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Pileated woodpecker
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30 Oct 2011, 6:58 am

anyone find it useful and/or use it regularly?


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30 Oct 2011, 7:37 am

My mom's a massage therapist so I get one from her maybe a few times per year. I like it and it makes me feel better (cause I tend to be very tense), but if it was anyone other than my mom, I don't think I could handle that much touching from a stranger.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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30 Oct 2011, 8:19 am

Yeah I only get it from pretty women, usually asians lol.

Snowy Owl
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30 Oct 2011, 8:42 am

I've become a fan of tui na. The practitioners use a firm touch. I feel like I'm in alignment and there's no soreness afterwards.

What's for you, won't go past you.


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30 Oct 2011, 10:52 am

When done well, I enjoy them.

I like medium touch. I like the practitioner to have quiet respect. I usually don't feel like chatting when I am on the table, but I like to be comfortable to say whether touch is too firm or too light and have my wishes respected.

I have had some pretty bad treatments. I was at a resort spa years ago and the practitioner was using very deep touch. I had booked a "deep tissue massage" because I wanted to try it. I found the touch much to firm and I told the practitioner that I was finding it uncomfortable. This woman actually chastised me, saying "YOU booked a deep tissue massage, this is what it is!" and continued to hurt me. I've gotten more assertive over the years, but still, it is a vulnerable position to be in, lying on a table, undressed and having someone hovering over you causing pain. If it happened now, I would tell her that the session was over and demand that she stop. I'd get dressed and leave and advise that I do not pay for torture treatments. Back then, I was a little more shy and ended up being sore for two days :(

I had one session (at a school for bodywork) where the girl kept yapping about the business of bodywork and massage. Gawd i wished she would have shut up. It was irritating.

I had a session in a local spa where the girl had the touch of a dead fish. Her hands were cold and there was no pressure at all. Yuck.

I guess I am reluctant to go out and find a good practitioner - these sessions are expensive and I don't have a lot of money to spare.

I did have a few really excellent sessions with one particular massage therapist. She was so good, but she is retired now. :cry:

So, yes, a GOOD massage is wonderful. A bad massage, I'd rather do without.


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30 Oct 2011, 3:06 pm

Nope, don't really like to be touched. It either hurts or I am laughing hysterically.


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02 Nov 2011, 12:49 pm

i have gotten a couple recently. apparently i am unbelievably tense. the massage therapist asked me what i DID to cause so much muscle tension. she thought i had some kind of accident or injury to cause my whole body to be like that. but no....

i thought it would be weird but she made me feel completely comfortable.

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04 Nov 2011, 3:39 am

I've never wanted one. My sister gets them and enjoys them. I used to think it was just a hang up and was going to get one (like as a test of will or something) before I found out about AS. Now I doubt I will ever force one on myself.


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06 Nov 2011, 8:44 am

I try to have regular back massages from my friend, as my back/shoulders are sooooo tense and painful. At first, I found it really weird and didn't enjoy it, but gradually I got used to it and can relax during them now. I don't think I could cope if it was a stranger massaging me though. I've known my friend for many years and am comfortable with her.


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06 Nov 2011, 12:19 pm

One of my friends gave me a massage and I laughed the entire way through it. For some reason firm touch makes me feel like I'm being tickled, but actually being tickled hurts. My back did feel better when she was done though. I have horrible posture so I frequently get back pain.


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06 Nov 2011, 12:32 pm

If we're talking about a relaxing massage then it definitely depends on whether or not I'm comfortable with the person giving it.

However I had to go through a course of massage therapy for my back. It was painful and I even had some bruises afterwards but the results were great.

Sea Gull
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25 Mar 2024, 7:38 pm

Megz wrote:
My mom's a massage therapist so I get one from her maybe a few times per year. I like it and it makes me feel better (cause I tend to be very tense), but if it was anyone other than my mom, I don't think I could handle that much touching from a stranger.

My mom's not a massage therapist, but she's still the only person who massages me. She often does it while we're watching TV together. It feels like a nice way for us to bond.