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31 Aug 2015, 2:16 pm

there is actually no boundary between your body and the rest of the world, and everything that we can touch or see is a part of us, and we can know what is happening anywhere, and all of the people seem independent but they are all part of a huge organism and they work as one, and the universe is a huge sentient being that spends its time going who knows where.

life is a game

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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01 Sep 2015, 3:38 pm

Big Bang theory


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03 Sep 2015, 10:38 pm

I believe that my cats truly think my husband and I are a bunch of dumb apes :mrgreen:


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04 Sep 2015, 9:58 am

The dinosaurs were not wiped out by an asteroid impact, or by anything else. In the millions of years that they ruled supreme over this planet they had evolved levels of intelligence that we could only dream of in our relativity short tenure as the lords of the earth. The dinosaurs knew in advance that an asteroid was on a collision course with earth and they took the appropriate action to avoid it by building a huge armada of vessels with which they could escape to another dimension or alternate universe. In the eons since they left they have continued to evolve and when some of their crafts occasionally pause to observe Earth their occupants are misidentified as grey aliens, when in fact they are actually an indigenous species. Of course there is no remaining evidence of the technology, structures and cities that the dinosaurs built, but think of the levels of erosion in the pyramids that have taken place in just a few thousands of years, then it's easy to understand why well over a hundred million of years of erosion and tectonic activity have long since erased all traces of the vanished dinosaur culture.

Whatever it is that you think that I'm thinking... you're wrong!

345 is a nice number on which to end.

Bimog And The Search For Pangea


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18 Sep 2015, 5:16 pm

Islam was never a curse, it just became something for Isis followers to practice on.


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21 Sep 2015, 11:37 am

Ben_Is_My_Only_God wrote:
The dinosaurs were not wiped out by an asteroid impact, or by anything else. In the millions of years that they ruled supreme over this planet they had evolved levels of intelligence that we could only dream of in our relativity short tenure as the lords of the earth. The dinosaurs knew in advance that an asteroid was on a collision course with earth and they took the appropriate action to avoid it by building a huge armada of vessels with which they could escape to another dimension or alternate universe. In the eons since they left they have continued to evolve and when some of their crafts occasionally pause to observe Earth their occupants are misidentified as grey aliens, when in fact they are actually an indigenous species. Of course there is no remaining evidence of the technology, structures and cities that the dinosaurs built, but think of the levels of erosion in the pyramids that have taken place in just a few thousands of years, then it's easy to understand why well over a hundred million of years of erosion and tectonic activity have long since erased all traces of the vanished dinosaur culture.

Kinda cool.


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30 Sep 2015, 7:45 pm

ryan93 wrote:
If there was any number I could know, it would be the value for fℓ. The drake equation is beautiful. I have no interest in ever seeing an Alien though, natural selection breeds killers :)

As for my own theory, I think that consiousness is little more than what happens in a system of sufficient complexity, and that it isn't necessarily just specific to biological systems.

Quite an interesting thought, mind if I expand on it a bit? Our bodies recycle most of their atoms over time, even those in the brain. At some point in your life, your brain will not contain a single atom it had when you were born. And yet you're still you. Therefore it must be the structure that allows for consciousness. To mutilate a quote from a Discworld book, you cannot grind up the brain and sift out one particle of consciousness, one molecule of sentience.

And yet, variations in the structure still allow for conscious experience. We're different than NT's in how we're wired, and yet we experience consciousness (though, whether we experience it the same way is an interesting question). People can sustain massive brain damage and still be conscious. I see no reason why stranger structures still could not be conscious as well.

Though, with all this talk of consciousness, it seems nigh impossible to suitably describe it, as it is all we experience. We have no real concept of what it feels like to not be conscious, for if we did we would be conscious. Can consciousness be divided or merged? Who knows...

My speculation on the subject is that consciousness is the result of some intrinsic property of the universe, either as some as-yet-unknown energy field that interacts with systems of electrons (the more complex the system, the more intense the interaction) or as some strange quantum phenomenon. I have noticed through my brief experience with meditation that consciousness can just about entirely separate itself from thought - I appear to be neither a thing of the body or the mind, but something looking in from the outside, like a child playing an immersive video game. To quote Babylon 5, "The soul is a non-localized phenomenon".


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30 Sep 2015, 8:09 pm

I've heard this movie theory recently and kind of like it:

Max in Mad Max: Fury Road is actually the Feral Kid from Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. It would explain why Max has long scraggly hair when we first see him and why he speaks in short grunty sentences throughout the film. It would also explain why Max still has his car, which was destroyed in The Road Warrior. It's a different car; the Feral Kid idolized Max and got a car just like his and started using his name and dressing like him.

Of course, this theory doesn't explain why Max says he was a cop before society collapsed or why he's haunted by the death of his family. Those details match Max, not the Feral Kid. And since each movie seems to take place in its own universe and doesn't seem concerned with matching up perfectly with the continuity of the other films, the discrepancies like Max's car being destroyed in Part 2 but in working order in Part 4 don't really matter.


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01 Oct 2015, 12:16 pm

i used to be in an alternate universe to this one where everything was slightly different, but got transferred to this one while i slept and woke up in what i believed to be the reality where i had lived all my life, but was actually different. that's the cause of those moments where you swear that something was slightly different the last time you looked at it but now it's changed.

life is a game

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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17 Nov 2015, 7:05 pm

I believe that children in recent generations born with ADHD & ADD are a direct result of brain damage caused by the Mother's contact with toxins while the baby is in a fetal stage. The following toxic mediums apply to this theory:

-Water pollution
-Ground/soil pollution
-Air pollution
-Toxic agricultural products ingested by the Mother

[ White, Diagnosed Aspie Male, 44-Years old ]

Emu Egg
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17 Nov 2015, 7:14 pm

A little something I was thinking about the other day:

Could it be that you (as in your consciousness) die every time you go to sleep. And then, when you wake up something/someone else will take over your body with your exact memories of all the days "you" lived.

No one would ever find out, except your consciousness. Maybe this is happening. Could it be that you just think you went to bed last night but actually that wasn't you. Even though you have the memory.

The fun thing about this theory is that there is no way to prove it wrong, there is no way to prove it right too but still... It's fun to think about.


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18 Nov 2015, 1:32 pm

My theory is that most doctors are sociopaths. Sociopathy in doctors is in most cases a learned personality disorder that they acquired at some point in medical school, where they had their empathy completely conditioned out of them as it is unlikely that the sheer volume of sociopaths in the medical profession were all sociopaths prior to medical school or that they all just chose their professional by mere chance.

Some of the sociopathic doctors are also sadists, to the point where I think they enjoy making their patients suffer, they enjoy the power imbalance in the doctor patient relationship and the control as well as the ability to make the patients life fall to pieces at any moment by denying medical care or failing to refill medications properly and on time. I think for some doctors, it is a form of sexual release or gratification to make and to watch their patients suffer helplessly. That is how they "get off".


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18 Nov 2015, 9:38 pm

Time actually happens backwards, it's only an illusion that we experience it as forwards.

It is actually only 2 hours after I took that huge dose of LSD in 1972, and I am in a hallucinogenic trance in hospickle and will come round in a few hours time by reckoning of 1972, back in 1972, but with a sudden interesting apparently 43 year long dream life of experience.


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19 Nov 2015, 10:51 am

Faeries, Angels, Dragons, Mermaids, and other mythical and spiritual and mythological creatures do exist.

A memory is something that has to be consciously recalled, right? That's why sometimes it can be mistaken and a different thing. But it's different from a memory locked deep within your heart. Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel.” Tifa Lockheart, Final Fantasy VII


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19 Nov 2015, 10:53 am

I believe in peanut butter---though I only actually like it with chocolate.

There was this old commercial (advert) which implored: "If you believe in peanut butter, clap your hands!"

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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03 Dec 2015, 1:31 am

I think a few dinosaurs are still alive. And NO I don't mean freaking crocodiles and chickens. XD
There are hollow places under the crust of the earth.
There are light and water and plants in there.
The dinosaurs always knew about this place, and some of them were underground when the meteor hit, so they survived.
There have been several Pterodactyl sightings (some dead and some flying), and also a report of a freshly-killed Mammoth.
The Loch-Ness Monster and other such water dinosaurs swim back and forth between the water under the earth and the water around us. That's why water dinos are so hard to find.