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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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30 Jan 2022, 8:16 am

Edna3362 wrote:
People telling me to be more empathic is like forcing me to socialize -- I hate that.

I'd be empathic if I feel like it.
Just as I'd be sociable and socialize if I feel like it.

Can't people understand that?

Would they rather deal with me in a really foul mood, when having half the mind to go violent just to get away from people, consequences be damned?
Or, for everyone's sake, flat out ignore everyone and not even go in the first place?

It's like asking me to work when I'm dead drunk.
Then expect me to do well.

*stands up* *claps* DAMN RIGHT.


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30 Jan 2022, 11:51 am

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Cliche of the day. (Does that mean road to heaven is paved with bad intentions?)

Good intentions , but bad outcome, bad intentions, but good outcome, good, intentions, good outcome. Optimal. In ancient times, intentions were irrelevant, only outcome mattered. Modern Western society puts emphasis on intentions. Congruence of internal, external... in the court system, but then that brings up the question of how to determine bad intentions from good intentions, by what authority, how to clarify....go to the root of the matter and all impulses seem selfish and self centered, the issue becomes nebulous...

To paraphrase Tony Montana, I always act with good intentions, even when I don't.

when you factor in perspective, absolutes, objective , subjective...

What is this universe fabric made from, anyway?
f*k me If i know...

Oh i would say quarks, proton, electrons, and other invisible (to the naked eye) things that scientist have discovered in laboratories under electron microscopes.

Where is the core, everywhere is the core apparently, with an expanding Universe....Healthy, that's a optimistic word.

AQ: 27 Diagnosis:High functioning (just on the cusp of normal.) IQ:131 (somewhat inflated result but ego-flattering) DNA:XY Location: UK. Eyes: Blue. Hair: Brown. Height:6'1 Celebrity I most resemble: Tom hardy. Favorite Band: The Doors. Personality: uhhm ....(what can i say...we asd people are strange)


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30 Jan 2022, 12:29 pm

I want to research buddhism and taoism again because of all these cdramas. I feel like that crazy conspiracy theorist meme guy whenever i get too involved in these dramas.


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30 Jan 2022, 12:51 pm

Here are 42 ( :) ) interesting facts about Buddhism that will satisfy your curiosity.

1. The Founder of Buddhism is Siddhartha Gautama

Many would say “The Buddha” is the founder of Buddhism. Certainly, they are not wrong. To clarify, “The Buddha” means “The Awakened One”. Therefore, it is the title of honor given to the founder of Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama after his awakening.
2. The Buddha Was Born A Prince

The Buddha was born into royalty as a prince. That is to say, his father (Suddhodhana) was then the chief of the Shakya clan, India. And, his mother (Queen Maha Maya) was the princess of Koli.
3. The Core Buddhists Do Not Refer to The Practice as Buddhism

The Westerners coined the term “Buddhism” around the 1930s. However, the Buddhists in Asia would rather refer to the practice as “The Buddha-Sasana” which means “The Teachings of Buddha” or “The Dharma” which means “The Law”.
4. The Four Sights of Siddhartha Gautama

The founder of Buddhism saw four things that triggered his quest for enlightenment. On his first trip outside the palace, he saw an old man. However, during his second trip, he saw a corpse. And on the third trip, he saw a sick man and fourth, he saw an ascetic. These made him feel a strong desire to keep aside the palace life and seek out a way to end suffering.
5. The Buddha Is Not a God

Buddhists do not refer or see the Buddha as a God. But, they see him as a teacher who summed up his findings to lead the way to awaken.
6. Buddhists Are About 10 Percent Of the World’s Population

Buddhism is a fast-rising practice. After Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, Buddhism is the practice with the next largest population. However, with the rate of population increase, Buddhism might soon become the second largest practice.
7. Buddhism Does Not Teach “A Supreme God”

To practice Buddhism, you are not required to believe in one supreme god. That is to say, Buddhism is not about supernatural beings but more of human relationships.
8. The Buddha Was Born a Hindu

The Buddha came from a Hindu family. However, it did not make Buddhism less a different practice from Hinduism. That is to say, where Buddhism is non-theistic, Hinduism is theistic.
9. There Are More Than One Buddha

In Buddhism, a Buddha is anyone who can successfully attain enlightenment. As a result, some Buddhist monks who have awakened are seen as Buddha.
10. The Buddha Is Not Worshipped

Buddhists do not worship the Buddha. However, they revere him for his great teachings. Moreover, they see him as a human and not a god.
11. You Are Responsible For Yourself

The Buddha teaches that you are in charge of your path to enlightenment. That is to say, whatever you do or not do is only on you. Certainly, there is no savior to save you from your sins or reduce the consequences of your wrong actions.
12. The Lotus is a Symbol of Enlightenment

The lotus is a very significant plant in Buddhism. In other words, it is a representation of the journey towards awakening. Similarly, this is seen by the way it grows through the mud to the light just like the Buddha.
13. There are Several Schools of Buddhism

In modern society, Buddhism has several schools that teach different beliefs. But, there are 2 popular schools, The Mahayana Buddhism and The Theravada Buddhism. Others include the Vajrayana Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism, Esoteric Buddhism, Nichiren Shoshu, and others. While their activities differ, they have the same fundamental belief.
14. Buddhists Do not Believe in Salvation or Suffering After Death

The teachings of Buddhism is based on giving the present life a meaningful purpose. As a result, they focus more on the present rather than the past or future.
15. Buddhism Teaches 3 Basic Principles

The basic teachings of Buddhism are The Four Noble Truth, The Eightfold Path, and The Five Buddhist Precepts.
16. The Buddha Spent 49 Days Under The Bo Tree

The demons tempted the Buddha during these days. However, after the temptation, he discovered the Four Noble Truth and the Eightfold Path (the Middle Way).
17. Buddhists Believe in Karma

The law of Karma says that to every action one takes, there is a consequence. It is a principle of cause and effect. Moreover, Karma is the base of moral living in the teachings of Buddha.
18. The Four Noble Truth is The Truth About Suffering

The Four Noble Truth includes:

Suffering exists in life
The cause of suffering is desire and hatred
There is an end to suffering while ultimate happiness achieved
The Eightfold Path leads to the end of suffering

19. To Achieve True Happiness You Must Follow The Eightfold Path

The Eightfold Path involves moderation in:


This means that you should not do anything excessively.
20. The Five Buddhist Precept is The Principle of Moral living

Upholding these principles is the basic practice of Buddhism. They Include:

Avoid killing any living creature
Say the truth always
Avoid taking intoxicants
Do not take others possessions
Avoid sexual misconduct

21. Buddhism Would Be Even Without The Buddha

The Buddha taught the practice of Buddhism. However, the Buddha did not create this practice. Moreover, the practice extends across Buddhists.
22. Buddhism Does Not Interfere With One’s Perception

Practicing Buddhism does not mean you should believe everything the Buddha taught. Therefore, you have the right to seek out the truth in your own way. While you practice the path to alleviate suffering.
23. There Is No Holy Book In Buddhism

There are widespread scriptures of the Buddha’s teachings preserved in various Asian languages. But, there is no single book recognized as the traditional holy book of Buddhists.
24. The Place Where The Buddha Attained Awakening Is The “Bodh Gaya”

Bodh Gaya is a place in the Indian state of Bihar. Moreover, the Buddha attained enlightenment under a bodhi tree at this site. In addition, a Temple complex is built in the site and used as a pilgrimage center.
25. The Gandharan Buddhist Text Is The Oldest Surviving Buddhism Manuscript

Dated about the 1st century CE, the Gandharan Buddhist Text remains the oldest manuscript of the Buddhists. In addition, it is written in Gandhari and represents the Gandharan Buddhism.
26. Buddhacharita Is A Poetic Biography Of Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha)

The Buddhacharita is considered the oldest biography of the Buddha. This poetic narrative was written by Asvaghosa around the early 2nd century CE.
27. The Buddha Died In Kushinagar In 483 BC

Kushinagar is a place in the state of Uttar Pradesh. This is where the Buddha attained parinirvana after he died at the age of 80 in 483 BC.
28. Siddhartha Gautama Started His Ascetic Life In Rajagaha

When Buddha left his luxury to seek enlightenment, he started by begging for alms in the streets of Rajagaha. Certainly, this is a city in the Indian State of Bihar.
29. The Buddha Taught His First Disciples In Dhamek Stupa, Sarnath.

After awakening, the Buddha the started sharing his findings. His first teaching was The Four Noble Truth and he started in Dhamek Stupa in Sarnath. Moreover, this place is located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India.
30. The First Disciples of Buddha Were Only Five In Number

These five disciples of the Buddha were his friends who help him during his self-mortification. In addition, these were the first people he taught the path after his awakening.
31. The Golden Buddha Statue Weighs 5.5 Tons

The Phra Phuttha Maha Suwan Patimakon is a 9-foot tall statue of Buddha weighing 5.5 tons (5,500 kilograms). On the other hand, this statue is standing in the temple of Wat Traimit in Bangkok, Thailand.
32. The Laughing Buddha Is Not The Founder Of Buddhism

The common laughing Buddha statues seen mostly in Chinese restaurants are not Siddhartha Gautama. However, the Statue represents Budai. He is a Chinese folk hero of the 10th century.
33. The Spring Temple Buddha Is The World’s Tallest Buddha Statue

With a height of 420 ft (128 meters), the Spring Temple Buddha statue remains the tallest Buddha statue in the world. This statue was completed in 2008. It is located in China (Lushan, Henan). In addition, it was the tallest statue in the world until the completion of the Statue of Peace in India.
34. The Buddha Was Not Chubby As The Statue Portrays

The chubby appearance of the statues of Buddha symbolizes happiness. In the same vein, chubby is a symbol of happiness in the eastern world. Therefore, the statues only show that the Buddha is a happy man. So, does not mean that the Buddha is chubby.
35. The Thanboddhay Pagoda Has The Highest Number Of Buddha Depictions

From the statues to the images of Buddha on each pillar, the Thanboddhay Pagoda has over 500,000 Buddha depictions. Further, the Pagoda is located in Myanmar.
36. Arthur Schopenhauer Became The First Westerner To Pick Interest In Buddhism

Arthur Schopenhauer was a German philosopher. He was best known for his work “The World as Will and Representation”. Moreover, the basic themes of this work can be compared favorably with the Buddha’s Four Noble Truth.
37. Buddhism Has No Central Office

There is no overall leader in Buddhism. Also, there is no central headquarter that gives instruction to others. That is to say, each Buddhist Temple is independent and stems from a particular school of Buddhism. As a result, Buddhism is prone to fissures.
38. The Elongated Earlobes Of The Buddha Depictions Represents Wisdom And Compassion

It is common to see other bodhisattvas who have attained enlightenment portrayed as having long ears. That is to say, the elongated earlobes signify wisdom. Moreover, the Buddha hears the cry of the world due to suffering and responds by seeking out solutions. Also, this is a reason for the long earlobes, to show the compassionate nature of the Buddha.
39. The Depictions Of Buddha Has 32 Major Characteristics Of A Great Man

There are 32 significant features of the Buddha statues that portrays the Buddha as a great man. Few examples include finely webbed hands and feet, level feet, body with a golden hue, forty teeth, jaw like a lion, and many others.
40. The Flame-like Headdress Of The Buddha Represents The Light Of Predominant Knowledge

The Ushnisha is an oval protuberance on the top of Buddha’s head. It significantly shows the Buddha’s attainment of enlightenment. On the same note, it implies the Supreme knowledge of the Buddha.

41. The Buddha’s Last Advice To His Disciples Was “Strive Hard To Achieve Your Own Salvation”

Before his death, the Buddha left a final piece of advice for his followers. In short, he told them that all things in the world change. That nothing lasts. Therefore, they should strive hard to achieve their own salvation. Likewise, the Buddha made it clear here that everyone is responsible for their salvation.

42. Nirvana Is The Ultimate Goal Of Buddhism

Nirvana is the spiritual bliss. In addition, it is a state where there is no more suffering. One can achieve this through the Eightfold Path which is to be moderate in everything.

AQ: 27 Diagnosis:High functioning (just on the cusp of normal.) IQ:131 (somewhat inflated result but ego-flattering) DNA:XY Location: UK. Eyes: Blue. Hair: Brown. Height:6'1 Celebrity I most resemble: Tom hardy. Favorite Band: The Doors. Personality: uhhm ....(what can i say...we asd people are strange)


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30 Jan 2022, 12:58 pm

^ Thank you, some of these info i knew already some of them i didn't. I wish i could study eastern culture/traditions and folklore for a living.


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30 Jan 2022, 1:32 pm

That is an interesting read about Buddhism. The eightfold path and asd seem to be in conflict, especially based on my definition of moderation for mindfulness and concentration. This is subjective, based on the extremes, and my scant knowledge of it.


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30 Jan 2022, 3:08 pm

AprilR wrote:
^ Thank you, some of these info i knew already some of them i didn't. I wish i could study eastern culture/traditions and folklore for a living.

Maybe you could apply for a position as a Research Assistant with the grad department of your Uni?

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.


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30 Jan 2022, 3:15 pm

Research Assistant ...Uni. Shes 31, already pursued legal degrees(?)is it too late?, I'm 33, I wouldn't mind that kinda work. The protected cloister of academia. Round here we would call that 'Cushy.'

AQ: 27 Diagnosis:High functioning (just on the cusp of normal.) IQ:131 (somewhat inflated result but ego-flattering) DNA:XY Location: UK. Eyes: Blue. Hair: Brown. Height:6'1 Celebrity I most resemble: Tom hardy. Favorite Band: The Doors. Personality: uhhm ....(what can i say...we asd people are strange)


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30 Jan 2022, 3:21 pm

theprisoner wrote:
Research Assistant ...Uni. Shes 31, already pursued legal degrees(?)is it too late?, I'm 33, I wouldn't mind that kinda work. The protected cloister of academia. Round here we would call that 'Cushy.'

Nothing is ever too late if you are willing to live with the absolute, basic necessities of life.

If you are prepared to live like a student at 90 years old, you can be a student, even if you have not much going for you economically.


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30 Jan 2022, 3:27 pm

Well, it's a matter of motivation. I'm as academically minded as any student ,in my own mind anyway. I don't know if I would want to make it an official formality though.

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30 Jan 2022, 3:30 pm

theprisoner wrote:
Well, it's a matter of motivation. I'm as academically minded as any student ,in my own mind anyway. I don't know if I would want to make it an official formality though.

I personally, also (in agreement with your sentiment) - think the difference between a student & a non-student is the level of motivation a person has.

You cannot be a student if you are not willing to put a certain amount of work into an academic subject - even if you are intelligent enough to gain higher level education, it doesn't happen if you don't put the work in, basically.


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30 Jan 2022, 3:31 pm

Also, there are plenty of people who think they are intelligent enough to gain a degree, but really are not.

It's a matter of walking the walk, as well as talking the talk.


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30 Jan 2022, 3:33 pm

Fat shaming is bigotry

I don't follow society's rules. But that doesn't mean there aren't rules I have to follow when the Dark Passenger calls.

Don't be so eager to be offended. The narcissism of small differences leads to the most boring kind of conformity.


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30 Jan 2022, 3:34 pm

Top careers for the INTP include:

Technology is a highly attractive field for INTPs, and many INTPs are drawn to computers from a very young age. Even INTPs who do not work in tech fields typically nurse an interest in computers on the side. Working with technology allows INTPs to exercise their reasoning skills in perfect concert with their creativity and desire to experiment and innovate. Some INTPs even say they understand computers better than they understand other people!

Most any career in computers or technology can be considered a possibility for the INTP, but some sample tech careers for INTPs include:

Computer Network Architect
Computer or Information Research Scientist
Computer Programmer
Computer Systems Analyst
Network or Computer Systems Administrator
Software Developer


Engineering careers are a good fit for the logical, analytical thinking style of the INTP. They particularly enjoy engineering fields that allow them to exercise a measure of creativity in their work. Some sample engineering careers for INTPs include:

Aerospace Engineer
Biomedical Engineer
Chemical Engineer
Computer Hardware Engineer
Environmental Engineer
Landscape Architect
Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Engineering Technician


Scientific careers are a natural choice for INTPs. They enjoy all aspects of the sciences: the opportunity to build specialized knowledge in their field of choice; the ability to focus at length on complex, abstract ideas; and most of all, the exploratory process of scientific experimentation. Some sample science careers for INTPs include:

Anthropologist or Archaeologist
Environmental Scientist
Medical Scientist
Physicist or Astronomer
Political Scientist

Urban or Regional Planner
Physician or Surgeon

Business and Law

Both business and law careers can make good use of the INTP's analytical instincts. Good business careers for INTPs often stimulate their interest in complex theories, including advanced mathematics. Some sample business and law careers for INTPs include:

Accountant or Auditor
Financial Analyst
Management Consultant
Market Research Analyst
Top Executive
Sales Engineer

Arts and Language

Some INTPs focus on their creative instincts with a career in the arts. Typically, though, even an INTP working in an artistic field finds a way to use their analytical side in their work. Some sample artistic careers for INTPs include:

Music Director or Composer
Producer or Director
Graphic Designer
Industrial Designer
Multimedia Artist or Animator
Technical Writer
Writer or Author
:star: :star: :star: :star: Professor or College Instructor :star: :star: :star: :star:

Arts. It would have to be under arts. Academia does fit my type. Second to rarest type. Only 4% of population. INTP.

AQ: 27 Diagnosis:High functioning (just on the cusp of normal.) IQ:131 (somewhat inflated result but ego-flattering) DNA:XY Location: UK. Eyes: Blue. Hair: Brown. Height:6'1 Celebrity I most resemble: Tom hardy. Favorite Band: The Doors. Personality: uhhm ....(what can i say...we asd people are strange)


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30 Jan 2022, 3:36 pm

Doberdoofus wrote:
Fat shaming is bigotry

I agree. I was asked if I am pregnant when I was obese, too many times, for me not to agree with this notion.


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30 Jan 2022, 3:36 pm

Doberdoofus wrote:
Fat shaming is bigotry

There are alot worse things in this world. Like Dying of Arteriosclerosis .

AQ: 27 Diagnosis:High functioning (just on the cusp of normal.) IQ:131 (somewhat inflated result but ego-flattering) DNA:XY Location: UK. Eyes: Blue. Hair: Brown. Height:6'1 Celebrity I most resemble: Tom hardy. Favorite Band: The Doors. Personality: uhhm ....(what can i say...we asd people are strange)