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05 Apr 2020, 8:12 pm

Haven't checked in here in months. I moved to a new city like 5 months ago, and while it's a lot less sketchy here than the last place I lived, I'm lonely as f**k and I hate how far away everything is from my apartment. My apartment is tiny too, as it's literally a converted motel room.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a mixed bag for me; I finally got the paperwork for my current apartment sent to the disability office since they discovered this great new (not really new, just being sarcastic) invention called the telephone! This is good since I wasn't getting my rent automatically deducted from my disability cheques before, and for two months in a row I irresponsibly spent the money I was supposed to pay for rent and got threatened with eviction.

I managed to pay my February rent by selling my gaming PC, some Magic: The Gathering cards, and my old Lego collection, the last of which I had no idea was still sort of in my possession at the time. For March, I cut an agreement with my landlord to pay my March and April rent simultaneously once I got my April disability cheque, and while I possibly could've gotten away with not paying rent due to the recent rent freeze, I made this agreement before the rent freeze took effect, and I promised my mother I would pay my landlord the money. Backing out of an agreement like that when you had to make it in order for your landlord to not evict you is kinda... ehh, I'm not sure I really had a choice. :x

I really f*****g regret selling my gaming PC. >.< At the time I thought "no big deal, I'll build another one", but it's gonna be expensive as hell to do that. Prices of new PC parts haven't really dropped since the big cryptomining craze that happened a number of years ago. I'm thinking of buying a Switch Lite when my mom gives me some money in a few days, since it's been years since I've owned a modern console, and I really want to try the new Animal Crossing, but I know that first party Nintendo titles tend to remain at full price for years, and I also want to get Breath of the Wild.

I managed to get a steal on an older PC and some various parts from a guy I met on Facebook about a month ago, and I've been planning to do something with them, but my apartment is messy and cluttered as f**k and finding motivation to actually take care of that has been difficult. I miss having a good solid desk, but I have no room for one right now, and it's really expensive to get one.

Also, food insecurity SUCKS. I barely have any good food to eat and it's gonna be a few days until I can afford any again. I guess I could live off my diminishing stock of brown rice, but I'm getting so sick of it.

Every day is exactly the same...


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05 Apr 2020, 8:18 pm

Welcome back!

Sorry you had to sell your gaming PC.

I lived in a little one bedroom apartment for ten years and saved a lot of money doing that.

Good luck.


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05 Apr 2020, 8:49 pm

Welcome back to WP!! !

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06 Apr 2020, 8:26 pm

Welcome back to Wrong Planet! :D

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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06 Apr 2020, 9:14 pm

Nice to see you!

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07 Apr 2020, 6:38 pm