Would it reveal to much ask about the services of my state?

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30 Mar 2006, 3:53 pm

Would it reveal to much(ie bad) ask about the social and disabilities services of my state?


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30 Mar 2006, 3:56 pm

hyperion wrote:
Would it reveal to much(ie bad) ask about the social and disabilities services of my state?

I don't know. What state are you in?

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30 Mar 2006, 4:05 pm

the state late night comics made jokes about, the one famous for its turnpike


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30 Mar 2006, 4:14 pm

You could always make a blind call, ie not give them your name.

I know here one pretty well needs a dianoses to get services. The state will pay for the DX though.

I guess the only down side I can think of is that some employers might ask about disabilites, even though I don't think they are suppose too.

What do you see as a potential downside?



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30 Mar 2006, 5:46 pm

the state late night comics made jokes about

We're not talking state of mind here? Is it a blue state or a red state?

hyperion - maybe there's an advocacy service in your state? Or nationally? Someone who could speak for you?
Check out this Intro to Citizen Advocacy < here > - your sort of problem is exactly what they're for.

I don't think it can reveal too much to ask about your local services. Of course you surely have every right to know about them. And with your situation as bad as you say, sounds like there are some bad things you should reveal - but get advice first. Keep asking for it here if you can't get it IRL. Getting the services is something else again, as BeeBee said - but you have a dx of something already, to account for the drugs they've put into you? Depending on the dx, that might make it harder to get the services you need, or it might make it easier. Good advice is what you need. And good luck, hyperion. Things will get better.
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30 Mar 2006, 7:30 pm

i wanted to ask you fellows about the quality of the services in my state but wasn't sure if telling my state would reveal to much about me


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31 Mar 2006, 6:22 am



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02 Apr 2006, 9:52 am

i cant stay in this house. my parents are liars. they want drug for thier personall prefferences, always
have, they hated having a special needs child still do. they keep talking about how much they need to rest(ie sit on thier buts and do nothing). To my reckolection my father has commited 4 violent assaults on me in my lifetime 2 have been in the in the past 2 years. my mother is a liar and doesnt admit it happened or is so deluded she doesnt believe it happened. my I have been verbally abused my whole life, by them.


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02 Apr 2006, 9:54 am

the situation is not good and the new medication is effecting my memory again. im sorry if my posts are disjointed and to many of them. following thoughts has become hard again


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02 Apr 2006, 12:49 pm

hyperion wrote:
im sorry if my posts are disjointed and to many of them. following thoughts has become hard again

Don't apologise. I'll be a lot angrier if you start apologising. You sort yourself out - that's the important thing, and I'm sure my honourable and right honourable friends would agree with this. :)


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04 Apr 2006, 12:20 am

I will make this clear. i need to get out this house. i have been the lifelong victum of verbal and emotional abuse and some physical assaults some very recent. i have been involuntalry medicated for psych conditions i dont have(endocrine problem), wich have damaged my mind and my phyisal health of wich i need medical care to undo. my parents are manipulative liars who cant take normal stresses, and flip out at nothing and exhibit large numbers of the signs of abusive personaliites.

They cannot be reasoned with in any manner. They will usually blow up at complete nothing or lie and say they accept what im telling them when they really dont.

my father recently made a threating jesture at me with a knife,(thier is no way it wasn't, he assumed an attack posistion no mistaking it, and was ready to lunge, and i had to jump back other wise he would have done it after wich my mother lied her but off about what a monster i was in a hospitable and got me thrown in a psych hospital, were i was forcibly medicated( iwas just starting to recover from being drugged the first time) my ability to read and think are impaired(less now then before).

my brother is bad too, he came home from college and threw me into the wall and pinned me down, and my mother watched it happen and denies it.( he also drinks and gambles in his spare time.)
I know i should have called the cops when it any of it happened but at the time i was not strong enough to do so, and had consider again most manuplative liar on the planet and that i would have made a poor witness( i made an earlier

who do i contact that i can trust that will help me. if i contact the state willl i be assidted or will i be screwed over?

again my parents extremly convincing liars and wish to control me or otherwise make my life impossible. they are insensitive and feel that the things they have done and do are inconsequential. i remember that most of my life how much they have hurt me emotionally.Being as somehow gave them the right do anything to me.
They have never provided any level of support above the level of a cheap babysitter

My concerns were never valid and still arent.

They do nothing for long stretches and then do something very counterproductive and even harmful to me.

all because they "love me"

they have cut me off from my relatives(they again lied and said i was this or that) i can still talk to them but thats it, and its doubtful they will take me in or believe. my friend is unable to assist me.

Again who would call to for an immediate exit, should i even mention the abuse or just that im disabled and need to leave. I probaly would not make a good witness if offical procceedings were to somehow take place. I simply want out as of yesterday. my continued presence in this house means they will most likely pull another manipulative and destructive incident

the only complication i might have with leaving is my dog and i have really good isurance through my mother

their is also a matter of possible misused and/or stolen assets.

I was wondering if could i have some appopriate numbers of organizations to call both for disability and dv.

i would have minimal trouble getting a mininum wage job within the immimdate forcible future barring their doing somehhing again

i simply have to remember how they have taken from me

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19 Sep 2006, 5:04 pm

Look into Adult Protective Services, they are the ones suited to rescue adults in abusive situations


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19 Sep 2006, 6:26 pm

I second getting in contact with Adult Protective Services, as they handle abuse cases when it involves adults.

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19 Sep 2006, 8:22 pm

It depends where you live. If you live in or near a big city, it's no problem. The resources are numerous, and the stigma of researching such services is quite low. Anywhere else, and the conservative attitudes kick it. Most people even hinting at a mental disability will be treated like pariahs. If you don't drive, take an Amtrak or a Greyhound to the nearest metropolitan area, and do your research there.

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19 Sep 2006, 8:41 pm

Look into Adult Protective Services, they are the ones suited to rescue adults in abusive situations

I wholeheartedly concur. The state is the best place to turn to in situations like this. Likewise I'm not sure how good the system works out in NJ, but if it's anything like the MN metropolitan area than you should be well off. I took the liberty of finding the website for you: http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/adult_protection/about_adult_protective_services/

Sometimes I feel a little embarassed when it comes to disclosing my condition when getting help, but the way I see it is that if I'm not likely to see someone I've talked to on a regular basis then they'll probably forget all about me in a week or so anyway.


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19 Sep 2006, 9:38 pm

my state is pretty bad for not providing the right kindof servies to people with disabilities, about all they'll do for you if your an adult with As, is help you find a job, and even then they complain about doing that