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27 Jul 2017, 12:37 am

The best decade hands down that I have lived through was the 90s. I was born in 1993 so I remember bits and pieces of the 90s. From what I do remember of the 90s, they were the best years of my life. The kid shows, the toys, the music, and so many other things are the reasons why I remember it so fondly. The tv shows that I used to watch were Magic School Bus, Rugrats, Arthur, Tom and Jerry, Doug, and many other shows. My grandfather used to spoil me and take me to McDonald's, the park, and the toy store. I have fond memories of my grandfather. He died in 1999 when I was 6 years old. He also made the 90s great for me. You argue that I miss the 90s because I miss being a kid. I would say that it is both. I miss being a kid and I miss the 90s. The 90s were a million times better than now. Even the early 2000s were good for me. I started reading old newspaper articles from the 90s on this newspaper archive site and it made me want to go back so bad. I would give up everything I have just to go back to the 90s if I could. As long as I live, I will never live through another decade as great as the 90s. It seems that life only gets worse as you get older and time goes on.


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27 Jul 2017, 1:28 am

The 80s :heart: :heart: :heart: Best Music, Better Movies, Better Fashion & Better TV Shows :heart: :heart:


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27 Jul 2017, 5:40 am

It's the 90s for me too, even though I was fully a grownup then.

Of all my adult years, I feel I "came into my own" and was living my best life during the 90s. I just managed to do much better, though not perfect (nothing's ever that), just my most functional time for a very long time. Before that, and after that, I was lost and not doing well.

I also feel intensely fond of the 90s because that was the last period of time before society became completely taken over by internet based Everything, including smartphones that have made everyone just be glued to their phones instead of actually living in the moment, with the people they are actually with.

In the 90s there were computers but people were not married to them. There were starting to be more cellphones but -- again -- people were not yet married to them 24/7.


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27 Jul 2017, 6:29 am

Definitely the '90s. That was a good time, especially when it came to video games - no DLC, no microtransactions, no overly sensitive complainers whining about their race/culture not being represented in video games.

If only that was still the case.

“They laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at them because they're all the same.”
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27 Jul 2017, 7:42 am

It's not surprising a lot are saying the 90's, that was the last truly good economy the U.S. had, now any economic gains go to the top and the average person doesn't really notice when the economy is doing good or bad, they're f****d either way.


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27 Jul 2017, 8:22 am

The '80's. I was a young adult doing well employement wise and I loved the music especially New wave/Synthpop/post-punk/alternative. Even a lot of the very pop songs were creative. Videos and computers were just coming in. It was the last decade to truly celebrate individuality.

The 60's had great music and a lot of things going on but I was too young to enjoy it. I had school problems from grades to bullying.

The 70's when I was old enough to enjoy we were dealing with 60's hangover. The bad things like drugs remained. Rock was still really good at the beginning of the decade but became a stuptified imitation of itself by the end of the decade. And then there was the disco infestation. School problems remained.

The 90's were fine. There was alternative music and culture which I enjoyed but by that time I was getting to old to feel a part of it like I did the decade before. My employment situation was starting to decline as employers starting demanding more social skills.

In the 2000's things fell apart from 9/11 and its after effects to Autistic burnout.

This decade has been a decade of extremes. I found out I was autistic which is always going to be a highlight of my life,found this place. On the other hand in the last few years I have been dealing with seroius physical disesses and the political situation is a disaster.

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27 Jul 2017, 8:30 am

2150's. hopefully by then we will have colonized another planet, have the cure for any ailment, upgrade our brains through dna and gene manipulation to ultimately extend our lifespan, harness dark energy, like one of the perfect human races from stargate (perhaps on that note build portals to other planets)


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27 Jul 2017, 9:23 am

For me, it is this decade, particularly 2013 and beyond, that has been the most productive for me. Before that, I would say the 1980s was the best for me.


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21 Sep 2017, 9:40 am

My favourite decade is the 70s. I was born in the 90s but feel far more of an affinity to the 70s.

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21 Sep 2017, 1:05 pm

The 1980's is my favorite decade. :D

-LegoMaster2149 (Written on September 21, 2017)


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21 Sep 2017, 1:31 pm



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21 Sep 2017, 2:01 pm

The best decade by far was the 80s. I was born in '78, so I pretty much remember all of the important events that happened (i.e., the Challenger explosion). Oh yeah, and the music was awesome as well.

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21 Sep 2017, 2:05 pm

The 80's and 90's.

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