky. :roll:

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07 Feb 2011, 12:12 pm

a bus driver called me a ret*d when I was 14. I told him to f**k himself and he got sacked.


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07 Feb 2011, 12:18 pm

loftyD wrote:
a bus driver called me a ret*d when I was 14. I told him to f**k himself and he got sacked.

That's funny, one of my teachers at school used the word 'ret*d' in a sentence while talking to me, not directly at me though, but in an offensive way, and he got sacked :lol:. Good riddance to that evil b******!


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07 Feb 2011, 12:20 pm

My kids dad used to call me it often :(


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07 Feb 2011, 12:25 pm

I have been called it a few times. Even a stranger whispered 'ret*d' to me while I was out with my Mum. F***ing disgraceful world... :twisted: At times like that I just snicker to myself, because I know that I am so much better than they are and they will never amount to anything :lol:.


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07 Feb 2011, 10:22 pm

People in my school think that people with Asperger's are "so ret*d that they're a genius"... well, they don't know much about Asperger's and don't know that the specific people they describe as "ret*d", have it.

I've been called ret*d, but not with any malicious intent; the (unnecessary) joking between young adolescents is the context in which my being called "ret*d" lies.


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08 Feb 2011, 2:17 am

My kindergarten teacher thought I was ret*d in the clinical sense because I would just sit there and not do my work, and I never talked to anyone. Then I was called a ret*d in the derogatory sense by my classmates in fourth through sixth grade. My social life has improved significantly since I became a young adult though.

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08 Feb 2011, 3:28 pm

Yeah, doesn't really bother me much though. Also, moron originaly had a similar meaning to "ret*d", and no-one considers that offensive.


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09 Feb 2011, 2:43 am

Few times, jokingly. I have a reputation for being smart though so not too often. And anyway, people know I can tear them down with my own words if I feel the need.


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09 Feb 2011, 8:40 am

I am called r*&^%$£ a lot by people. It is insulting because it is saying that I have an IQ 0f 70 or less. I just ignore them.

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