One ailment after another

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15 Sep 2022, 3:03 pm

I don't drink alcohol anyway.

I have been ordering things like soup and ice-cream. I've taken painkillers too. The only thing with that is while it relieves the pain I have a glimmer of hope that I'm better, then a few hours later when the painkillers have worn off I feel ill again.

I've never really had wisdom tooth trouble. I had a bit of pain when they were first growing - which started early (I was only 14). Then I had minor soreness on my gums around the wisdom teeth on and off in my early 20s but nothing to really cause any alarm, and the dentist didn't seem to be concerned when I last had a check-up. So why would I suddenly get severe wisdom tooth trouble in my 30s?



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15 Sep 2022, 3:23 pm

Mine didn’t cause trouble till my late thirties.I’ve always heard their roots keep growing but that may be an old wives tale.The last time was about five years ago.
I think that’s why it’s best to get them removed if they act up, you never know when they will flare up.

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15 Sep 2022, 3:45 pm

Misslizard wrote:
Mine didn’t cause trouble till my late thirties.I’ve always heard their roots keep growing but that may be an old wives tale.The last time was about five years ago.
I think that’s why it’s best to get them removed if they act up, you never know when they will flare up.

I've always been afraid of having wisdom teeth removed, although I think I have conquered that fear now because this has been a very unpleasant experience. I feel angry and let down that I had to get this whilst away. The next time I book a holiday I'm going to get a full physical examination by the doctor before I go so that I know I'm fully fit and healthy, because once you're abroad you cannot fall ill unless you have loads of money for health insurance. I wish there was an NHS in every country. Healthcare really needs to be free.



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15 Sep 2022, 10:07 pm

I'm just frightened of flying back home tomorrow. I'm scared I might come over ill in the airport or on the plane. I'm very malnourished even though I'm drinking water and juice. I'm buying those milkshake things but it's all in a foreign language so I'm just assuming that I'm drinking the right stuff to replace the nutrients in my body. I still can't eat. It's extremely painful in my mouth to eat anything. I really need something solid and substantial but I just can't. My gums get too sore.

At the moment I just want to die to escape my misery. :cry:



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16 Sep 2022, 12:40 am

Have you ever had help from your doctor for anxiety?


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16 Sep 2022, 12:58 am

I know the nightmare your experiencing. Try to accept that there is nothing you can do about your physical symptoms until you see the dentist, who will take good care of you. The only thing you can control is making peace with your situation. The worse your mental anguish, the worse the physical symptoms will get, its a vicious cycle. Try to let go and do your best to eat something, not eating is very bad for your mental well being and so is is just confirmation bias..


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16 Sep 2022, 1:17 am

Drink some gatorade or pedialyte - beverages that restore electrolytes. You will probably feel better.

I once had a bad sore throat on a vacation. It happens. You can't predict in advance that your health will be fine on a certain date.

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16 Sep 2022, 2:46 am

I'm still scared I'm going to be sick or something on the plane, even if I take a travel sickness pill. When I'm feeling like this all I want to do is lie down and be alone. I don't want to be around anyone if I think I'm going to be sick, because I don't want people to see me be sick and you wouldn't want to hear me be sick either. Plus I have a severely crippling phobia of vomiting.



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16 Sep 2022, 7:38 am

We spoke to the very helpful receptionist in the hotel and she got in touch with the nearest dentist and made an appointment for me, which was really nice of her. We found the dentist and got seen quickly. It was an oral bacterial infection. They flushed all my mouth out and cleaned the plaque off all my teeth, then gave me some antibacterial mouthwash to use every day for 2 weeks. I just hope I can take it on the plane?

Otherwise I'm feeling a lot better now and hopefully I'll be ready to eat tonight. My boyfriend has been incredibly patient with me this whole trip but I still feel guilty because I feel like I've ruined our vacation. So hopefully after a little rest I will make it up to him tonight by getting out to whichever restaurant he wants to eat at and visiting whichever local place he wants to visit. Luckily everything here closes at midnight so we'll have plenty of time to do a few things before we have to leave tomorrow.

I just wish I had felt well before.



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16 Sep 2022, 7:41 am

I've had leukemia like symptoms for a few years now. It's hard to pin down where they're coming from but your symptoms remind me of mine.

Just constantly exhausted, short of breath and feeling tired. I dunno if it's an age thing or something but it feels weird.


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16 Sep 2022, 10:03 am

Joe90 wrote:
gave me some antibacterial mouthwash to use every day for 2 weeks.

How about every day for the rest of your life?

Also I swear that sounds familiar... Could it be?
r00tb33r wrote:
antiseptic mouthwash

Enjoy the silence.


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16 Sep 2022, 10:10 am

So sorry this happened on your holiday, Joe90! How awful for you. I'm glad you got seen by a dentist and are on the mend. Take care :heart:

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16 Sep 2022, 11:00 am

In your checked luggage it shouldn't be a problem. (I'm in the US & always use checked luggage, esp on the way home. I'm not carrying dirty clothes carry-on.)

Joe90 wrote:
I just hope I can take it on the plane?


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16 Sep 2022, 11:09 am

Good news that you are feeling better.
Watch out for popcorn.My gums swelled up once and I thought it was an abscess, after antibiotics took the swelling down a piece of popcorn hull popped out of my gum line.That tiny little thing was the whole problem.Also I broke a filling when eating popcorn , it was an old maid.My dentist said popcorn and chewing on ice can cause that, he’s seen it numerous times.
So I don’t chew ice anymore and make sure there are no old maids in the popcorn.

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16 Sep 2022, 12:49 pm

Thanks, guys.

I just can't believe I've got something I've never had before just when I'm on vacation. I don't think it's anxiety, because I went on a vacation like this in 2019 and didn't get any illnesses. Maybe I'm just unlucky.

But I do feel I have wasted a lot of my time here laying around and feeling anxious that something bad was going to happen to me health-wise, like suddenly taking a turn for the worse (passing out or vomiting or covid or having some sort of unknown disease that would make it impossible to fly home until cured). All these possibilities were going round and round my head and it was impossible to just consciously stop myself from worrying.

I feel some people here laugh at me (nobody in this thread) because of my anxieties. I can't help it you know. I don't laugh at people here for having autism, so don't laugh at me for having anxiety (not aiming at anyone in this thread).



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16 Sep 2022, 1:30 pm

Must agree with every bodies above suggestions . Have had experience with a abscess tooth before , not knowing what the abscess thing was about , went to my folk medicine book . Reccomended mince garlic packed around the tooth for as long as you can stand it . Or 5 mins . It is truly an embarrassing process, cause initially it burns like the dickens, and your mouth waters uncontrollably until you get it out of your mouth . But do not spit it out keep as long as you can up to five minutes . After the process you go through,with this and you work up to five minutes after 3-5 days generally inflammation will start to subside , and the burning effect on your gums makes them feel numb .
(The burning is only chemical reaction, no real burning takes place .) you may spit out excess saliva,eyes may water too.
Yes you definitely need rest , your body is demanding it . This garlic process makes you want to rest too . Your gums completely recover in about 24-48 hours after treatment is over . My tooth eventually had to be removed anyhow. ( not intended to replace proper medical advise) Saved a ex friends tooth using same process also but you have to be determined. 8O

Next experience with gum infections that have spread ,from my medical experiences require use of Penicillin type derivatives , Amoxicillin , etc . 500 mg x2 a day .( Not to replace qualified medical advise).
Gargle with warm salted water few times a day as well . Much rest.
Joe90 you have describe appearances of a genuine abscess condition ,imho that degree of infection are usually a good qualified reason to go to {Emergency services} . Not waiting for a dental appt. It has spread by your description. Aspies have a tendency to rationalize their actions . And delay things by procrastination. Some Aspies are fairly durable medically I feel . For major stuff . Dentist can deal with aftermath effect on tooth . But a MD is in order at this point in time. 8O , Albeit dentists can prescribe Abx . ( antibiotics) as well .
Please do not mess/play with your health , if you can access Emergency services NOW is the time . Please .

<<<<Joe90 am so sorry you have to deal with this during your VaCation .>>>> :(
(Opinions expressed here are merely my own not be confused with your physicians advise)

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