utterly absurd wrote:
The mythical seat made for people with legs. Especially really long legs. No one has yet been able to find it, but I believe it exists somewhere. (In the meantime I'm considering suing airlines for discriminating against tall people.)
What's the most interesting place you've ever been?
SNAP!Bulkhead seats before they got reserved for mothers. Exit rows.
I learned to emit a blood curdling scream if the seat in front was reclined.
This sometimes lets me sit in the rear hostie seat, (Sorry..."cabin crew") where a little flirting will result in extra drinks or meals.
What's the most interesting place you've ever been?
Either a swingers ball (trying to learn how to interact with more than one person) or a combined arms demonstration (feeling full body compression when a tank fires it's main gun a few metres away or watching the top 6 feet of a mountain removed by artillery.)
Same question