Mountain Goat wrote:
I have noticed that most of the people I know of who had mental breakdowns were exceptionally intelligent.
I have also noticed in life that those who are thick (No dissrespect at all intended to those who are) just carry on in life just as they always have been right into their old age.
So it started me thinking. I heard that various different animals of different sizes including humans have totally different lifespans usually according to their size (Though not always), and that if, instead, one measures how many heartbeats each animal has during their average lifespans, each animals heartbeats end up being roughly the same. Mice may not live long but have much faster heartbeats. Elephants have slow heartbeats and live much longer, but overall, the number of hearbeats are the same!
Now look back at intelligence. I am wondering if it is the case that everyone has the same actual intelligence level stored in our brains, but those that have higher IQ's are more suseptable to wearing their intelligence out too quick and therefore end up with mental breakdowns, while those of a low IQ level can be more economical with their intelligence and therefore retain their intelligence for much longer as they don't use up their intelligence so fast.
Is that related to metabolism