What's the last weirdest dream you had?

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what's the last weirdest dream you had, by type?
*I dream weird Technicolor dreams most of the time! :jester: 14%  14%  [ 88 ]
*I dream mostly vivid but totally "normal" dreams generally. :salut: 11%  11%  [ 69 ]
*I tend to dream "average" blah dreams. :| 4%  4%  [ 25 ]
*I generally dream in vivid colors and sounds :jester: 13%  13%  [ 85 ]
*I tend to dream in average/subdued colors and subdued/muted sounds :| 5%  5%  [ 31 ]
*I dream only in shades of gray. :| 0%  0%  [ 3 ]
*I never seem to remember my dreams. :| 9%  9%  [ 58 ]
*I have mostly good dreams :) 9%  9%  [ 56 ]
*I have mostly nightmares or night fillies :help: 11%  11%  [ 69 ]
*I LUCIDLY DREAM! :star: :colors: 14%  14%  [ 90 ]
*I wanna nice yummy ice cream! :chef: 9%  9%  [ 56 ]
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19 Nov 2023, 11:00 pm

i dreamt i was at work in the army hospital yet again, busy evening with full census. was in the employee breakroom after a tough run of deliveries, one of the nurses on another couch threw three big pieces of cardboard box fragment at me and hit me painfully, i shouted at her "GD IT!" and threw them away from me. the OOD (military officer of the day) was in the hallway outside, overheard the commotion and ducked inside the breakroom and asked me what was the matter, and i explained the situation to him and asked him to report it to the hospital commander the next day, the nurse yelled at me, "OH NO YOU DON'T YOU SO AND SO!!" and proceeded to throw shade at me to another nurse in the room.


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20 Nov 2023, 8:53 pm

I had a dream the other night that I was a teenage/young 20-ish boy who was feeling pressure to be physically active with people in order to hide something, so I was trying to make out with this friend of mine who was, by all standard standards, beautiful. We were in a bed and I started freaking out and crying because I couldn't bring myself to do it and started telling her I was asexual, sex repulsed, and terrified of that sort of thing. I wasn't being completely honest with her and I know that, but I don't know what I was holding back. She was really cool about it even though it hurt her feelings. She was being a good friend to me. That made me relieved. The whole crying bit was cathartic though. I fell apart in her arms and she let me. I'm still not sure what to make of all that.


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28 Nov 2023, 2:16 am

i dreamt i was in a living room of a house i spent a bit of time in earlier in my life. a man in gray approached me in the living room and handed me $500 and told me i could do anything and go anywhere with that $500. i had 3 cars in my garage, one a luxurious buick sedan, and i tried to find the keys for that and failed, then i sought the keys to my large comfortable truck, and failed to find those in any place i looked. i finally found the keys to an old econobox sedan that resembled a yugo, and in the dream i groaned in dread of driving that thing, then i awoke.


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28 Nov 2023, 2:30 am

I rarely remember dreams but when I do I have a recurring dream where I remember that I still own a Mini (classic Mini) and I go and find it and drive it somewhere. For some reason my brain is convinced that I still have this car and I've just parked it somewhere and forgotten about it.

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28 Nov 2023, 2:44 am

I had two fish in undergrad: an orange goldfish named Snowball and a white goldfish named Fluffy. That was nearly 35 years ago. I still have dreams that I've forgotten about them all this time, and I discover their aquarium is filthy with murky water and poo. They both have the fish disease called Ick, and they're swimming very sadly looking starved.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.


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28 Nov 2023, 5:21 am

I probably posted her 6-8 years ago on this very thread but when I was a kid I dream't I was on a school excursion on an American aircraft carrier (one visited that year when I was in school), As we being escorted below and above deck the ship was taken over by witches dressed in black who went around ticking all the naval seamen. I heard "watch out" "it's the tickle witches"

The witches resembled the ones from a movie I saw called "THe Wizard of Oz" with hooked noses and strange witches hats. They went around tickling everyone. The dream ended when I was confronted by a witch who commenced to tickle me. I was so shocked! I woke up in a cold sweat.

The second weird dream I remember was I was walking on university campus some 20 years ago and the German airship the Hindenberg smashed into the main student building and started burning and the student building crashed own like 9-11. The debri came everywhere when all of a sudden I was whisked away by a blonde elf being who was androgynous (male and female looking) on his/her motorbike with me sitting on the back. As we drove away with debri falling all around his the elf asked me what was I studying at uni? Suddenly instead of 2002 it was 1985 and I said microbiology. Rather naively I asked the elf what he/she studies,

The elf answered me - "trade"
I woke up in a cold sweat

Both these dreams have always stayed with me. I never quite understood their meaning. What did the elf mean? what did the witches represent?

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07 Dec 2023, 10:32 am

i dreamt my late sister, sweetie, and older brother were all together in a white room. wish i could remember what we were all doing there.


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07 Dec 2023, 11:10 am

I was in a vast, snowy field with giant leafless trees. It was an overcast day and quite dark, the exact type of day that I love. The area seemed to be a memorial park because each tree had a small plaque at the bottom bearing the surname of a person who had passed. The names all seemed to end in -wicz, or -ovsky, so I think I was in Russia or Poland.

Somehow there was a floating chair like a hoverchair which could take me to the tops of the trees by thought alone. I didn't see the chair but I was in a seated position and not floating on my own volition.

I went to the top of the greatest tree. It was so high that the straight, vertical trunk was just a dot below me. All I could see were the branches going in every direction at my feet. At ground level the tree was several metres around its base.

It occurred to me that this tree belonged to someone named Stracowicz (something like that?) and that I'd seen a smaller tree in a different area of this park, bearing the same name. I wanted to determine if the people had been parent and child.

I took someone else up on my floatation to the top of this huge tree and told them my theory. Then I realized I had no form myself and I was invisible. I remarked to my companion that this was the most perfect experience of my life because I loved having no body, I loved floating, and most of all I loved the sanctity of this sweeping landscape under grey and weathered skies.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.


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17 Dec 2023, 5:19 pm

i dreamt i was in a school or institution somewhere, in the sports area with showers. it was crowded in there and there was a line formed outside of the locker room shower stalls, and somebody told me to skip forward in line to the front where the showers were, and right away another student or man or whomever, he had pale skin, close-cropped short brown hair and dark brown eyes, he took umbrage and glared at me and ran in front of me, before hopping into one of the showers himself. i waited a bit longer 'til a shower stall opened up, then i entered, and i noticed that it was co-ed with females taking showers in stalls next to me. then i awoke.


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19 Dec 2023, 7:32 pm

I had a dream that it was Christmas morning and my sister, her family and my in laws were at my parents place and everyone was finally awake. My mum was handing everyone their presents. She handed my sister 4 small packages and handed me 4 big packages. I was wondering why I was getting 4 big packages. Everyone else got medium packages. I was watching my sister open her small packages and she got underwear from Victoria's Secret. I watched my niece, Adria open her presents and she got two lacrosse hoodies, underwear and makeup. I watched my sister's husband, Kenny open his presents and he got two pair of red boxers, rum and sunflower seeds. My mum asked me if I was going to open my presents. I got 4 packages of Tranquility. I became so embarrassed and upset that I ran into the spare bedroom and hid in the closet. My mum knocked on the closet door and said, "You complained about not getting underwear for Christmas so I did what I thought was the logical thing!" I asked, "In front of everybody?" Mum said, "I apologize....mow come on back out and join us. Adria's giving out her presents. You're going to like them."

I came back out and joined everyone. Adria handed us each the gifts that she had for us. I watched everyone opening their gifts from Adria and I ripped into mine at the same time. I pulled a toy German helmet and a German flag out of my box. I gave Adria a huge hug. Adria said, "My lacrosse team was having an international day and the coach made the mistake of having a hippie buy the door prizes. He was stoned at the time that he bought them. He bought door prizes to do with countries instead of our preferences. This is what I won." I said, "Thank you....I love you!" My mum said, "Since you're never going to change, I will allow you to wear the helmet anywhere, even here."

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23 Dec 2023, 2:09 pm

i dreamt i was in some lady's kitchen, she wore a pullover sweater and blue jeans, had brunette hair in a poufy long style that went down her back. she beckoned me and pointed to an open cupboard with a jar of "toll-free applesauce" on it, and told me i should try some. :huh:


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24 Dec 2023, 3:15 pm

i dreamt that a local chiropractor, an ex-marine, persuaded me in my dotage to join the marines. i went to a recruiter and signed on the dotted line, amazingly they took this old codger into their ranks without question. then i was taken to a local hotel compound the marines were using for pre-educating prospective marines before the total immersion phase, to pre-weed-out potential failures. the drill instructors were mild as could be, one warned me that due to my limp i probably would be weeded out sooner than later. in my hotel room i poured over my copies of the induction paperwork i'd signed a few days earlier, to make sure i had actually enlisted rather than this being some sort of bad dream, and when i found my signature i had a sick feeling of "uh-oh...." i heard thunder outside, so i opened the window and felt the moist droplet-laden air and smelt the mildly sickly sweet smell of ozone from the lightning off in the distance. i went to dinner and stood in line to be served food. then i went back to the hotel which had a curious radio in it that had a double-tuner in it that let me scan for radio stations in two dimensions. then i awoke.


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24 Dec 2023, 4:22 pm

Had a dream last night that I woke up 10 or 15 years ago in my late grandfather's old house. He was still alive and everyone including me looked younger, my sister was still a teenager.

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27 Dec 2023, 11:11 pm

i dreamt i was wandering through a university, and i had a perseveration going on with the term "pansyncretism" which refers to the practice of combining different beliefs/schools of thought. Syncretism involves the assimilitive merging of several originally discrete traditions, mostly of theology and mythology of religion, thus enabling an underlying inclusive unity of various faiths under one ecumenical umbrella. anyways, each person i asked [in the dream] their opinion about pansyncretism, gave me a blank expression like a deer in the headlights. after tiring of this, i wandered into a teacher's breakroom where one of the employees showed me a box i had dropped off earlier, partially full of some yummy donuts, and i ate one. :chef:


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28 Dec 2023, 4:13 pm

^^that was the first hifalutin' mumbo jumbo dream i've had in years, it seems.


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30 Dec 2023, 12:11 pm

I was buying snow globes 'cause they were really cheap from the beginning and had 50 % off. Was planning to use them as Christmas gifts the next year. The weird part? For some reason I was in my night clothes and had my day clothes in a pile in my shopping basket next to the snow globes and other Christmas decorations I was buying.

And before that, on the same night, my sister had this pink frog that kept hopping around our childhood home's kitchen... I'm pretty sure that thing was poisonous.