I’m Having a Very Hard Time

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17 Apr 2024, 6:34 pm

Are there different kinds of body pains? I been having sooo bad pain in my knees & legs. My sister told me that her doctor told her that she should walk a little everyday & not too much walking, she have trouble walking too. My sister told me that I should walk to get better & stronger, to build up my muscles, how can you do that with bone pain? She have one rule for her & a different rule for me. My legs can be very numb too, I been walking more cuz I’m forced to walk, I been walking more since last week, I’m not getting better & stronger. When I had an apartment, I use my wheelchair alot, I also walked when I felt better in my feet, I was doing ok until I moved into a group home, now I have MORE PAIN & more digestion problems. I lost feeling in my legs before probably because of my Cerebral Palsy.


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17 Apr 2024, 8:51 pm

Walking can be painful if you already have pain in your legs. Can you do some other kind of exercise? You probably don't have access to a bike or a stationary bike, though that's what I would try, since you don't have to put weight on your legs. There are floor exercises that you can do. There are instructional YouTube videos for various exercises, including for people who have pain and disabilities. You could also look for videos of exercises for older people, since those tend to be more gentle, even though you are not old.


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18 Apr 2024, 4:04 am

There are different types of body pain.

You can have pain in your muscles and though it doesn't feel nice it can be a sign you're getting stronger. When we use our muscles more than usual it creates small tears in the fibres. This is what we feel as aches. The body responds by building stronger muscles. If we overdo it though the pain can be too much.

Bone pain can be all sorts of things but if our muscles are weak they wont support our bones and joints properly and that can be painful.

You can also have nerve pain which is different again.

I know you have lots of stuff going on in your body that makes it hard for you to move but moving your body is really important to avoid pain as you grow older.

Bee33 suggested a stationary bike which is a great idea. I don't know if it's possible for you but swimming is also an excellent way to move your entire body without putting pressure on your joints/bones.

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