How reclusive of an individual are you?

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How reclusive of an individual are you?
Not reclusive 4%  4%  [ 4 ]
Moderately reclusive 46%  46%  [ 43 ]
Highly reclusive 50%  50%  [ 47 ]
Total votes : 94


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17 Sep 2009, 12:02 pm

For the better part of five years, pretty much the only time I left my house was for a biweekly trip to the grocery store... I think the longest time I have gone without leaving my house is probably four months. I would have loved to keep the streak going, but it was causing my husband some upset, so I have been trying to be less reclusive. It's difficult because I have sensory issues and do not function well in uncontrolled environments... Despite that, I manged to take a non internet class this semester and try to make a point of going somewhere during my non grocery week so I at least leave my house three days a week now... even if it is just for four or five hours during that week.


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17 Sep 2009, 12:48 pm

Everything in moderation, even this...topic

Because I have active, social teens, I find myself only moderately reclusive.

I suspect I will be more so once they are grown up. 8)

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17 Sep 2009, 2:05 pm

My level of reclusiveness constantly varies.

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17 Sep 2009, 3:35 pm

If I want to work, I'd better not be too reclusive...
I can handle people, on occasion...


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17 Sep 2009, 3:39 pm

I have no friends and don't leave the house except for work and groceries. I socialize a lot online with my long-discance boyfriend, though, if that counts.

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18 Sep 2009, 6:49 am

My level of reclusiveness has risen until the point where I need some type of social interaction to keep me sane. I have not had a true friend for a few years now (sad I know). The only time I really interact with people in a non-formal 'friendly' way is on internet forums. It may not be 'in-the-flesh' socialization, but it's better than nothing....

I got so desperate for interaction that I created my own forum dedicated to the topic of reclusiveness. :)

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19 Sep 2009, 2:43 am

If I were to be living in a large city right now, I'm confident in saying that I'd not be so reclusive. The only reason why I'm currently reclusive is because I'm living in a smaller place where everyone knows each other.


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19 Sep 2009, 2:51 am

sartresue wrote:
Everything in moderation, even this...topic

Because I have active, social teens, I find myself only moderately reclusive.

I suspect I will be more so once they are grown up. 8)

Agreed sartresue, I'll just have to use your ever efficient avatar as my beloved and symbolic patron.... 8)

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19 Sep 2009, 7:14 am

The same as everyone else who uses the 'net to talk to people.

Other than my mother, sister and her family, no one else in person.


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19 Sep 2009, 7:49 am

I work with people, so I see them a lot. I'm also in an orchestra which contains a lot of people, but I do that for the music, not the social contact.
If I recall correctly, the last time I socialised in person was at least 2-3 months ago.
I leave the house reasonably often because I feel caged if I stay indoors all the time. Lately I haven't left except for work and the occasional other thing, but that's just because being overwhelmed by life means I don't have the brainpower for it to occur to me to go for a walk or something, not because I don't want to leave the house.

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19 Sep 2009, 8:03 am

i am very isolated from the world.
i am not sure if i am reclusive, because i do not hide from the world, i just do not pursue it.

i have all i need for my entertainment and contentment in my house.
i do not feel the need to seek anything from out there.

when i go out, all i see is anonymous people scurrying about in pursuit of their intentions.

i used to eat at a tavern many nights per week, but the quality of the food dropped when some turkish people took over the bistro, and i felt no longer satisfied with the dishes.

so now i only go out to get my supplies once per day, and i drive 1km to the marketplace and quickly get my goods and self scan them and go home.
i notice no one unless they are in my way. then i forget them as soon as they step to the side.

also i sometimes have to physically drive to the company that employs me and spend a few hours there.

other than that, i am always in a tee shirt and tracksuit pants with socks on but no shoes, lounging around my home doing what i please.

my "girlfriend" comes over once per week, and my only other current friend comes over during the day once every 2-3 months.

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19 Sep 2009, 9:53 am

Danielismyname wrote:
The same as everyone else who uses the 'net to talk to people.

Other than my mother, sister and her family, no one else in person.

Do you seriously believe that everyone who uses the internet to talk to people is a recluse?

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19 Sep 2009, 10:09 am

when I hit rock bottom last school year I never even left my dorm to go to classes, causing me to fail

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19 Sep 2009, 10:55 am

Didn't really leave my bedroom for four years 8O but I blame that on the citalopram.

Went to the supermarket yesterday for the first time in about 12 days and feel much better for it if slightly poorer.


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19 Sep 2009, 7:36 pm

Being a student, I don't have the option of being a recluse. Until a year ago, I was very reclusive and rarely interacted with my peers outside of school. Since being at Uni for a year where I lived with 5 other people, I've built up a decent - but small - circle of friends. In fact, I had more social interaction last year than I previously did in my whole life put together.

I go through stages of not liking people and wanting to be a complete recluse, but I need social interaction, otherwise I get depressed. So to sum it up, I'm a former recluse who still sometimes avoids social interaction.

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19 Sep 2009, 7:57 pm

I would say i am semi-reclusive. I don't really like to stay at home, but i do. I don't mind going out like to eat or malls, etc. As long as it isn't to go meet up with people. I rarely go out alone. I guess partly because i hate being alone and partly because i have a smidge of driving anxiety. I have my bf go everywhere with me. I have zero friends. I really don't care to make any in person. I don't like being taken advantage of and i am always sure that is what they will do and being that i am non-confrontal, i will do as asked whether i like it or not. Also not interested in hearing their problems as i have trouble on what to say or how to react. It just isn't worth it to me to feel those stresses.