Paranormal/Unidentified Creatures

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14 Feb 2024, 7:30 pm

cyberdad wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
The the furry mammalian wooly mammoths, cave bears, sabor tooth cats, rhinos, giant sloths, etc back then just didnt look like that.

True that, but folk tales go back a long time. We do not know when communication began with humans? it now appears that neanderthals were capable of communicating with each other so oral traditions may go back prior to the dawn of humanity.

Of cause Plesiosaurs (the likely candidate for lake monsters) went extinct 65 million years ago when humans were mouse like mammals scurrying around the feet of dinosaurs. But we do not know if freshwater versions of this dino persisted into the megafauna times. Perhaps the rather hungry neanderthals came across these water beasts and slew them to access their tasty meat (I'm sure they tasted like chicken). I'm not sure but freshwater bodies don't retain fossils that well but yes, you would think things that big left remnants beyond the end of the dinosaurs?

Then of course there is the interdimensional theory where perhaps these critters can come and go as they please through portals in time and space from another dimension. Nessie might be pushing it but could explain the shape shifting skinwalkers terrorising folk in north America and the global presence of bigfoot.

None of this refutes anything I said.

None of it has anything to do with the subject of explaining why folks in the present day report seeing lake monsters.

Its just a scattershot ride on a boat without a have no destination of a specific subject...and no rules of logic or of evidence.

And its all stuff Ive heard before.

Except that part about Neanderthals dining on Plesiosaurs. Which makes zero sense. Never heard THAT before.

There is no evidence that plesiosaurs persisted until the middle Paleolithic times. And even if they did they had to have been rare and of little importance to the Neanderthal economy. The Neanderthals ate more horse meat than plesiosaur meat. So any mythology they would pass down would more likely involve hunting horses. Not plesiosaurs.

You cant even do bone headed right. :lol:

As I said above...I dont buy that Nessie is based on any extinct animal in paleolithic times...nor why that would actually explain anything even if it were "true".

But if you're gonna play that game then do it right.

It just so happens that Europe had a warm semitropical period..summers were about the same but water wouldnt freeze in the winter.

And we know from fossils that during that time (incredibly) there were hippos living in the Thames. Larger and a bit more cold adapted than modern african hippos but they were there swimming in what is now London. One million to about 100K years go. Overlapping with the early Neanderthal period. So the Neanderthals might have had legends of big blubbery water animals swimming in what is now London that could kill you to protect their young (hippos kill many modern Africans today). Thats more likely than them having hunted plesiosaurs. :lol:

But then they wouldve had to have retained memory of the creature for 100k years after the glaciers came down and wiped out all semi tropical African like fauna.

And THEN they would have had to somehow transmit the legends to their enemies...the Anatomical modern Cro Magnon invading who drove them to extinctiong 35 K years ago. And then we moderns would have to have retained the memory for another 30K years before writing was invented.

But even if Nessie is based on these Neanderthal hippos...what does that have to do with folks reporting seeing them now?


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14 Feb 2024, 9:55 pm

The question posed had a lot of moving parts. I believe I captured the gist of what you were saying (you are entitled to disagree).


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14 Feb 2024, 9:57 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
And THEN they would have had to somehow transmit the legends to their enemies...the Anatomical modern Cro Magnon invading who drove them to extinctiong 35 K years ago. And then we moderns would have to have retained the memory for another 30K years before writing was invented.

You do know its accepted that Cro Magnon mated with neanderthals so that 5% of European DNA is neanderthal. Quite possible stories got lost in translation from Neanderthal to Cro Magnon


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14 Feb 2024, 10:10 pm

cyberdad wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
And THEN they would have had to somehow transmit the legends to their enemies...the Anatomical modern Cro Magnon invading who drove them to extinctiong 35 K years ago. And then we moderns would have to have retained the memory for another 30K years before writing was invented.
You do know its accepted that Cro Magnon mated with neanderthals so that 5% of European DNA is neanderthal. Quite possible stories got lost in translation from Neanderthal to Cro Magnon
"Possible" not not equate to "Certain", especially when it comes to the "possibilities" you present.

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14 Feb 2024, 10:16 pm

Britain has folk tales of huge, demonic black dogs, which are usually an omen of death. They have various names - round here it's the Barghest. Oddly enough, nowadays we get people sighting mysterious black big cats instead, like the Beast of Bodmin Moor.

I read a passing reference in a book to the "were-crocodiles" of Lombok in Indonesia, but have never been able to find out more.

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15 Feb 2024, 1:00 am

cyberdad wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
And THEN they would have had to somehow transmit the legends to their enemies...the Anatomical modern Cro Magnon invading who drove them to extinctiong 35 K years ago. And then we moderns would have to have retained the memory for another 30K years before writing was invented.

You do know its accepted that Cro Magnon mated with neanderthals so that 5% of European DNA is neanderthal. Quite possible stories got lost in translation from Neanderthal to Cro Magnon

I cant recite the entire Encyclopedea Brittannica everytime I post on WP.
We all know that the two groups of hominids made whoopie occasionally. But that doesnt even make a tiny dent in the mountain of idiocy in your theory about Neanderthals eating plesiosaurs.

Listen...just address the one central form of idiocy in your theory.

That being what if they did eat plesiosaurs 200 thousand years ago? How would that cause modern day people to report seeing them today?


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15 Feb 2024, 1:11 am

cyberdad wrote:
The question posed had a lot of moving parts. I believe I captured the gist of what you were saying (you are entitled to disagree).


Had no moving parts.

Your response had nothing to do with any reality at all.


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15 Feb 2024, 2:16 am

belijojo wrote:
Has anyone here experienced paranormal activity?Or introduce me to a legendary creature with your local characteristics

I've never experienced anything paranormal in my life. I really wanted to when I was younger, and searched around for some time, but found nothing, so I reluctantly concluded it was all hokum. Anything decisively supernatural would have done, even God, though I'd have preferred something that would have had fewer repercussions on my lifestyle.

I did see a "vision" of what looked a bit like the Virgin Mary once, but I'm almost certain it was just a hypnagogic hallucination. Nobody even knows what the Virgin Mary really looked like, and my first impression was that it was a girl I knew who always wore hippie-style clothes like the vision. I even asked her what she was doing in my room just before she vanished. Not much evidence of it being a supernatural event. The girl was alive, and the "vision" didn't foretell anything that later happened.

As for local legends of paranormal creatures, I don't remember any from where I came from.


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15 Feb 2024, 4:51 am

Fnord wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
And THEN they would have had to somehow transmit the legends to their enemies...the Anatomical modern Cro Magnon invading who drove them to extinctiong 35 K years ago. And then we moderns would have to have retained the memory for another 30K years before writing was invented.
You do know its accepted that Cro Magnon mated with neanderthals so that 5% of European DNA is neanderthal. Quite possible stories got lost in translation from Neanderthal to Cro Magnon
"Possible" not not equate to "Certain", especially when it comes to the "possibilities" you present.

Nothing is certain in life, that's the fun part.


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15 Feb 2024, 5:00 am

naturalplastic wrote:
Listen...just address the one central form of idiocy in your theory.

That being what if they did eat plesiosaurs 200 thousand years ago? How would that cause modern day people to report seeing them today?

I personally think large monsters come through portals eat our fish and go back to their dimension. My petdog goes through a dog door to the backyard where he finds dog food and then (as if by magic) re-enters the portal (dog door) to return home,

If he can do it, then perhaps an interdimensional plesiosaur could learn to do the same.


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15 Feb 2024, 11:36 pm

cyberdad wrote:
Nothing is certain in life, that's the fun part.
It seems safe to assume that your education is lacking in both science and mathematics.

No wonder you believe in imaginary creatures.

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16 Feb 2024, 2:09 am

Fnord wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
Nothing is certain in life, that's the fun part.
It seems safe to assume that your education is lacking in both science and mathematics.

No wonder you believe in imaginary creatures.

It's recreational rather than belief.


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18 Feb 2024, 1:29 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Edna3362 wrote:
Years ago, people around my neighborhood claimed to had spotted doppelgangers of me when I was young twice.

Apparently holding a knife on someone's door apparently menacingly looking at other kids, and apparently being at a top of a garage roof in a middle of a storm while wearing all white dress...

Well, sure. :lol:
I get unintentionally scaring people in broad daylight without doing any spooky getup; but at least I'd be there and know that happened, laugh at loud at them AND proudly admit it if the stories get circulated -- as opposed to suddenly hearing them I'm elsewhere.

Maybe you had a great grandma who...died young...due to foul play. And now her ghost is seeking revenge! And her ghost has resembelence to you! :lol:

Family resemblance and the seemingly mystical spooky stuff? No doubt on my mom's side.

Died that young? Nah, all 4 of them were seniors. 2 of them were long lived...
Maternal great grandaunt(s), however, very, very much likely. :twisted: :skull:

belijojo wrote:
This is so cool! If it doesn't affect your life.......

Didn't. :lol:
Apparently, my sister had tried to size me up and judged me enough to know that I did not snuck in and pranked them with malice.

And apparently my tell is to laugh if IF did something like that -- well, that IS true; whether intentionally or not, I'd proudly tell if I actually did it and if I actually saw and know if it happened.

... But it didn't. Really. 8O :?

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