I kind of hate when people say "Oh, you can't complain now. Life gets so much worse"
Dude. Come on. Now I'm gonna have just a whole bunch of intrusive thoughts and conversations with myself about how to find enjoyment in my life. I'm gonna sit here and stress about maximising everything which is going to drive me up the damn wall in overthinking.
Respectfully, shut up. I know aging has its challenges but there are reasons people choose to continue living. There are good parts to life and while I would never condone toxic positivity, sometimes I wish I could just say - mate, I am not in the right headspace to hear this viewpoint. I can't 'enjoy my age' if you're stressing me out with the possibility of being miserable in my future. I mean maybe I will be but there's no point worrying about something that is yet to be (or may never be).
Just, leave me be. Let me approach things one day at a time and stop giving me a crisis.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.