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13 May 2024, 10:48 am

What a lot of absolute tosh

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15 May 2024, 8:14 am

I hate this client. Every job she wants me to do is the same. There's never enough source material to work with and I'm left either having to spend ages researching everything or just pulling stuff out of my ass, writing absolute garbage because I don't know what I'm talking about. And then I get s**t at the end when the results aren't very good. I swear she only gives me stuff to do that she can't be bothered to do herself because it's too time consuming and she just thinks, "I'll get that contractor to do it for us." And I can't even tell her to shove it because her company gives me about 90% of the work I get.

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17 May 2024, 12:07 am

Nothing much.

Except a damn rat ate my lunch when I left it for 5 minutes to cool off.

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23 May 2024, 11:50 am

Why the hell did you decide to clean out that room today? Now i have a crap-ton of yarn in the middle of my floor. This was not on my agenda today.
Today was meant to be chilling while remaining available for [name] in case she needs to leave the house with her kid at home. I cannot be cranky if I’m to be around a kid.
I need to be checking for texts from [name] till 3.
I need to eat food and i’m pissed at you. Your dog chewed up a yarn label and several other things in the house. Sure, she’s not a fully grown dog yet (9 months) but gosh.
Keep your dog away from stuff. At least she hasn’t peed on anything yet. Yet.
She’s your dog. This household has not had a dog in 3 years, much less a puppy. You think we can take care of this dog? Hell no. Please keep her out.
I love dogs, but not when they are absolute menaces.

Stop leaving the doors open it’s way too hot out for that.
Why are you doing big projects while you’re sick? Stop. Just sleep.

Neurofibromatosis Type II (NF2)

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26 May 2024, 10:37 am

I'm not sure if my social skills are still working.I rely on a few online friends to alleviate this anxiety.Whenever the anxiety gets worse, I send them some money.It's too weird, and it seems to be aggravating the anxiety.

I have strayed too far from the normal course of life. Every time I look at it, it looks like a piece of s**t.Lots and lots of interlinked debuffs that fill my life and make it worse

For I so loved the world, that I gave My theory and method, that whosoever believeth in Me should not be oppressed, but have a liberated life. /sarc


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26 May 2024, 5:03 pm

Figuring out what to do with my life moving forward is really hard. I don’t seem to be suited for much.

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26 May 2024, 5:41 pm

TwilightPrincess wrote:
Figuring out what to do with my life moving forward is really hard. I don’t seem to be suited for much.

Come live with me mum and be her nurse
And you will all the pleasures prove ...

We'll pay you handily.

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26 May 2024, 5:47 pm

Given my clumsiness, I’d make an extremely incompetent and potentially dangerous nurse or else I’d consider taking you up on that. :lol:

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26 May 2024, 5:51 pm

Care homes are $3000 month which is less than I thought, but they're only full-time. We can't just put her in one for a month or two and then let her go home. There's no way she'll sell the house or stay in care. I know from experience when she gets walking she'll walk right out the door.

Private care is up to $5k / month. I'd do it myself, POSSIBLY, but I don't want to be the one to eventually find her dead. I'd also have to leave my pets and that's not gonna fly.

There's also the issue that I'd be paying myself ???

They won't let her go home alone.

We might ask Ken's widow. :(
She's qualified and unemployed.

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29 May 2024, 7:33 pm

My uterus, being a literal pain.

This is somewhat new to me, not a regular thing.

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02 Jun 2024, 9:25 am

“[me] and [my sister] tried to convince me to buy a big bottle of wine for their grandmother, but i don’t trust that would be where it was really going :lol:” said dad’s gf.

First of all. We did not ask you at all to buy that. Me and my sister were joking around bc grandma really likes chardonnay. We were joking.

Second of all. Do not ever imply that i might do underage drinking. I have known several alcoholics, one of which being my father. I have trauma. i have no interest in drinking.

This was very insensitive of you, especially if you do indeed know that my dad was an alcoholic.
If you mention this false event of convincing you to but alcohol for illegal reasons, i will tell you how offensive i find this.

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02 Jun 2024, 1:18 pm

I’ve always been the black sheep of my family, especially my mom’s side of the family, due to my lack of religiosity. They often ignore or dismiss whatever I have to say, even regarding topics I am knowledgeable about, if I disagree with them. When my brother says the same thing, they actually listen. Some of that is related to gender. They think that men are more logical, more intelligent. I’m the highest educated person in the family, but they are against higher education so that actually works against me.

I often get blamed for stuff too. Black sheep make convenient scapegoats.

My brother has been a closeted atheist for years. He doesn’t believe, talks to me in secret, and still has attended church/engaged in church activities. Recently, my 14 year old nephew quit believing and became an atheist. They have decided to quit the religion entirely, and my brother was going to tell my family about his disbelief. That was the plan. Instead of doing that, he said that his son stopped believing, not him. (My bro was worried about being shunned since he’s baptized.) Now family blames me and my son for being bad influences even though this is something that both my nephew and brother investigated on their own. Instead of feeling vindicated, I am blamed again and my son is too. It’s almost like bullying. I’ve lived a pretty blameless life by normal people’s standards. I’m quiet and timid which heightens the absurdity in my opinion.

My family is weird like that. For example, I remember several of the adults disliking my cousin and thinking she was a bad person when she was as young as five. As a nine year old, I came to the conclusion that she was not the problem nor was I… Anyway, maybe this stuff is related to black and and white thinking. Cults certainly encourage it.

Disturbing content:

When my brother told my mom about his son’s lack of belief yesterday, my mom said that without the hope of Paradise she would kill herself AND her family. She was very upset at the time but still…that’s batshit crazy and extremely concerning.

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02 Jun 2024, 5:01 pm

 ! Cornflake wrote:
I'm extremely disappointed with some posters here who really should know better than to (1) feed a troll and (2) discuss banned members.

What's worse is some of those reporting posts then continued responding and extending the trolling.

You know who you are: fer chrissakes guys, just behave will you?

smh, wondering why I f*****g bother.

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02 Jun 2024, 5:04 pm

Sorry man...well not for the reporting part because that wasn't me

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02 Jun 2024, 5:10 pm

I didn't report anyone either.

I am fairly certain who CF is referring to, however, though I shall not name and shame.


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02 Jun 2024, 5:13 pm

Yeah we don't need to do that round here

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