everythings always been old school alan turing

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30 Jan 2023, 1:24 am

I wanna simply say that I am so overwhelmed or my brain is overloaded by typing these long messages. So many thoughts or things to say. There is a ton to say about life or my life that it's overwhelming me. I typed or said so much that the it’s not even funny or sometimes messages won’t fit when I post them. I suppose I have said enough for now. Maybe I will add more stuff. I’ll simply say that people understand what I'm saying when I say the fact everything's always been old school or fact for short. I wanna say more about the fact but I am sure people get the gist of it or that what I say or wanna say is obvious because of the fact. So I guess it's not necessary for me to type or say all this. I know I have a ton of great things or great points to say but this is becoming way too much too frickin long. I typed over 20 paragraphs. It's like I am trying to write a very long novel like harry potter geez man. I posted the full messages on youtube in the comments section if you care to read them.

my real name is kenneth matthew reid


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30 Jan 2023, 1:25 am

mebbe when you have a good amount of spoons saved up, you can analyze what you have typed and try to find hidden information to form a new narrative flow?


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30 Jan 2023, 10:03 pm

auntblabby wrote:
mebbe when you have a good amount of spoons saved up, you can analyze what you have typed and try to find hidden information to form a new narrative flow?

well like I said if people don't care to read my messages or whatever don't do it, it's peoples free will it's simple. Also again I improved the grammar and in the comments on my youtube I made it into paragraphs to make it easier to read but I know my messages are super long so If that is also why people don't care to read it I don't blame ya but I have a lot of great points or great things to say about life or my life and about everything's always been old school or the fact for short.

I love this. This is going in the right direction. More and more people are aware of what I've been saying sharing the video and spreading the word that everything's always been old school or the fact for short.

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31 Jan 2023, 7:50 pm

I went to the princeton student tour today and it went pretty well I shared the fact at the tour as well and people understood what I was saying and I mentioned other stuff that I have been saying like the imitation game movie. If I had known the fact when I was younger I would have for instance never done anything with a female no sex no dating no kissing no fetish stuff etc and stay a virgin forever. I also talked about this and sex talk in the tour and mentioned sex is not everything and I am a virgin. I wanted to say so much more like everybody has cheating thoughts but I didn't have time they had to go on with the tour. By the way It was really cold at the tour as well I wish I went yesterday when it was warmer.

Somethings appear analog when they are actually digital like a sony walkman tv tuner that looks analog but has a digital tv tuner or a vtech land line corder phone it is digital but looks analog don't be fooled.

Like I've said It's like the chicken or the egg again and we will never know if my theory is correct that females are based off males or that males were created 1st or that the female body is just the male body modified. If my theory is ever correct then females are not special. To most humans it is natural to pro create or have sex but I don't care to have sex or pro create as I have been saying and I rather adopt kids and physically discipline them if they talk when not necessary or are dissing me. I will still be a cool dad. When my kids get older like 12-13 I will let them use offensive or vulgar words in front of me or around me. People have free will to raise their kids how they want to of course. I won't give them the soap in the mouth anymore when they are older. Obviously many people including my self have gotten some sort of physical discipline like a belt whooping. Bringing kids in this world is not for me because everything's always ben old school bringing kids in this world when everything's always been old school will be difficult for them and life is difficult. But that is my free will.

This is simple to think or simple to say is live your life to the fullest if you care to as difficult as life is and we will never know what happens in the after life controversial stuff aside there is nothing you can do about not knowing the after life so just simply live life that is all you can simply do. Life is too short to be miserable. Of course again nobody's life is perfect but your life or my life can be better if you care to better it.

my real name is kenneth matthew reid


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31 Jan 2023, 10:03 pm

If I were an analog engineer I also for instance would create analog wireless headphones.

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01 Feb 2023, 9:31 pm

when I say everything's always been old school and computers or digital stuff being invented in world war 2 is old school duh world war 2 is old school duh I say duh to fake people or trolls who don't wanna accept the fact everything's always been old school or the fact for short again.

real people like this guy in my comments in my videos if you care to read them


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01 Feb 2023, 9:49 pm

I appreciate real people like this guy . The more real people spread the word the better.

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02 Feb 2023, 12:35 am

I believe like I said before that there are more real people than fake people in life .

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02 Feb 2023, 12:36 am

my time in gov't service showed me there are plenty of fake people.


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02 Feb 2023, 11:00 am

auntblabby wrote:
my time in gov't service showed me there are plenty of fake people.

not surprised corrupt politicians but not all politicians are corrupt or fake.

As I said in my messages, I dislike being forced to use digital stuff like a phone. Phones are a need but they don’t need to be digital or computerized that is just how I feel. I have been spreading this message in real life since 2022. I prefer to share this message analog style or in person but we live in a just an only digital world for now. I'm trying to spread this message to everybody and I can't do that so easily the analog way. Doing it the analog way just didn't work out. I went to nyc time square and dc to spread the word in person without digital stuff and it didn’t work out. It's easier to reach everybody digitally.

I know if people care to read the messages they won't have time so you can read the description box on my youtube for a brief summary or read the full messages when you have time simply.

If you care to read my messages, In my full messages on my tumblr or on my facebook or on my youtube videos. If you care to read the YouTube comments or if you care to read the YouTube description box which is shorter in length , since I can’t fit the entire message in the description box, please do so. I posted this message for instance here it is,

So how real people view the fact and view or think that digital or computer stuff is old school is obviously like they say or think wow digital or computer stuff is old school and it’s been around since world war 2 or the 1940’s. How fake people or mean people or evil people or trolls or haters or bullies racist idiots etc. view or think of this is obviously like this wow computers or digital stuff are old school and have been around since world war 2 or the 1940’s ok I am going to do evil or negative stuff now like kill somebody or have a sick twisted sense of humor and create a toy story video of buzz and woody crashing into the World Trade Center and there are actually videos like this online I am not making this up. It is not funny at all you can say it is dark humor but I don’t find it funny at all and most people will agree with me. There are more videos like that not just with buzz or woody I saw one recently with rich saying skip bidibop indada and crash into the wtc. To the people who create those videos you are not the kind of person I wanna associate with or be real friends with. Not saying you are evil or piece of human garbage I never met you or I don’t know you I don’t know what goes on in your home life or life but you have to create a video like this because I guess you are miserable or hate your life. But you did a really negative thing. So people don’t have to care about something old school like computers or digital stuff. They are like why should I care about this old school stuff such as computers or digital stuff?


https://www.facebook.com/raisingtraditi ... elifekb95/

youtube videos are in the 1st op but here they are again if you care to watch them

here are my other everything's always been old school videos on twitch if you care to watch them



here is my real friends music theodore if you care to listen


in 2022 I was on cspan talking about everything's always been old school if you care to check it out timestamp is 11:01 https://www.c-span.org/video/?524145...s-viewer-calls

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02 Feb 2023, 10:05 pm

This is one of my messages from tumblr etc.

So It's simple, you don't care what I have to say don't watch my videos it's your choice or free will. For those who don't care to watch just know I am spreading a fact of life that most people don't know. I guess I'm not the only one who knows this fact of life that everything's always been old school. everybody has got to know or accept this fact of life but hey it's your free will to accept it. I still find it difficult to accept the fact everything’s always been old school but I still accept it. Maybe it will be even more difficult to accept this fact if I knew this fact when I was younger. So I am sure it can be difficult to accept the fact for other people kid or adult. The other facts that life is difficult and weird for instance you can accept that or not. The fact that death is a part of life you can accept that or not. The after life is scary. Is it just a black void or is it all dark just nothing when you die? And we don’t know what happens in the after life. there is no proven fact and controversial stuff or spiritual or religious stuff aside. I dislike going to funerals and most people dislike going to funerals but if you do like funerals you are messed up a totally bad weird. But that is your free will. I don’t have funeral plans now as I am still really young. But gotta plan for the future if you care to. Hopefully I live a long life and not have my life cut short. If I do die real people will honor my memory and make a funeral playing one of my favorite songs or something. I don’t have many favorites of things it’s tough for me. But my favorite color is purple by the way. I will die a virgin because I will remain a virgin forever. everybody has free will in life when everything's always been old school obviously which is good and bad again. Although if you do care please read and watch. I have been spreading this message in real life since 2022. I prefer to share this message analog style or in person but we live in a just an only digital world for now. I'm trying to spread this message to everybody and I can't do that so easily the analog way. Doing it the analog way just didn't work out. It's easier to reach everybody digitally.

I miss real friends or family who are gone. I can’t be too hard on myself that I didn’t get a chance to tell the fact everything’s always been old school to people who are dead. For instance I would never be able to tell the fact to people who died on 9/11. I was too young only 6 years old. There is a certain age I think 7 where you learn how to understand words and sentences etc better. So I would have been able to tell or know or understand the fact by 7 years old. I just wasted my life, my youth, or time away not knowing this fact. But hey people can even have free will to waste their life or time away or not do anything with their life. Obviously I care to live a great life or do something with my life. I didn’t get chance to tell the fact to people who died from whatever. I didn’t get a chance to tell the fact to people who died from let’s say covid. I didn’t get a chance to tell the fact to my uncle kermit on my dad’s side He died in 2022 of smoking tobacco. He was like in his 70’s I think. My real friend Kimberly died in 2018 of overdose. So my mom got a Lyft for me to go back to New jersey from Pennsylvania with my ssi money and not let me see nana. She owes me money. So anyway Bringing kids in this world when everything's always been old school, is it really worth it? I know we gotta pro create to keep the human species alive, but again people have free will in life. I don’t want to bring kids in this world because It will be difficult for them to accept the fact everything’s always been old school or life is difficult. I don’t want to bring them in this world and make them miserable and they didn’t ask to be born. Nobody was asked to be born in life. Of course pro creating can bring a real or genuine person onto this earth or bring an evil or fake person on this earth like hitler for instance. People have free will to care or think about their existence. Why am I here? Why are we here? What is the purpose or meaning of life or my life? Human life is weird or mysterious. How did humans and everything else in life come to be? Again controversial stuff or the Big Bang theory aside. Outer space is weird or mysterious. You wonder what is out there. Deep thinking bout life, deep thoughts deep serious talk indeed. I care to say that yes you can have those questions but you still have a purpose in your life. It’s your life. It’s simple to think or say this that you gotta live your life to the fullest if you care to and even though it’s difficult or scary we will never know what happens in the after life there is nothing you can do about it but you still gotta simply live life that is all you can simply do. Nobody’s life is perfect but you can care or have free will to make it better. Life is too short to be miserable. There is a lot to think about life or your life. Life is difficult but try not to give up. Don’t give up. I care to say that. Everybody doesn't have to pro create or have sex. Look at asexuals, my genuine friend Charlie Wills is asexual. Like I've been saying its no surprise people have free will with let’s say to not pro create or to never kiss or never date or never have sex in your life because everything's always been old school. A lot of family members I don’t get to see often like my cousin Barbara on my mom’s side ,I don’t think I ever met you, or have never met like my older cousins on my dad’s side Tiffany and Ecaterina I have met them but I haven’t met my aunt myrtle on my mom’s side who died in 2019 I didn’t get a chance to tell the fact as well. I wish I got to see them more often and knew the fact when I was younger. But hey people eve have free will to be estranged from family or not see family often. I really would like to start seeing my family more often. So speaking of family there are pics of my family online. Real people in my family unlike my fake mom I obviously dislike my mom and fake people. Real friends are like family. We argue sometimes but we still love each other. A real friend of mine cherann I am sure she didn’t intentionally wanna hurt me or be fake lie or be mean to get me in trouble with the police. She made an idiotic mistake big time. I forgive her for it. One thing I will say is most police officers are real or genuine and not fake. So this incident happened before I knew the fact and I was bothered by police brutality of minorities or police brutality to anybody. I was 23 at the time in 2018. It dosen’t bother as much now since I know the fact. I respect that and thank you for your service. Thanks officer mike, officer Neil, officer nick Petrone, officer Jose, Officer Frank, Officer John and female officer Sgt Black of Aberdeen nj shoutouts to you, shoutouts to the Aberdeen dispatcher can’t think of your name but you know who you are, shoutouts to all real people who are police officers. Zack pittius my real friend is a police officer thanks for your service. Real friends or real people obviously lie but not lying to hurt people which that is what fake people do obviously or they take advantage of you etc. I care to be positive obviously and I again care to be real. You can’t always be positive in life obviously. Shout outs to my cousin Noah Reid for the suit and tie swag. That’s what’s up. Shoutouts to John aka the report of the week for he has suit and tie swag as well and he of course has free will to wear suit and tie all the time it’s a good weird. John also knows food is life. My suit & tie swag as well as my tattoos which I want to get re done, one tattoo needs to say real people love life instead of positive people love life. nike Adidas Jordan like my Adidas hat or Adidas shoes nike socks etc swag, my timex analog watch, my ear rings that I got recently, my gold chain last year in 2022, and my owl ring and purple ring in 2022. The musician drake likes owls by the way. I like Drake. Purple ring purple ring you get that reference there? I like prince. RIP Prince. I plan to get dreads as well. Hopefully I will do so much before my 28th birthday like get a job or get a vehicle. I am close to 30 and never had a job etc it’s a little embarrassing but oh well. I need to get a fancy hat and business suit case for my suit and tie swag. Noah gave me this snazzy suit which actually the brand of the suit is called cousins formal wear. What do ya know? lol So people even have free will to dress how they want to or care how you wanna look. Fashion or apparel is old school. I have free will or I care to dress this way. People have free will to say what is cool neat or not neat or cool to them or positive or not positive. To most people being smart and real and simple is cool like me for instance. People have free will to be positive. People have free will to be negative. People have free will to be neutral. Shout outs to many genuine friends but here are a few such as Brian Silva, George A. Shank, Steven Ginter, Abdul, Charlie Wills, Umarou, George Acosta, James Jackson, and Theodore Wilson aka Oz. If you care to engage in his rap music, oz trilogy, please check him out on sound cloud or whatever. If only his music were analog. I know real people like me who like to remake whatever into analog. Shoutouts to my real friend Frank Stabile aka Frank from the ymca lol I like to call him Frank from the ymca I care to be weird or funny that is a good weird. Frank has great taste in music by the way. I have known frank since I was 20 in 2015. I first heard the songs not with me and this dying soul in 2015 thanks to frank introducing me to not with me and dying soul. He likes the songs bizarre love triangle by new order, not with me by superior, this dying soul by dream theater, paradise city by guns and roses, pacific coast party by smash mouth, and butterfly by crazy town. Although sadly Frank has cancer. Frank Stabile is his full real name or he likes to go by Frank Beltane. Frank is only in his 30's like 33 or 32. I think 33. I hope you recover well Frank.

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03 Feb 2023, 8:41 am

of course people who don't wanna spread the word can be selfish and that is not helping people.

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03 Feb 2023, 9:15 am

what one thing can you point to in analog that most appeals to you?


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03 Feb 2023, 11:19 pm

auntblabby wrote:
what one thing can you point to in analog that most appeals to you?

well analog stuff is much more simple to use less headache than digital stuff. for instance analog phones have less errors or hiccups than digital or computerized phones.

I can tell there are real people like the guy in my youtube comments that are willing to accept the simple fact of life that everything's always been old school.

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04 Feb 2023, 12:06 am

i like the sound quality of 15 inch per second 1/2 track open reel analog tape recorders.


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04 Feb 2023, 12:36 am

auntblabby wrote:
i like the sound quality of 15 inch per second 1/2 track open reel analog tape recorders.

IF you keep them clean reel to reels sound great. And indistinquishable from the sound of the recorded source.

I took courses at the local community college in radio production. It was circa 1998 and 1999. Me and my classmates moved together through the semesters together for a couple years. And we were the last bunch to be trained in editing on reel-to-reel recording tape. We used the blocks, the razors, and narrow white tape, to cut and splice. Digital replaced it right after us. Great experience. But a b***h to do. I still own a reel to reel. Havent touched it for a while. Me and my cohorts also learned digital audio editing on "Cool Edit" (later taken over by Adobe premier), a forerunner of most audio editing aps today (with that picture of the wave of sound moving on the screen through time that you see on TV docs). A LOT easier than physical cut and splice. But its cool to experience both. When we ran the campus radio station we kept one of the three production studios in "dinosaur mode" (all old school analog equipment). And sometimes I woudl duck into it to do production work when the new school studios were all being used (when endup doing both old school and new school stuff on the same projects).