Do any aspie gals here ENJOY dressing up/makeup?

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01 May 2013, 8:44 pm

MAC and Napoleon Perdis are great for eye shadow colors - and if they don't have the one you want you can mix your own using 2 of theirs.
Usually I use Inkia for everything else though, it's the one thing that never bothers my skin.

My skin is damn sensitive so I don't do it often.

Probably the only time I bother (although I do get into it when I do) is when I'm going out dancing. All the playing with make up and choosing clothes is part of the fun then.
This doesn't happen much. Sometimes once a month - sometimes once a week. Last time it was 3 months since I had done it last.

Also secretly - the most amusing thing for me is keeping track of how much glitter I leave on the guys after I dance with them. I do love sparkly things. Kind of funny to imagine when they get home and wake up in the morning to realise they have glitter all over their faces. :lol: :razz:

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02 May 2013, 1:46 am

I sometimes do, dont do it that often. I probably like the ideal of it more then actually doing it. The hassel, time and discomfort it takes to look good. Dressing up and being comfortable would be good but its not really a high priority on my list.

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02 May 2013, 9:39 pm

I don't wear makeup.
As far as dressing up goes, I usually go for comfortable but I do like nice clothes.

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03 May 2013, 4:02 pm

I am usually hopelessly overdressed. I love make-up and shoes - lots of shoes :-)


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03 May 2013, 4:17 pm

I'm not really a big fan of makeup.

I do dress up, but only on special occasions such as weddings and parties.

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04 May 2013, 12:39 am

I used to do some modeling, and now I do some make up artist work. I love the colors and would wear more of it myself but my skin tends to burn when I do, sad face. I would do a lot of make up artist work but I live in a tiny town. :)

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04 May 2013, 8:02 am

I loved it when I was younger, like 10-14 years old. Now I only use make up and dress up when I really have to.

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04 May 2013, 5:52 pm

Yes. The majority of the time I am a jeans and t-shirt/sweater person because I prioritize comfort and ease, but when I'm in the mood I actually really like dressing up. This doesn't very often involve makeup or jewelry for me though, because of sensory issues and because I'm queer and not really feminine, so I only wear those things on really big occasions like recently when I won some important awards at work.


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04 May 2013, 9:20 pm

For me it comes and goes. I can go weeks without having any desire to put makeup on, etc...and then all of a sudden, I do all the makeup, hair stuff...Not sure what causes these huge ups and downs to make me want to do this. I have no idea.

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05 May 2013, 3:17 pm

I love make-up, dressing up, and other traditional "girly"things. But I have no problem with women who don't. It's your life, do whatever you are comfortable with.

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05 May 2013, 4:46 pm

I will use makeup if I feel like I need another layer between myself and the world (in my head I call it my war paint). Or if I am going to be dealing with customers after a night of non-sleep and am looking particularly zombie-ish.

Otherwise, only if I am attending an event where that is expected, like a wedding. And clothing still needs to be comfortable, and suitable for chasing toddlers in.


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05 May 2013, 7:46 pm

I enjoy it for special occasions. The rest of the time, I am content to merely not look messy. I used to do makeup and professional attire for work every day, and it felt like such a chore.


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10 May 2013, 10:17 pm

I don't like dressing up. I usually wear just a loose tshirt and pants. As soon as I get home the clothes come off and the PJs go on. So most of the time I'm in PJs. I hate wearing bras. I do wear a bit of eyeshadow if I'm going out because I don't like my face most days and the eyeshadow helps a bit. But for the most part I don't even know the function of different types of makeup. And I definitely don't wear heels, don't even own a pair. I am picky with my hair though, it needs to always be a certain way. As long as my hair looks nice I feel presentable.

When I go to special events like xmas parties or weddings and I need to dress up I feel soooo uncomfortable and am always fidgeting and adjusting my clothes and can't wait for it to be over.

But I love to dress up in costume and be someone else, with wig and all. I love to cosplay. I can hide behind the costume and take a break from social reality.


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11 May 2013, 9:27 am

I've always loved feminine things and dressing up. To me, not all "nice" clothes are uncomfortable. A feminine cotton blouse with a skirt is actually very comfy. I like paying attention to myself and I think one reason is that I've had chronic health issues since I was 12. It makes me feel nice to dress up and I don't look tired anymore after I put a little bit of makeup on. I wear makeup that's not too heavy feeling and always stick to looking natural. Because of my arthritis, the only heels I can tolerate are kitten heels.

I actually think that JEANS are one of the most uncomfortable things to wear. So are t-shirts.

When I'm at home, though, I'm always in PJs. I'd rather not have more laundry to do. Dressing up for me is not about impressing other people, but just feeling good about myself. I don't know, I just like to look my best and then go walk in the fresh air. It uplifts me and makes me smile.

I get all my clothes from Japan and Korea, where the styles suit my taste. I'm not into current American trends. I guess they are not for me anyway, since I'm 31.

I had shorter hair for a long time because I didn't have time to deal with long hair in Uni. Now I'm growing it very long so I can style it in many different ways.

To be honest, though, I wish I could just run around in old Hanfu (ancient Han style Chinese clothing). The only reason I don't is because I don't want negative attention. It would be the most comfortable for me and the style I like most.


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11 May 2013, 10:35 am

For me, it was an acquired taste. I like to make jewelry and I keep some of it for myself. I used to hate shopping for clothes, but that was something that I learned to like on my own. Although I refuse to buy clothing that is, for example, over $30. And there is only so much skin I'm willing to show. I live in Florida and it gets HOT. And, of course, it MUST be comfortable. I also like to paint my nails.

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12 May 2013, 5:15 pm

On occasion. Also once I put on makeup when I was feeling depressed and bored too early in the morning to do anything else and I think feeling pretty and confident helped.