Intense frustration causes "Neuro-typical" behavio

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11 Aug 2010, 11:55 pm

I have arrived at the conclusion that whenever I become intensely frustrated with someone, to the edge of anger(usual brought on by unnecessary drama), my personality completely changes for the better towards everyone else I encounter. I become very witty, very facetious, much more personable, and more "touchy-feely/playful" with the opposite sex. This change only occurs for a period of approximately twenty four hours. I just seem to lose all inhibitions. It's very similar to when I start getting buzzed from drinking alcohol. It is as if I have a "f**k it" attitude, and just don't care anymore. I completely obliterate my mind filter. Anyone have similar experiences?


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12 Aug 2010, 4:32 am

I work at a restaurant, and on night shifts I sever a lot of drunk people. When becoming extremely frustrated with the customers and the noise level I experience something like what you've described.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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12 Aug 2010, 5:57 am

I have times when I get extremely assertive after being very angry. I walk as fast or drive as fast as I can to get to the place where the person is who I am angry with. Then I immediately say what I have to say and take no prisoners, whether I'm right or not. If the person or persons live too far away I write an email or letter.

I don't know why I always wait until I almost explodes. I have been to assertiveness training but it was to no avail. One thing I know for sure, I don't know how to deal with conflicts. I don't know what to say. Therefor I use the attack method which is the best defence, but I have to get angry first. I can get angry very quickly towards people but usually I turn that anger inwardly or throw with this. Things can't say or do anything.