Why should I respect G-D when his religion condemns desires

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02 Nov 2017, 5:04 pm

(I typed "G-D" because this isn't PPR, but it's a strong emotional venting anyway)

I know a lot of atheists are on WP, but I hope I get hugs or support, besides I'm not preaching nothin'.

For ten years, I struggled with faith and resentment that driven up my frustration and anxieties. I have so many problems accepting God's will for on Earth and in eternity, I have almost walked completely away. I feel so disillusioned and shaken by it.

It's the one natural desire that I may never get to have, even for eternity. A complete experience with the opposite sex...any sexual intimacy, physical closeness, etc. Why is wanting to look at other women or having desire "evil" (presumably, especially for guys) in God's eyes? Why has he betrayed my heart by saying that once I get to Heaven when I die, I will be only spirit and have no desire to do anything other than only praising God for eternity? I also don't like hearing that Paul in the Bible had lamented about marriage being only for the week.

Why did I feel shattered if God's "love" is supposed to be so strong? Why can't Christians understand or be more open minded to people's struggles, like being lonely for me?

Why should I show a God that was supposed to create me even the slightest bit of RESPECT? I'm angry of all the years I was taught that certain things were because I needed to "have faith"?


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02 Nov 2017, 6:54 pm

Its a dark reality,

If you can't experience intimacy in this life? Why should you expect it in the next, if being only a spirit bothers you, why not consider those that are killed before ever making it to adult hood. God doesn't hate those less fortunate then others, there is no promise to limit pain in this current reality, only in the next. You don't get to make decisions such as what the afterlife will be just as you are limited in what decisions you can make down here. I would not expect things to get better, the universe (religion aside) operates with a balance. "Good" and "evil' exist merely to give contrast to the other. If you never have a chance to have intimacy, that is fate. Some people die in prison for minor crimes. Your not in control, hate to be the bearer of bad news. I didn't much like it when I heard it either.

Life goes on,


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02 Nov 2017, 8:04 pm

K_Kelly wrote:

I know a lot of atheists are on WP, but I hope I get hugs or support.

For ten years, I struggled with faith and resentment that driven up my frustration and anxieties. I have almost walked completely away.
Why did I feel shattered if God's "love" is supposed to be so strong? Why can't Christians understand or be more open minded to people's struggles, like being lonely for me?

Why should I show a God that was supposed to create me even the slightest bit of RESPECT? I'm angry of all the years I was taught that certain things were because I needed to "have faith"?

Christians are in general, more open minded and come across as an open book therefore prone to evil and contempt followed by resentment via adversaries such as those whom you've skimmed upon. They are so obsessed with their winter of discontent, they are blind to the challenges others face and bereavement and stress they've endured.

I have recently lost a family member this summer, and I have to say its been and will stay a hardship for me for a while, and if it wasn't for my spiritual faith and growth in these matters, I'd have given up on all the suffering I've been prone to long ago. There is a reason why people go through periods of clauses, doubts and disbeliefs, and that is so they are able to face the harsh facts whatever they are, later on.

Owing to Faith, is having the power of your own convictions, belief in yourself but others too, when things go wrong.
Actually, you can't have a religion without faith, and you can't examine a cause without wondering too that if the belief of justice had prevailed, then the cause of why a person has something, has nothing to do with punishing them, neither is it an act of god, just a cruel twist of fate lying dormant somewhere,dwelling on the remnants of that persons past and misery until they die.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 Nov 2017, 3:14 pm

K_Kelly wrote:
(I typed "G-D" because this isn't PPR, but it's a strong emotional venting anyway)

I know a lot of atheists are on WP, but I hope I get hugs or support, besides I'm not preaching nothin'.

For ten years, I struggled with faith and resentment that driven up my frustration and anxieties. I have so many problems accepting God's will for on Earth and in eternity, I have almost walked completely away. I feel so disillusioned and shaken by it.

It's the one natural desire that I may never get to have, even for eternity. A complete experience with the opposite sex...any sexual intimacy, physical closeness, etc. Why is wanting to look at other women or having desire "evil" (presumably, especially for guys) in God's eyes? Why has he betrayed my heart by saying that once I get to Heaven when I die, I will be only spirit and have no desire to do anything other than only praising God for eternity? I also don't like hearing that Paul in the Bible had lamented about marriage being only for the week.

Why did I feel shattered if God's "love" is supposed to be so strong? Why can't Christians understand or be more open minded to people's struggles, like being lonely for me?

Why should I show a God that was supposed to create me even the slightest bit of RESPECT? I'm angry of all the years I was taught that certain things were because I needed to "have faith"?

I understand. I'm an agnostic theist but I have a problem with Christianity esp since it is the religion I am the most familiar with. For me the worst part of it is if God really loved me why would he let so many people step all over me to the point I experience long term depression? The religious person would tell me well he can't mess with free will but isn't that messing with mine when the hardships I have faced often control my life?
I understand you can't have light without dark but sometimes it's just too much dark.

The only thing I can tell you is forget all that..believe in your own version of a creator. It can be hard because I know you can't force yourself to believe something you just don't but there is always that possibility that the creator is only a slightly more powerful version of us. That's how I try to think of it. It doesn't always work but sometimes it does. You have to really hang onto it.
As far as your concerns with it, just think of it this way if God didn't want you to act on your desires then why would we have them? I guess you could say well because he's a sadistic b***h but would a sadistic creature be able to have good people in the world at all? That's what someone else told me and it kinda makes sense. You have to be good to know good.


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08 Nov 2017, 3:53 pm

Nickchick wrote:
K_Kelly wrote:
(I typed "G-D" because this isn't PPR, but it's a strong emotional venting anyway)

I know a lot of atheists are on WP, but I hope I get hugs or support, besides I'm not preaching nothin'.

For ten years, I struggled with faith and resentment that driven up my frustration and anxieties. I have so many problems accepting God's will for on Earth and in eternity, I have almost walked completely away. I feel so disillusioned and shaken by it.

It's the one natural desire that I may never get to have, even for eternity. A complete experience with the opposite sex...any sexual intimacy, physical closeness, etc. Why is wanting to look at other women or having desire "evil" (presumably, especially for guys) in God's eyes? Why has he betrayed my heart by saying that once I get to Heaven when I die, I will be only spirit and have no desire to do anything other than only praising God for eternity? I also don't like hearing that Paul in the Bible had lamented about marriage being only for the week.

Why did I feel shattered if God's "love" is supposed to be so strong? Why can't Christians understand or be more open minded to people's struggles, like being lonely for me?

Why should I show a God that was supposed to create me even the slightest bit of RESPECT? I'm angry of all the years I was taught that certain things were because I needed to "have faith"?

I understand. I'm an agnostic theist but I have a problem with Christianity esp since it is the religion I am the most familiar with. For me the worst part of it is if God really loved me why would he let so many people step all over me to the point I experience long term depression? The religious person would tell me well he can't mess with free will but isn't that messing with mine when the hardships I have faced often control my life?
I understand you can't have light without dark but sometimes it's just too much dark.

The only thing I can tell you is forget all that..believe in your own version of a creator. It can be hard because I know you can't force yourself to believe something you just don't but there is always that possibility that the creator is only a slightly more powerful version of us. That's how I try to think of it. It doesn't always work but sometimes it does. You have to really hang onto it.
As far as your concerns with it, just think of it this way if God didn't want you to act on your desires then why would we have them? I guess you could say well because he's a sadistic b***h but would a sadistic creature be able to have good people in the world at all? That's what someone else told me and it kinda makes sense. You have to be good to know good.

Also, I wanted to go off and say this.

I am particularly mad at God sometimes because I think Western civilization is still kind of doomed. I'm not really a political radical, I'm mainly Libertarian conservative. But it really does seem that we are on the thin thread of collapse.
I feel that man's effort to try their best to change things for the better aren't helping as significantly as people wanted. Sure, some who agree with me about the state of western society say that we need to pray to God, but I think it's futile. I wish they would realize an alternative to their only one doctrine for once.

I wish I was growing up when we still had hope for western civilization and some things were still okay. But I feel so much doom anxiety and racing thoughts sometimes even when I'm not actively feeling in a bad mood.

Because of what I said above, I'm surprised that most people are still willing to wake up every day to something new. Of course, those with more progressive politics will never understand or agree. It just adds to my doom feelings.

These all stem from another thing too..

Wouldn't it be cool to be both man and woman?

Emu Egg
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17 Nov 2017, 10:39 pm

I was very religious growing up. I've not been since I was 19 (I'm now 25). I'm going to emphasize that while I might hold certain beliefs they shouldn't affect yours unless you want them to, so don't think I'm trying to push this on you because I'm not.

I struggled with the question of 'why' for a while. I wanted concrete and tangible answers. Eventually, I realized that I couldn't believe anything where I didn't have those answers, so I decided to accept the fact that I personally just couldn't believe it. I stopped struggling with it after I accepted that. I (AGAIN emphasis on me) became a much nicer and open person.

It's not evil. Wanting to be close to another adult is natural for animals, and it is unhealthy to think it is evil. It's also my personal opinion that people in general SHOULD have sex before a marriage otherwise you don't know what you're getting into. Doing so or thinking about doing so shouldn't cause you to lose sleep or feel bad about it. If you are truly lonely it is my opinion that you should be allowed to want to be with someone. It's also my opinion that you should be allowed to be intimate (emotionally and physically) with your partner because we no longer live in the days where women were married off at puberty.

I wasn't allowed to date in high school. I consequently had zero experience with the opposite sex. My now-best-friend is female and my age and I was completely infatuated for years. She helped me through some very difficult times in my life but now I've realized that if I had had experience with relationships in the past I'd have seen that we would make a terrible couple. What if it worked like the old days where I asked her out to dinner and without having sex or being truly intimate and she said yes? What if I then asked her to marry me? We'd have divorced. Even without the experience, if we'd have been in a relationship (with intimacy) I'd have realized we fundamentally aren't compatible romantically and that's pretty necessary. A lot of people still mess that up but I feel like as long as you use protection it's a good way to further relationships and determine if you're actually compatible.

ALL OF THAT SAID: If you do wind up continuing to believe in Christianity, what you should know is that your beliefs are between you and God. Don't let me or anyone else make them for you.


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17 Nov 2017, 11:16 pm

K_Kelly wrote:
I feel that man's effort to try their best to change things for the better aren't helping as significantly as people wanted. Sure, some who agree with me about the state of western society say that we need to pray to God, but I think it's futile. I wish they would realize an alternative to their only one doctrine for once.

Praying is just the first step.

Acknowledge God, (pray)
take the next right step, (do something positive)
and be a sign of hope to those around you (help one person and you help the whole world).

K_Kelly wrote:
I wish I was growing up when we still had hope for western civilization and some things were still okay.

“Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil.”

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18 Nov 2017, 11:50 am

I can't see where you're from based on your profile, but I'm going to guess somewhere in the US. In the UK, alot of American churches are seen as a bit cultish (e.g. Mormonism), so I'm not sure what kind of answer you might get from my suggestion. However, I think that, if you haven't already, it might be worthwhile asking your local priest/vicar. I imagine that they have been asked this, or similar questions many times and (should) be happy to help answer your question or, at the very least, give you some guidance about what you might be able to do (they were young once too, and when it comes down to it, they're only human after all).

Of course, if he/she immediately directs you to the book of Job (and then uses it in a literal sense to indicate that you need only worship God to achieve happiness/enlightenment -- "It'll all work out in the end."), or -worse- asks you to stand in front of the congregation to repeat your qualms.... :roll: If the priest/vicar is strong in their faith they would have no need to do something like this, as it indicates, in my opinion, only that they do not have an answer.

NB: I'm largely an atheist, but I haven't personally met a priest/vicar who hasn't been a nice and/or very thoughtful person (regardless of the fire and brimstone which might be included in their services). I'm also no expert on Christianity or the bible, so I apologise for any inaccuracies.


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21 Nov 2017, 11:08 pm

K_Kelly, maybe you should become a Muslim because Muslims get to have quite a lot of sex when they get to Muslim Heaven.

Seriously, you don't have to respect God. No force in Heaven or Earth can make you respect God against your will.

The days are long, but the years are short