Distracted enough all day to end up clumsier than usual.
And, uh, no. Pain killers doesn't work very much for some reason.
... In fact, OTC pain killers rarely works for me for some reason. I tried varying brands and dosages throughout the years and so far;
Nothing works with my sinus related pain. Not even the worst of it.
Nothing works with any wounds or infection.
Nothing works with any of my headaches.
Nothing for toothaches. Not even dealing with one for over a decade. Unless local anesthesia can be brought over the counter...
Nothing for muscle strain or cramps for some reason.
There's only one brand for me for period cramps, only to a degree and it only lasts for few hours -- and I rarely have period cramps.
Nothing even while dealing with chicken pox breakouts, break bone fever, mouth sores that happens almost every month for some damn reason, leg cramps when it gets too cold, neck pain whenever I overdo it, wrist pain if I'm being particularly careless with typing or crafting, eye pain in any eyestrain, whenever hyperacusis happens because **** chronic rhinitis, anytime I cough too often and too hard, etc.
Nope. I don't "take them regularly" to build any tolerance whatsoever. I basically taken pain killers for like... I'm not sure?
Less than 12 tablets/capsules/whatever a year at most, for every 6 or 8 hrs each.
Usually I only take it because the doctor says so, not because it works at all because it just doesn't.
Not even aspirin; which I take on some occasions (under strict conditions like not taking it with iron, never on empty stomach, never while dealing with hyperacidity, only before bedtime, etc.) because it can get rid of some inflammation whenever my nose is flaring up but not any pain for some reason; sometimes it worsens any pain.
... Unless losing tolerance is impossible for me or something even after several months.
The possibility that my body chemistry is crap is an even more likely scenario than simply taking the wrong types.