Issues with 4 phases of the female reproductive cycle

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17 May 2023, 5:58 am

For years I cannot make sense that my menstrual cycle affects me until my mid 20s...
Which was barely 3 years ago.

Tracking when my period comes is one thing but...
How about the fluctuating hormones?

I don't usually have physical symptoms.
Instead, I have cognitive and emotional symptoms. I had enough with people saying 'its normal'.
I don't care. It's getting on the way of my progress growing.

While I don't regret it my years long haitus, puberty and it's hormonal effects already stole my earlier teenage years.

I'm only putting up with my late teen years and early adult years in blind and trying my dammest to ignore it all because "it's normal for a woman to feel XYZ". :roll:

So after few years here's what I've gathered:

-The worst of my symptoms is after ovulation which is pre-menstrual or the luteal phase.

It's one thing that I'm feeling low for weeks, full blown depression with all the negativity is another.
It can last up to 3 weeks before I start gaining my bearings if I hadn't menstruate yet.

Then there's this stupid sensitivity -- I cannot take certain meds without being affected significantly for week long.
How significant? How about from average at best, to near regression? Without burnout or stress even.

-Then during period, it's a 50/50 chance I'd either end up becoming better immediately, or start having physical anxiety like symptoms.
The better state only lasts for either few hours, up to a week. It was then the only time when my body can actually self regulate itself.

-After period, there is still a chance to feel a bit better.
However, it's either that, or hyperactivity, prone to heartburns, daytime sleepiness or restlessness. It only lasts for few days. A week at most.
Impulsive or indecisive.

-Then during ovulation, I may end up falling asleep every high noon. Didn't matter how much I ate, what I ate, how much sleep I had the night before...

The worst part of this is the deceptive feel good surge of energy that seem like better communication at first, THEN suddenly I became this arrogant b*tch who is apparently belittling everyone.
Incessant chatterbox without a filter.

Also insomnia, worse at shifting gears, some restlessness, also more cravings... That's about a week long.
Masturbating away the sexual frustration doesn't work. I'd rather have no libido.

-THEN the aftermath of the above, while dealing with pre-menstrual symptoms above.

My cycle isn't exactly regular.
It fluctuates between 29 days long to 43 days long. Period lasts for 3-5 days.

Sure days adds up every few months, but while those days adds up in months, all the sudden it'll lost those extra days for months before coming back again.
It's the days of ovulation after period and the length of my post ovulation that changes a lot.

I don't know what or which factors does this.
I hadn't able to try everything yet in this particular area. What does it all mean?

I'm active, but high stress as usual.
Also, never had psych meds, never had hormonal meds... I may consider it if I'm not able to figure this out within 2 years -- which is at age 30.
I've cut plenty of sugar already...

And if I need to go to the OB...
What am I supposed to ask or say?

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17 May 2023, 6:10 am

Just one small tip:

Women having constant periods is a relatively modern thing. Until the 1950s, most women were married and constantly pregnant.

So doctors dealing with periods are often still clueless because there just hasn't been enough research or data on the vast range of symptoms women have due to constant periods.

That's why we get dismissed so often with 'just have a baby' or other stupid advice like that.

Just to bear in mind if you struggle to find a good Ob/gyn.

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17 May 2023, 7:48 am

I went to a herbalist for a bit and drank a tea that regulated my cycle and BBT (basal body temperature).

I try to use the cycle when I can --- I am more "up" and social when I ovulate (in retrospect found me a husband that way) and I seek to have grace during the "down" time. My ASD BFF also noticed this for herself so we have that mutual understanding to support each other. This too shall pass.

There is a study that indicates that professional dancers are better or worse in their turns corresponding to their cycles. Some dancers have their dominant turn reverse (e.g. better clockwise becomes better counter-clockwise in a part of their cycle). My work impact is mood; I don't have to navigate a reverse spin. :wink: Hmm, maybe in other ways, here's an optimistic perspective: that my work or ideas when hormonally "down" complement (in a good way) my work or ideas when I am hormonally "up".

Back in the day I went to a GYN with my cyclic findings and they referred me to a therapist. A friend of mine was treated for PMDD, but I prefer to manage these things myself when I can (or even when I can't :twisted: ).

Good observations!!


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17 May 2023, 10:11 am

SharonB wrote:
I went to a herbalist for a bit and drank a tea that regulated my cycle and BBT (basal body temperature).

I try to use the cycle when I can --- I am more "up" and social when I ovulate (in retrospect found me a husband that way) and I seek to have grace during the "down" time. My ASD BFF also noticed this for herself so we have that mutual understanding to support each other. This too shall pass.

There is a study that indicates that professional dancers are better or worse in their turns corresponding to their cycles. Some dancers have their dominant turn reverse (e.g. better clockwise becomes better counter-clockwise in a part of their cycle). My work impact is mood; I don't have to navigate a reverse spin. :wink: Hmm, maybe in other ways, here's an optimistic perspective: that my work or ideas when hormonally "down" complement (in a good way) my work or ideas when I am hormonally "up".

Back in the day I went to a GYN with my cyclic findings and they referred me to a therapist. A friend of mine was treated for PMDD, but I prefer to manage these things myself when I can (or even when I can't :twisted: ).

Good observations!!

My ups are so high, it pisses everyone off and it literally blinds me into actually offending people.
It's making me into this obnoxious chatterbox who cannot learn her damn lesson and deserves a smack on the head every few hours.

My lows are so low, it drags everyone down and it did nothing but give me thoughts of self pity.
It's making me into this worthless creature who would rather toss herself in a dump nevermind anyone who cares.

Both are not-myself.

I just want to get rid of both.
Or at least find a way to be able to actually regulate both that it can be used like you could.

I'll only consider a therapist if and if I rule everything out of the blood work or if I turn 30 -- whichever comes first.

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17 May 2023, 10:27 am

That is not "normal" Edna, and I'm sorry it's so rough for you.

If you go to an OB take a copy of what you wrote here. It's extremely thorough and would be helpful.

In my opinion you might want to see an OB but also an endocrinologist (hormone doctor), although the OB might refer you there anyway. I don't think you should wait two years if it's causing you so much distress.

I wonder if it might fall under the category of PMDD like Sharon said.

My daughter had similar psych reactions although she didn't chart things as well as you do. She was prescribed Magnesium and Calcium supplements which really helped with the psych part and mood swings, although she's already on SSRI and ADHD meds. I had PMDD too but it was so long ago I can't remember how or even if it was treated. I had really long cycles like 40 days and it lasted about 8 days.

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17 May 2023, 11:40 am

I had horrendous ups and downs too, the week leading up to the period was frightening- full of anger and hysterical tears, the actual week of the period being heavy and extremely painful, then a week getting over that period. Then one week of feeling okay. Then round I went again.

This is not helpful or workable for women, doctors really need to help us.

The only thing that saved me was the Mirena coil, god bless that thing. I've had them for 15 years now.

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17 May 2023, 6:49 pm

Lastly, the worst of all is this and possibly in every medical situation I may be into;

The reasoning that the reason why I couldn't cope with said ups and downs is because I'm not an NT. :roll:

The whole stupid overshadowing diagnosis.
One main reason why I'm ruling everything physical out first before going psych.

NT, ND -- there's still distress.
A distress I know which is specifically ND related and which isn't.

A lot that isn't ND related started since I entered puberty and not improving -- it interacts with the AS components and it is not the AS itself.

It's not one of those good days and bad days like how with autism's inconsistencies in productivity.
This one is predictable enough -- and some can see patterns long enough.

There's still possible family history -- that my NT relatives are supposedly able to cope with or without medical intervention.
I'm aware there is, I would ask them to elaborate if they do.

And I know how to untangle the effects of blind parenting and my own experience as an autistic in society; the psych sides that came from childhood -- from 'this'.

Even if the psych issues are the cause of metabolic issues...

How much does it matter if I'm autistic?

Does it matter more than my family history? (Dad's side of the problem has metabolic issues)
Does it matter more than that I'm having a harder time and not feeling myself since puberty?

The autism part is not-complaining, not telling, and not having words for years.
But not being able to take a break even from the most peaceful of places isn't.

Does it matter more than not being able to work well because of it and just blame every other problem I have towards being autistic?
Because it can eventually come true; in a form of burnout and regression.

How much do people can comprehend that this is like potentially removing a major stressor in life?

I know which of my many thorns on my side hurts more and which is actually manageable.
I only really wanna know which can be removed or hurt less.

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18 May 2023, 2:46 am

I think as usual, autism is just an added burden for us.

I know loads of NT women who have horrendous periods. So if we have horrendous periods too, it's even harder for us to cope with the emotions and pain.

Before my periods, I couldn't express how I felt, then when the period came it was like I got my voice back. So frustrating to be so upset and be unable to express it.

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25 May 2023, 5:01 am

IsabellaLinton wrote:
In my opinion you might want to see an OB but also an endocrinologist (hormone doctor), although the OB might refer you there anyway. I don't think you should wait two years if it's causing you so much distress.

The reason why I wait for 2 years is for purely financial reasons.

It took 22+ years to have my chronic sinusitis to be treated as seriously and it caused me so much distress.

The gap between the time I had to be confined for dengue fever and the next medical check up I had, which was barely 2 months ago, was over 5+ years.

Since I cannot rely on the household to spend a gamble like this -- yes, I said 'gamble -- I'll do it myself.

Unless I got lucky. Seriously. Or do something inane which itself a riskier gamble...
That, or it meant obtaining it on a slow and painful yet a sure fire way -- like it always had with me and my life.

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25 May 2023, 12:30 pm


What happened with your chronic sinusitis? I used to have that for many years, the doctor prescribed steroids or an operation. I didn't like the sound of that so I went to a complementary therapist. She said I was intolerant to dairy products. I thought that was nonsense but I gave up eating and drinking dairy products and immediately started to get better i.e. I could breathe and wasn't coughing up and blowing my nose with gunk 24/7. It took years to get back to good-ish health but giving up dairy (and gluten) was the key to it.

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25 May 2023, 5:03 pm

KitLily wrote:

What happened with your chronic sinusitis? I used to have that for many years, the doctor prescribed steroids or an operation. I didn't like the sound of that so I went to a complementary therapist. She said I was intolerant to dairy products. I thought that was nonsense but I gave up eating and drinking dairy products and immediately started to get better i.e. I could breathe and wasn't coughing up and blowing my nose with gunk 24/7. It took years to get back to good-ish health but giving up dairy (and gluten) was the key to it.

Had it since 5. Reason unknown.

Dismissed as an allergy.
Yet trigger remains unknown. Remains unpredictable.

Took antihistamines for it. It barely works for like 40% at the time. Nothing made sense.

Drinking more water worsens it even.

Dismissed as if it's "normal" because mom's relatives get by with it. Because family friends get by with it. Because "I'm not special so suck it up".

Thought it was a virus.
A virus that infects me for almost 364+ days a year, over 15+ hours a day? And infects me basically ANYWHERE?

Been to ENTs as a child and a teenager. At around before 10 years old, then around more or less 15 years old.
Can't afford sprays -- heck I can only remember having those things trice before I could afford them myself.

Decongestants isn't enough even -- it's just not taken seriously enough.

The next after that was at 23 or so, even with a job, I couldn't afford it yet -- money went to coping with the stress along with the stress of having those sneezing fits -- so the check up was spent by household.

Found that I had narrower nostrils than average. Still...

Maintenance and avoiding dust isn't even enough.
Avoiding certain foods isn't enough -- I had to try and find that one myself.
Still don't know where those flares came from.

Sometime at January of this year, had a dehumidifier in my room -- a room that I barely 'own privately' for a year then (my own space that lasted this long for the first time my whole life), just for the heck of it because I wanna know if I can keep fruits with it.

Became notably better somewhat.
Became obsessed with tracking temperature and humidity for a while.

Then just few months ago -- went to a doctor to attempt and check everything, not even specialized on ENT. First time I'd shoulder all the costs.

Had a CT scan for the first time.
Lucked out the cost of it because of my sister.

Turns out it's not really an allergy.
Can get a second opinion to an actual ENT with other test results.
I'd wait for another year to ask an ENT if it's possible that it's operable or not.

I do not really have an allergy.
I have this stupid sensitivity to cold and humidity, and I live in the tropics where humidity is 'normally high' and having yearly storm seasons.

Exposed to such environment basically my entire life and without a break.
No notable contrast until I had a room of my own (at age 26) then got a dehumidifier just for the heck of it.

Became significantly predictable than outright blind coping.
Better than counting days of not ever sneezing all day yearly with finger digits.

Makes me question which is the real source of my near constant irritability since age 6;
From coping with this overall and why, poor sleep -- whether because habits, because autism, because poor breathing, because gut issues, because hormones --, unaddressed sensory issues -- if my sensory issues is solely autistic intolerance or if said sensory intolerance is due to flare ups, poor breathing and any sensation involving sinusitis, or food and habits or just hormone.

And more.
To rule all out of this before going psych and possibility of getting stabilizers.

Like how I'd fix this particular issue as much as possible, before going to any sleep study if it fails -- if it's available at all.
I'm also wary of diagnosis overshadowing if I went to a sleep study.

I made my own order as to when I'd check something out. I don't care if I'm done by the time I'm 60.

Who knows if the root of all of my issues might just be poor breathing. Even autism itself maybe -- since it impacts development and quality of life.
There is such studies.

Regardless I'd still deal with what it did with my life and my experience living with it -- thus psych also goes last to later.

At the moment, I'm dealing with a highly likely possible infection.
I literally cannot breathe through the nose. If I close my mouth for a while because I'm eating and drinking breakfast, and also it felt raw by breathing through it all night, my heart starts to race, my body does weird more so since I'm stuffed now.

Otherwise I felt way better waking from my sleep few hours ago by being forced to mouth breathe thus getting more oxygen.
I'm aware this isn't normal -- that getting better sleep through mouth breathing than breathing through the nose, which says more about my circumstances.

I wouldn't want this physiological reaction to be mistaken as a somatic symptom of psych issues like 'anxiety', wouldn't I?

In the meantime, I'm trying to rule out and solve any possible metabolic issues to ensure at least one less unknown factor to mind and consider blindly.

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