Dear "You"...From "Me"-Letters Unsent

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17 Nov 2013, 4:58 am

To Brain,

P L E A S E shut off !
I need some rest !

Thanks -
d l s

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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17 Nov 2013, 6:25 am

Dear manager,

I just thought I'd drop a line a thank you for your letter last Wednesday.

I'm sorry I was, in your words, a disappoint to you for taking two weeks off unpaid and for leaving you with the sense I had let you down. I guess the two minor heart attacks I had, followed by my incarceration in the intensive care unit, weren't sufficiently important to warrant a 'Hey buddy, how's you doing' call?

Anyway, I am back at work on Monday but in order to alleviate your disappointment I wont be -

Standing outside monitoring traffic for three hours a day in 2deg C because you wont allocate security to do it.
Covering the desk duties of other staff because they are incompetent.
Monitoring and reporting on jobs not relevant to my dept.
Completing my 10 hr shift and then doing another two hours overtime on some pet project of yours that you can't be asked to do yourself.

Oh I know you'll be irate enough about this to want to fire me and that's ok too as I've been offered another job.

Yours, actually.

It seems that senior management became acutely aware of what failed to get done whilst I was away, asked all the right questions and got the right solution.

Hope you enjoy the move, I shall.



'Do not get confused between my personality and my attitude. My personality is caused by who I am, whereas my attitude is caused by who you are.'


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17 Nov 2013, 5:42 pm

I never been good at showing how much I care for those around me through words, not because i'm not a speaker, nor it's it because people don't matter to me, but because I somehow felt that time never was there. It's a shame because the time wasted is time that can never be regained.

However I'm forever grateful to you, when my family proved it self to me more of a responsibility than giving group of comfort, you where able to tell me and show me another way. You always said that you made the mistakes for me, so that I shouldn't follow your footsteps and learn from those, while watching on the sidelines. I already did that nature always analyzing and observing all these disturbing people around me, but you did so in a respectful and brotherly caring way, that my relatives never where able to give me. Still to this day, your apartment feels more like a home to me, than any of the places I have lived before, since I felt safe and sound being around you.

When you were out working in the night time you left me with your apartment, having total faith in me have never doubting me both for taking anything and trusting me to help you in everyday life with small tasks. When i think back on it, you were actually way better at handling a very young teenager that was me, than my family ever was and I learned more without you preaching and pretending to be something you weren't.

You were a massive part of my live and a big inspiration for me when I was younger, I even molded apart of my core personality after you and it's still one of my best traits to this very day. I can't imagine what my life would have been like if i weren't for your care, those years ago

So Thanks for a giving brighter future than my others could ever offer me



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17 Nov 2013, 5:43 pm

I never been good at showing how much I care for those around me through words, not because i'm not a speaker, nor it's it because people don't matter to me, but because I somehow felt that time never was there. It's a shame because the time wasted is time that can never be regained.

However I'm forever grateful to you, when my family proved it self to me more of a responsibility than giving group of comfort, you where able to tell me and show me another way. You always said that you made the mistakes for me, so that I shouldn't follow your footsteps and learn from those, while watching on the sidelines. I already did that nature always analyzing and observing all these disturbing people around me, but you did so in a respectful and brotherly caring way, that my relatives never where able to give me. Still to this day, your apartment feels more like a home to me, than any of the places I have lived before, since I felt safe and sound being around you.

When you were out working in the night time you left me with your apartment, having total faith in me have never doubting me both for taking anything and trusting me to help you in everyday life with small tasks. When i think back on it, you were actually way better at handling a very young teenager that was me, than my family ever was and I learned more without you preaching and pretending to be something you weren't.

You were a massive part of my live and a big inspiration for me when I was younger, I even molded apart of my core personality after you and it's still one of my best traits to this very day. I can't imagine what my life would have been like if i weren't for your care, those years ago

So Thanks for a giving brighter future than my others could ever offer me



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17 Nov 2013, 10:48 pm

Dear you,

Meep. Meep.


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18 Nov 2013, 7:40 pm

Dear boyfriend,

I love you. I really do. Seriously, you are a HUGE part of my world. But when you tell me that I have to be more "social," or to "open up to people easily," it makes me want to scream: "I CAN'T HELP IT, OK?!" You have autism, too. You've been bullied and made fun of. You've experienced just about everything I've experienced. So how come you're able to communicate so easily? How come you can talk to people, express your feelings, even look people in the EYE, and I can't? It honestly doesn't seem fair.

Love, your "graceful and divine angel"

Dear best friend/sister,

I feel like our relationship has gone downhill. We used to stay up until almost midnight talking, and now, we barely talk about anything. We used to play video games of all kinds together, and have a good time, What happened to all that? Even if we make plans to visit each other, or even play a game online, you always either forget, or have something come up. I'm trying to keep our relationship intact, but it won't happen if I'm the only one trying.

love your "best friend/sister"

Dear every student (and a few teachers) at school, whether I know you or not,


From the girl who never talks.


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19 Nov 2013, 4:52 am

Dear Me,

Who are you kidding? you're just too sensitive and too flawed to receive anything other than rejection, and internal peace of mind. On the plus side, at least you're used to being a recluse, which most people can't cope with. chin up, but don't get your hopes up too much.


Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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21 Nov 2013, 5:36 am

To: whoever you are

I don't remeber much of you, your time in my class was short, since your parents probably moved taking you with them.

It happened in a time I have made myself forget most of, but I do remember that time when it was winter, all the leaves were gone from the trees so it offered little in terms of hiding while waiting for class to start.
I remember sitting there quietly, when you came, careful to not come too close, and asked me if I was alright.
I was so suprised from that I didn't know what to do, what to say, so I just sat there, trying to make myself invisible, and you respectfully moved away.

But later on, I realized how much it meant, for you were the only one at school who ever asked that.
Thank you for that.

from: me


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21 Nov 2013, 3:44 pm

Dear Dad,

I always respected and admired your superior wisdom.

I did what you advised (well, OK, demanded). I gave in after months of screaming. I stopped TALKING to the boy about his behavior. I started PUNISHING the boy for his behavior. I SCREAMED at the boy. I SHAMED the boy. I SPANKED the boy. I SLAPPED the boy. In my personal opinion, I TERRORIZED the boy.

I did it even though I hated it. Even though it made me sick to my stomach and sick to my heart.

I think you'd be proud to know that the boy made an A/B average last quarter. I think you'd be proud to know that his teacher describes his problems as "relatively minor."

I think I want you to know that, other than talking too much, the teacher seems to think that his single biggest problem is being emotionally unstable and so anxious and defensive that he's unable to accept help or correction.

I think I want you to know that we talked about it, and she's very much certain that the reason that he's emotionally unstable and so anxious and defensive is PRETTY MUCH ENTIRELY DUE TO ALMOST TWO YEARS OF FOLLOWING YOUR PROGRAM.

I think I want you to know that I hate myself for having been inexcusably stupid enough to convince myself to adhere to that program against my own common sense, against my own judgment, and against the sobbing of my child and the sobbing of my soul.

I think I want you to know that YOU WERE WRONG, and I WAS WRONG TO LISTEN TO YOU.

I think I want you to know that I know you had good intentions, and I love you, and I hope you're enjoying ice fishing in Eternity.

I think I want you to know that I'm still pissed, all the same, and I really wish you were still occupying this level of reality with us so I could enlist your wisdom in helping to clean up the mess you helped make. And so I could call you up and shoot the bull with you. Christmas isn't going to be Christmas without you, Dad. I'm not looking forward to this. I MISS you, you stupid nasty grouchy old bullying bastard.

I'm not sure I want you to know that, all the same, I'm glad that once I get the memory of your insults out of my head (and maybe some of your programming out of your son, if he's willing), I won't have to listen to your mouth any more. I love you, and I miss you, and I'd definitely wish for you back if I had three wishes. And it wouldn't even be altruism. But PERFECTIONISM IS NOT AN ASSET. DAMN.

I hope Daddy blew a big old cloud of pot smoke in your face when you got there. Because I'm still pissed. And because I think getting stoned once in a while might have done you some good. Yeesh.

All the same, I love you and I miss you.


The b***h Your Son Married

"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"


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24 Nov 2013, 12:55 am



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24 Nov 2013, 6:08 am

Dear you,

I am really unsure of myself. Well, I don't really like myself to be honest.
When I compare myself to others in my category, my attributes fall much shorter then theirs.
No one is flawless, but to me I seem completely flawed, and to be honest this will never change.
I don't have the courage to turn a good opportunity into something meaningful, if this is indeed something which could be turned into something meaningful.
If I presume too much, please forgive my inability to separate what I feel from what is real.
For me bridges between the divide are just too painful to cross, and some bridges are just forbidden.
I can't walk towards others, nor do I expect them, to walk across the divide, towards me.
I'm scared they won't like what they see.
I don't feel of the same ilk as those who get what they want, and thus I convince myself I don't want (or need) anything at all.
If you were to pass me by, I'd hardly shake any foundations of affection.
Ogres like me dwell in places far away, hoping others will be kind enough to leave us alone.
If i indeed make more of what I see, forgive me for my lack of interpretation as I mean no harm by it.
Some things are best left as they are. and in that way nothing can go wrong.
I think this ogre needs some time to focus on other things.
I will still think fondly of those who have been good to me, and my silence only shows that appreciation.



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25 Nov 2013, 1:29 pm

double post

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25 Nov 2013, 1:29 pm

Dear R,

I've been thinking about us for 4-5 years now. The truth is, I liked you from the very moment I saw you. And when you opened you mouth and talked...that only made me like you more. I think it's great how you break into random song for no reason and how you quote movies and TV shows. I even find it cute that you are attached to your pens. It makes me happy when we stare and look at each other like we are never going to see each other again, even though we see each other every week. I like the way you say "ya'll" in this drawn out tone and how you say "sorry" after you laugh.

You need to know something...I did not leave for an extended period because of wanting to. I was not feeling well...and needed some time to sort out my life. I missed you very much during that sabbatical, although at the time...admittedly, I fought against allowing myself to think of you too often. I did not want to get obsessed about you. It appears that all that fighting has ceased, because I finally gave into the thought of us being together. I often daydream about me and you drinking coffee and sitting outside on the back porch and playing games with little kids.

Here is the thing, I am not everything that you think I am. I am flawed, just as anyone else...and for the most part, I'm learning to accept that...and even appreciate that at times. Please don't push too hard to change me. The pace may seem slow, but you need to know...that I am in this for the long haul.

I am afraid. Will you be upset if I touch you? If I try to kiss you? Do you even like to be touched? What happens if I do this too lightly or too hard? How will you respond if I tell you how I feel about you? Will you take my silence and perceived mixed messages as playing games, when what I really feel is real? There are so many questions. Thing is, I am too well aware that now is not the time to bring up this subject and every day in between the next time that I see you seems like a month.

Please know that I care and that is why I am taking my time. Can you meet me halfway? I truly hope you feel the same...

Yours truly,


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26 Nov 2013, 5:56 am

Dear you

I hope you're not upset about not getting something far worst than what you deserve. Why settle for less?



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26 Nov 2013, 12:23 pm

Dear Me,

You're tea hoarding. Take a walk instead.

Tweedle Dum.


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26 Nov 2013, 10:47 pm

Dear Me,

STOP thinking about the future, and just enjoy yourself; MOTIVATE yourself into doing something positive instead of just moping around!

Yours truly,