Selling something you got for free?

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05 Dec 2017, 1:20 pm

A couple months ago my dad asked if I wanted a tv stand my neighbor had put on the curb. I said sure and he brought it over to my place and we put it in my living room. Now I've decided I don't like it. It's so huge that I have to crane my neck back to see the tv. I told my parents and they don't care. I decided if I was going to get rid of it I may as well try to make a little money off it and put an ad for sale on craigslist. Not THAT my parents care about. They said that since I got it for free if I sell it I owe them all the money I get for it. Is that okay?


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05 Dec 2017, 3:24 pm

No that is B.S, they gave it to you it's yours now. Also though are you sure it's actually a t.v stand? just can't imagine them making one designed to where you have to crane your neck back to see the doesn't seem like its a very good t.v stand, in which case I doubt you'd get much for it.

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05 Dec 2017, 4:49 pm

It wouldn't make any sense for you to sell it if that was the case. Why would you bother making an ad and dealing with customers if you had to give all the money away?

It all depends what kind of transfer it was.
If they gave it to you as a gift (Like it? Take it.) - it is yours now, you can do whatever you want with it and you don't owe anything to them.
If they lend you the thing (I don't need it now so you can borrow it but its still my) - you are supposed to return it when you no longer need/like it and if they agree to sell it you can sell it but you have to give them the money - they should pay you for the work related to selling it though, perhaps 20% of the earns or so.
If you are helping them getting rid of it (I have nothing to do with it, can you help me out?) it could be considered a gift but it would be a good taste to share the money earned if you are selling it, although it would also be good taste for the person you got it from to pay YOU for taking the bothersome thing from them but it wouldn't be good taste for them to order some of the money you earned or for you order them to give you some money. Social rules are that crazy. :lol:

From what you are saying your parents got it for free, then they lend it to you. So it is theirs. You either return it to them or ask them if you can sell it and take some money as a tip.


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05 Dec 2017, 4:54 pm

Since you won't get very much money for it should just get rid of it so there is no money to give them, or request your parents come get it and sell it themselves if they need 30-50 bucks so bad.

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05 Dec 2017, 5:31 pm

It's mine. My neighbor had it put out on their curb with a "free" sign on it and my parents thought I would like it. And yeah it's a tv stand. It's really not THAT big but since my apartment is so small I don't have room to get far enough back to see it right. I asked for $100 for it since that's about the price I see most people selling heavy wooden furniture for but maybe that's too much.