Been offered to be the coordinator for Greenpeace Aberdeen:D

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22 Sep 2010, 11:55 pm

As many of you might already know Greenpeace is an international organization based in Holland which campaigns to protect the environment.

I was recently volunteering aboard one of their ships, the Esperanza (hope) was campaigning in the arctic against drilling in arctic waters. It stopped off in my home town of Aberdeen for a few nights before it went off (which it turned out two climbers, a German woman Anias and a man from Switzerland whose name I cannot remember) have climbed onto the ankor of a drill ship to stop it from moving 5 miles off the coast of Aberdeen.

When I was volunteering I was helping with health and safety plus security. I had to do an hourly round of the ship from the bridge at the top of the ship (like the command room. I'm sure some of you geeky sci-fi fans already knew what the bridge is :P ), down to the engine room and check the outside of the ship as well.

The types of checks I carried out were to look for leakage, check fire signs of smoke and fire around the ship including the electrical cupboards, check the ropes of the ship and make sure all the doors were secure apart from the one door that leads into the lounge which is used for getting in and out.

I really enjoyed helping with this because I got to see an interesting ship and meet the crew.

I emalied back the woman from Greenpeace who told me about the chance to volunteer and asked about Greenpeace groups in Aberdeen and I got this back:

There is no established network of active supporters in Aberdeen who do things on a regular basis. What is needed for this to happen is someone to take on the role of Coordinator – to start publicising that a local network exists (even if it doesn’t yet!), finding and building relationships with other supporters, organising a few campaigning events/activities, finding local events to have a Greenpeace presence at to increase local profile and understanding etc.

If you would like to consider this role, I suggest you come along to the Scottish Skillshare in Perth – a day event with some camping updates, workshops and discussions and the chance to meet with experienced active supporters involved in the networks in Glasgow., Edinburgh, Dundee, Perth and St Andrews. It’s Saturday November 6th at the Perth Centre, 10.30 am start, ending by 5 pm and chance to have a drink and/or evening meal as well. It’s two minutes walk from Perth station.

Do let me know if you would like to come and I’ll add you to the list and send you the programme next month. Even if you don’t nat to coordinate, it would be a way of connecting to Greenpeace in Scotland!

I definitely want to get more involved. I might have aspergers which can make face to face communication difficult at times but I think with the right contacts and getting to know people in my local area online first I could quite well at this.

I wont get paid anything. It will just be something I do in my spare time but I believe it is for a good cause..


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23 Sep 2010, 3:48 am

Congrats and good luck. :wink:

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23 Sep 2010, 5:59 am

Congratulations! :D

Keep saving the enviornment. :)

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23 Sep 2010, 6:28 am

Well Done! Keep up the great work.

Greenpeace does wonderful work as guardians of this Earth and you are honoured to be an integral part of the continued awakening to environmental conservation.

I've been on the Sea Shepherd crew and conducted some of my own environmental campaigns so I can understand what it is like to be on the frontline and also know how rewarding and difficult it can be interacting with activists, supporters, media and curious public from an asperger perspective. Eccentricity is forgivable and often expected from activitists!

There is some angst between the two groups but not amongst all of us. I hold no negative thoughts or feelings toward Greenpeace. I embrace all volunteer groups who are working through integrity for a better future.

All the best and Good Luck!

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23 Sep 2010, 10:31 am

Thanks! I am very happy about this everyone.

Tonin? Are you on facebook? I post a lot on information about the environment on there.

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23 Sep 2010, 12:36 pm

Congrats. :)

Am usually bored so PMs are welcome!

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23 Sep 2010, 1:51 pm

Don't get blown up by the French! :)

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23 Sep 2010, 2:40 pm

to PATRICKNEVILLE and TONIN......thank you for all you do to help the environment and non-human animals. earth needs more young people who are willing to put their butts on the line for planet and animals. i tried for 15 years with little success and am now too old and broken to do much. take no prisoners.


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23 Sep 2010, 2:44 pm

Awesome! i kind of wish i worked for them...

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23 Sep 2010, 5:58 pm

danandlouie wrote:
to PATRICKNEVILLE and TONIN......thank you for all you do to help the environment and non-human animals. earth needs more young people who are willing to put their butts on the line for planet and animals. i tried for 15 years with little success and am now too old and broken to do much. take no prisoners.

Danandlouie, (two of you's is there or just a random name?) you are never too old to help as long as you can use the internet.

Are you on facebook or is anybody else on here on facebook who wants to help raise awareness?

I've ended up connecting with people from around europe, america and south africa and i am sharing information on peoples pages and vice versa. It's simplest, most cost effective way of campaigning.

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23 Sep 2010, 10:41 pm

one is human and one is canine. we're a team. one couldn't exist without the other.

just looked at another forum .....'anti-whaling''s really sad to see so many wp'ers are all for whaling. i cannot understand how humans can be so cruel. must be early childhood bully types. can't do much, but i can still pick a fight.

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24 Sep 2010, 12:19 am

danandlouie wrote:
to PATRICKNEVILLE and TONIN......thank you for all you do to help the environment and non-human animals. earth needs more young people who are willing to put their butts on the line for planet and animals. i tried for 15 years with little success and am now too old and broken to do much. take no prisoners.

Thanks Dan and Louie, I hope Louie is recovering quickly and feeling much better.

PatrickNeville - Did have facebook, twitter, blogger, etc, until recently. Lots of journals, cause page, groups for my campaigns, conservation profile and personal profile. Troubles are too overwhelming at the moment so I have cancelled all campaigns and internet accounts, with the exception of here. Just temporarily until I get back on my feet again.


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25 Sep 2010, 7:18 am

thats great and all but what they are gonna give you if you give them your free time? i personally would not do anything that aint gonna end up with me getting payed and green peace leaders do get payed around 25$/hour

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26 Sep 2010, 4:15 pm

Followthereaper90 wrote:
thats great and all but what they are gonna give you if you give them your free time? i personally would not do anything that aint gonna end up with me getting payed and green peace leaders do get payed around 25$/hour

The difference is those people are doing that full time and need that money to survive. I will just be doing this in my spare time.

I will probably be doing things online like research and emailing etc every day for a coupe hours and maybe meeting people locally a few times a month.

So far with the help of a friend we have come up with the idea for getting a tree planting group organized, hopefully with funding from our local city council and maybe a fundraising night with some local DJs playing (big dance scene in my city).

As far as fundraising goes what does everybodyhere think is a good idea?

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27 Sep 2010, 8:05 am

Congratulations! I wish I got hooked up with a group like Greenpeace back when I was young and energetic and child-free!

PatrickNeville wrote:
So far with the help of a friend we have come up with the idea for getting a tree planting group organized, hopefully with funding from our local city council and maybe a fundraising night with some local DJs playing (big dance scene in my city).

As far as fundraising goes what does everybody here think is a good idea?

If you live in a big-enough metro area, how about organizing a garage or rummage sale, where people donate stuff they don't need anymore, and your group keeps the proceeds?