What's the last weirdest dream you had?

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14 May 2010, 8:38 am

Last night I dreamt that I was still working for my previous employer, who kept heaping all sorts of extra work on me. In my dream I had a master plan, and when she came to tell me off that I hadn't translated a document into every known language on the planet earth I trapped her in a psychiatrist's office until she realised that she'd been treating me unreasonably.

That's an easy enough dream to interpret!


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14 May 2010, 6:39 pm

b9 wrote:
.....you did not have my dreams. ........


No. I've never had anybody's dreams but my own. It was all just a bunch of guesswork and I was 100% wrong in my interpretation. That's ok. Dream interpretation is not an exact science. It's not any sort of science at all. It's just guesses based on themes that show up often in lots of peoples' dreams. But still just guesses. And I guessed wrong.


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15 May 2010, 12:26 am

Janissy wrote:
b9 wrote:
.....you did not have my dreams. ........


No. I've never had anybody's dreams but my own. It was all just a bunch of guesswork and I was 100% wrong in my interpretation. That's ok. Dream interpretation is not an exact science. It's not any sort of science at all. It's just guesses based on themes that show up often in lots of peoples' dreams. But still just guesses. And I guessed wrong.

i did not mean to sound like i rebuked your interpretation. i dod not mean to sound rude. i just meant that the dream you described you had is not similar to mine.
i did not provide enough information as to how i felt in the dreams i have, so you were commendable in your interpretation.
if i had had the same type of dream you had, you would be correct in your idea of what it meant, and you did not know that my dream was dissimilar.

sorry if i sounded rude. i should read my posts a few times before posting them to make sure i do not embarrass anyone.

and thanks for you taking the time to try to help me understand what my dream meant. before you wrote what your idea of it was, i had never attempted to analyze what it may mean, so you inspired me to try to work out what it may be symbolic of, and i am probably wrong as well in my idea of what it meant.


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15 May 2010, 1:27 am

The other night I dreamt I lived in Victorian times, and that my mother was gravely ill and no one could figure out what was wrong with her.


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15 May 2010, 1:28 am

Sounds like a very deep and profound dream Leila. Maybe it somehow reflects some sort of yearning in your own life, like the need to reconnect with or to find an old friend... possibly one that is as big as a whale? I'll let you consider that! :)

Well, the last very very odd dream I had was short and simple, but still random: our teacher decided that we should go to a nuclear test site in a third world country (I think it was Indonesia I dreamt of) to take our lessons. And that's when they started firing the napalm all over the place... that's all I remember, except I also remember seeing a girl who had gotten napalm on her arm; she wasn't screaming in pain, possibly because it hadn't started burning her skin yet.

I used to plan and plot, and try to live correct; lately I do a lot of things that don't make sense. Now I must do what I must do.


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15 May 2010, 2:07 am

The last dream I can remember having was a really vivid and disturbing one where I was in an air vent in the ceiling of a really old abandoned school, which looked like it was designed several centuries ago. When I crawled to the end of the air vent, I discovered I was on a ledge just below the ceiling of the building's main hall, and when I looked over the edge I saw a skeleton on the floor with a message written in faded blood next to it reading something like "there's no way out". I then discovered that there was some sort of witch inside the building, and I was trying to get out, but the only visible exit was through a window about ten metres above the ground. So I crawled along the ledge and eventually found a random open toilet cubicle which was inaccessable any other way, and noticed there was an air vent above it. When I got outside there were police and protesters holding some sort of rally against the school or something.

Before or after that, I had a dream that I was at a swimming carnival in the middle of the ocean and the swimming instructor was my grandmother. For some reason, no matter what I did, I couldn't dive into the water without falling on my stomach, nor could I get back out of the water again, so I had to hold grab onto a rope and they had to lift me out of that.

So yeah, there's a rather unsettling excursion into my mind. I think I had either forgot to take my medication when that happened, or suddenly lowered it, and that most probably triggered those nightmares.


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15 May 2010, 4:57 am

I had a nightmare quite recently, in which my parents ate the dog. 8O

It started with me going into the kitchen and seeing both of my parents there. The dog wasn't there, which was strange, because she likes to be in the kitchen around people. So I asked,
"Where's Maisie?"
"She's in there", replied my Dad, gesturing to the oven, "Well, most of her, anyway".
The next thing I can remember is seeing her nose on the window sill and hearing my Mum say,
"That would look cool on my car keys".
Then my Dad took Maisie out of the oven and they sat down to eat her. My Mum tore a leg off and bit into it, and I noticed that she had fangs, and she was saying,
"Yum-yums!", which is what she says to Maisie when she gives her a biscuit.

I have no idea why I had that dream, but for once I was relieved to be woken up the next morning by Maisie barking. :lol:

Many moons ago, a little rubber ducky took to the waters and washed up here.


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15 May 2010, 6:08 am

most of my weird dreams have to do with heights.
once when i was about 17, i dreamed that i got a job changing light bulbs in a building, and when i got to work on the first day, the building in which i was to work was about 70 storeys in height, and i went inside and there was a large parquetry floor and there was nothing else there, and in the centre of the floor, there was a round backrest-less stool seat sitting on a pole that was embedded in the floor.

i was given a light bulb by the man and told to sit on the seat, and when i sat on the seat, the pole started to push the seat up in the air. when i looked up, i realized the building had no floors at all in it and the ceiling was about 700 feet above me, and by that time it was too late to jump off the seat. i tried to grip the sides of the seat, but the seat was only big enough to fit my backside, and i dropped the bulb that fell and smashed on the floor below while i was trying to hold the sides of the seat that i could barely grip with my nails.

the seat was upholstered in slippery vinyl, and my pants were slippery suit type pants. there was no foot rest ring to place my feet on to steady me, and my legs dangled in the air. i went up and up and up, and as i rose, the seat started to sway on the pole because the pole was only about 4 inches thick, and i was at about 200 feet high by that time.
i held on until the seat stopped rising near the ceiling, and i tried to reach up and grab the bulb there to at least have an anchor point to steady me, but it was a few inches beyond my reach.
i did not dare look down for fear that it would imbalance me and at that time i woke up.

that was the worst dream i ever had.

the next day, after i had forgotten the terror i felt in that dream, i found it extremely funny that there was a 700 foot high building with nothing in it. it was like the building was built purely to house the lightbulb in it's ceiling.


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15 May 2010, 6:27 am

My most memorable dreams are very visual and I keep refreshing them in my mind because I intend to paint them. There is no great amount of action, but the "scene" is highly charged. One is I am seeing and also being a small boy squatting by the edge of an indoor gymnasium pool. The air is thick with vapor and there is weak light filtering down from some small paned windows set high up on the wall. The water in the pool is very turbulent and looks more like sea water than pool water. There is a strong wind blowing. There are horses in the pool and they are very agitated and frightened. One horse is right next to me (small boy) and has it's head thrown back in a frightened whinny. Across the pool I can see a room with an old woman in it. She is working at a desk and the light inside the room is warm and comforting next to the swampy feeling of the pool area. I remember thinking. She takes care of us. Then I see 3 or 4 men walking towards the office and I feel a sense of threat. They are hard to see but they are dressed in dark suits and hats like old time gangsters. Then I woke up.

I have no idea what that dream means but it was very beautiful visually.


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15 May 2010, 8:01 am

from the other night:

It was New Years 1908, and I crashed over at my friends house. The next thing I know, I'm being stared down by their two of their kids. I had clothes on, but they looked at me, and laughed. My head felt like it was hit with a sledgehammer. I heard one of them say, "Look, there's the mighty general, just laying there. Let's watch him!" I continued to lie there, still and calm. The youngest said "I'll be right back." I felt something tickle my face, for what seemed to be the longest time, then it ceased. Next thing I knew it was about 1:00 PM and I heard laughter, now I don't know why sleeping induces laughter, but I found it odd to say the least. My friend looked at me and turned away, laughing. Next thing I knew, his wife was laughing her rear off, she said; "Oh Peter, if you could see your face, you'll die laughing." I went into the washroom, and looked in the mirror. My face was COVERED in makeup. Those two kids covered my face with foundation, rouge, and lipstick. I laughed my rear off, and then I woke up.


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15 May 2010, 8:43 am

that was 102 years ago. you must be rather elderly.
i am interested that you lived in such a time that is so long past.
i sometimes have memories from the 1400's but i discount them as imagination.


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15 May 2010, 9:08 am

b9 wrote:
that was 102 years ago. you must be rather elderly.
i am interested that you lived in such a time that is so long past.
i sometimes have memories from the 1400's but i discount them as imagination.

My friend, it's very real. Sometimes I feel as though I've time traveled.


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15 May 2010, 9:35 am

Ackman wrote:
b9 wrote:
that was 102 years ago. you must be rather elderly.
i am interested that you lived in such a time that is so long past.
i sometimes have memories from the 1400's but i discount them as imagination.

My friend, it's very real. Sometimes I feel as though I've time traveled.

you are gifted with the ability to believe what you conceive.
i am not, although i can conceive of what i can not believe.

i am so terribly tired and so i am going to shut my shell and return to my vacuum of nothingness.
"good night" i am glad and relieved to say.


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15 May 2010, 9:40 am

b9 wrote:
Ackman wrote:
b9 wrote:
that was 102 years ago. you must be rather elderly.
i am interested that you lived in such a time that is so long past.
i sometimes have memories from the 1400's but i discount them as imagination.

My friend, it's very real. Sometimes I feel as though I've time traveled.

you are gifted with the ability to believe what you conceive.
i am not, although i can conceive of what i can not believe.

i am so terribly tired and so i am going to shut my shell and return to my vacuum of nothingness.
"good night" i am glad and relieved to say.

I had another dream last night:

Me, Sam(my friend from previous dream), and Joe(his dad) were all sitting in his dads basement(ala that 70's Show style) doing stuff.


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15 May 2010, 9:47 am

Ackman wrote:
b9 wrote:
Ackman wrote:
b9 wrote:
that was 102 years ago. you must be rather elderly.
i am interested that you lived in such a time that is so long past.
i sometimes have memories from the 1400's but i discount them as imagination.

My friend, it's very real. Sometimes I feel as though I've time traveled.

you are gifted with the ability to believe what you conceive.
i am not, although i can conceive of what i can not believe.

i am so terribly tired and so i am going to shut my shell and return to my vacuum of nothingness.
"good night" i am glad and relieved to say.

I had another dream last night:

Me, Sam(my friend from previous dream), and Joe(his dad) were all sitting in his dads basement(ala that 70's Show style) doing stuff.

i just came back to delete something and i am verily back to bed but who is sam?
i will read your answer tomorrow.

i am going to dream very soon that i am asleep and it will be a dream that is very uncannily true.


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15 May 2010, 10:07 am

Sam is the admiral of the Creedonian Navy.