Wish people would stop doom-mongering all the time

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07 Jun 2023, 8:42 am

Having just gone through a pandemic, I wish people would sometimes stop talking other potential catastrophic scenarios like nuclear war just because of the war in Ukraine or Artificial Intelligence. I seem to feel as though we still are in that doom-mongering mindset of talking about things that present a likely or unlikely threat to humanity and we haven't come out it and we spent so much time doom-mongering during the pandemic as well. Sometimes I just feel quite sick and tired hearing about price rises, inflation, wars and stuff going on right now it makes it seem even here in the UK like everything is extremely bad, as bad as country in the poorest parts of the world like Zimbabwe or Venezuela when the UK is supposed to be one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

I seem to think before Covid there was little for me to worry about, I remember I used to worry about a meteor hitting the earth or a black hole but I learnt to rationalise and convince myself that the likelihood of those things happening is possibly one in billions or trillions and that got me worrying less about it. But the things happening right now seem to be heightening the worries in my head again as though the situations we are facing will spell doom for humanity.


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07 Jun 2023, 9:01 am

People are always going to be pointing out the obvious contradictions of our current paradigm, and screaming about the serious threats Humanity faces, those threats that are perpetuated by a class of people who have no care for anything but their own wealth and power.

My suggestion is to find ways to ignore it all, because I can guarantee that no one is going to stop "doom-mongering".

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07 Jun 2023, 9:17 am

The only thing that's scaring me at the moment is the NHS (which I only hear about here on WP).



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07 Jun 2023, 10:04 am

Another way to put this, and to put any one individual at ease, is the fact that each and every one of us, as individuals, are completely powerless in "fixing" any of these problems, and because of that, our only outlet as individuals is making noise about the obvious. (you can also try to live how you know will ensure you have a minimal "footprint", as an outlet, but sadly that practice doesn't resonate with others as does discourse, communication, "memes", etc.)

IOW, you have every right to "hide" yourself from the doom-mongering. No one can rightly hold that against you.

(also, this is why we need to be organizing against the powers that cause all these issues)

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07 Jun 2023, 11:11 am

What helps me is to avoid the news in all it's forms. News seems to be primarily comprised of awful occurrences and grim concerns. I am pained enough by my personal life, I don't need to add to that the psychological effects of being perpetually informed of the horrors of wars being fought in far-flung countries, or of these anticipations of various humanity-ending events. It's all quite far-removed from my personal experience, tangential only in the form of indirect effects that I can't do anything about. I think it's best not to pay these things much attention if doing so is having negative effects. Fair enough if you're doing alright and these things are of interest, but I really need the mental space for other things, and I imagine a lot of people do in the wake of covid. So I live under a rock now, but with the faith that whatever truly needs to reach me will reach me, because some of the things that don't need to reach me still do.


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07 Jun 2023, 4:21 pm

I can cheer you up. AI isn't worth worrying about. Nuclear war is unlikely.

Over the past 100 years, the human condition had generally improved despite two world wars. Life is an order of magnitude better than it was in 1913. Sure, things aren't perfect.

Even in the worst case of global warming, its not like the planet will become a giant wasteland. I'm saying this as a person that is concerned about it - its not the literal end of the world.

We got new medical tech that is just starting to have impacts - the pandemic was the first time an mRNA vaccine was used wide scale. Thats a big deal! Curing cancer might actually happen within a few decades. The only downside I can think of is that we may be among the last of the generations before the real big medical stuff like longevity research really pays off. Imagine being the last generation to face natural old age death!


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08 Jun 2023, 4:21 am

I worry about how much we have trashed the planet with all our plastic, and the number of trees that get cut down every day to make toilet paper and other essential things, and all the scraps of metal and everything that can't be broken down.

I worry about the fumes from all the traffic, yet I worry about electric cars as well. I think electric cars will bring it's own set of problems, also electric vehicles have been known to burst into flames when on charge, sending off thick plume for miles. Surely that can't be very healthy for any living thing either. :roll:

My biggest concern is who makes these decisions. It seems to be rich people with no common sense or intelligence and are just thinking about money over the lives of people, animals and the environment.


Last edited by Joe90 on 08 Jun 2023, 5:58 am, edited 1 time in total.


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08 Jun 2023, 4:24 am

Without their gloom-and-doom "prophesies", some people would have no sense of meaning, of purpose, or of significance.  For some, spreading gloom-and-doom is their only way to assure themselves that they matter.

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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08 Jun 2023, 7:32 am

I seem to think that since Covid, all they seem to talk about is doom, I mean I saw a video uploaded about the situation with the dam burst in Ukraine saying it could have ''consequences for all of Europe'' not just in Ukraine. I'm also finding it rather irritating with a lot of protesters in the UK like Just Stop Oil doom-mongering about climate change as if tomorrow we are all going to burn to death when there was probably this type of fear going around 30 years ago and were probably saying back then that 30 years from now a global climate catastrophe will happen, cities will be underwater and humanity will be no more. Well here we are right now all still alive.


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08 Jun 2023, 8:10 am

I grew up in a culture which doom-mongered constantly. You’re probably right that this has escalated since COVID, but it feels normal to me.

I try to avoid the news because it makes me anxious and can trigger my PTSD.

If you find that it’s bothering you, you should probably avoid it or limit it, too. I know someone who only allows herself to watch the morning news and then avoids it the rest of the day. That could be a sound strategy for some, I think.

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08 Jun 2023, 8:43 am

Chris, with all due respect, it is not that the "world hasn't ended yet, even though people have been sounding the alarms", it is that certain things are indeed getting worse, and have been for much longer than just the past 30 years. The powers that be use EVERYTHING at their disposal to spin the narrative to their advantage, to make the masses think nothing is too dire. This is obviously false. The Earth's atmosphere and oceans ARE heating up, and BILLIONS of People ARE going to be affected, if they are not already.

It is possible to see ALL these issues and threats and not have it affect your psyche/mental health. It comes down to us CHOOSING to DO SOMETHING. Obviously, this is not for everybody, but GDI, let these People do these things. They are the ones that will bring the changes we need. Not those who stand aside and do little but critique them.

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08 Jun 2023, 9:19 am

mrpieceofwork wrote:
Chris, with all due respect, it is not that the "world hasn't ended yet, even though people have been sounding the alarms", it is that certain things are indeed getting worse, and have been for much longer than just the past 30 years. The powers that be use EVERYTHING at their disposal to spin the narrative to their advantage, to make the masses think nothing is too dire. This is obviously false. The Earth's atmosphere and oceans ARE heating up, and BILLIONS of People ARE going to be affected, if they are not already.

It is possible to see ALL these issues and threats and not have it affect your psyche/mental health. It comes down to us CHOOSING to DO SOMETHING. Obviously, this is not for everybody, but GDI, let these People do these things. They are the ones that will bring the changes we need. Not those who stand aside and do little but critique them.

I didn't say those things like I'm someone who denies climate change and global warming, I do acknowledge it exists but I just feel that having it always rammed down our throats when we are doing all we can do as individuals and trying to live life at the same time maybe sometimes isn't always helpful especially if someone has a bad anxiety disorder and keep telling people ''the world is going to end''.


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08 Jun 2023, 9:22 am

Joe90 wrote:
I worry about how much we have trashed the planet with all our plastic, and the number of trees that get cut down every day to make toilet paper and other essential things, and all the scraps of metal and everything that can't be broken down.

I worry about the fumes from all the traffic, yet I worry about electric cars as well. I think electric cars will bring it's own set of problems, also electric vehicles have been known to burst into flames when on charge, sending off thick plume for miles. Surely that can't be very healthy for any living thing either. :roll:

My biggest concern is who makes these decisions. It seems to be rich people with no common sense or intelligence and are just thinking about money over the lives of people, animals and the environment.

I got good news for you! Paper is a farmed product. So the more toilet paper we use, the more trees they plant.

Worrying about electric vehicles bursting into flames only makes sense if you are in one. The environmental impact is negligible.

Everyone is selfish. That will never change.


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08 Jun 2023, 9:25 am

mrpieceofwork wrote:
Chris, with all due respect, it is not that the "world hasn't ended yet, even though people have been sounding the alarms", it is that certain things are indeed getting worse, and have been for much longer than just the past 30 years. The powers that be use EVERYTHING at their disposal to spin the narrative to their advantage, to make the masses think nothing is too dire. This is obviously false. The Earth's atmosphere and oceans ARE heating up, and BILLIONS of People ARE going to be affected, if they are not already.

It is possible to see ALL these issues and threats and not have it affect your psyche/mental health. It comes down to us CHOOSING to DO SOMETHING. Obviously, this is not for everybody, but GDI, let these People do these things. They are the ones that will bring the changes we need. Not those who stand aside and do little but critique them.

Even in the worst case scenario, global warming will not destroy the planet. Some areas will get worse off, but others much better. Canada has a ton of empty land that could become livable, as will Siberia. No, it won't be easy to move people from Indonesia to Canada.

The reality is to prevent it, you have to convince a lot of people living along the equator to turn off their AC. Good luck with that.

I am someone who wishes we did and will do more, but I also am not going to lose sleep over it.


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08 Jun 2023, 9:42 am

stratozyck wrote:
Joe90 wrote:
I worry about how much we have trashed the planet with all our plastic, and the number of trees that get cut down every day to make toilet paper and other essential things, and all the scraps of metal and everything that can't be broken down.

I worry about the fumes from all the traffic, yet I worry about electric cars as well. I think electric cars will bring it's own set of problems, also electric vehicles have been known to burst into flames when on charge, sending off thick plume for miles. Surely that can't be very healthy for any living thing either. :roll:

My biggest concern is who makes these decisions. It seems to be rich people with no common sense or intelligence and are just thinking about money over the lives of people, animals and the environment.

I got good news for you! Paper is a farmed product. So the more toilet paper we use, the more trees they plant.

Worrying about electric vehicles bursting into flames only makes sense if you are in one. The environmental impact is negligible.

Everyone is selfish. That will never change.

Well that's good then. I read somewhere that they cut down millions of trees for toilet paper, but it was on Facebook so was probably another conspiracy theory thing.

Sorry, I don't know much. :lol:

I hate the way humans destroy animals' homes but when animals destroy our homes we kill them. It's not fair. I think all animals should be protected and a humane substance that deters pest animals should be in place, rather than mousetraps and rat poison. I can't bear it. As a rat owner (and rat lover) I have developed overwhelming empathy for wild rats too. When I give my pet rats a treat they look so cute and happy eating it with their little hands. Now think of wild rats doing that when given poison. Absolutely breaks my heart. Why are humans treated like we're so much more important than animals? It's their world too and they have a right to live.



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09 Jun 2023, 10:05 am

I don't like it when people doom monger. I react by mongering rainbows, sunshine and hope.

Who wants to adopt a Sweet Pea?