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14 Oct 2013, 9:17 am

Nine days ago I had a bad experience at the mall that involved 4 mall cops. I was freaking out so much that I couldn't tell them I had aspergers. I called my mom and gave them my phone. They refused to speak with her. I think it would have been better if I could have given them a card explaining everything. I've looked online for printable ones and I don't like any of the ones I've seen. I want to create my own but I'm not sure how to word it. Suggestions?


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14 Oct 2013, 9:26 am

If I were you, I'd consider moving out of Saudi Arabia when I had the chance. In the meantime, maybe you could just hide in your house.


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14 Oct 2013, 9:30 am

Mike1 wrote:
If I were you, I'd consider moving out of Saudi Arabia when I had the chance. In the meantime, maybe you could just hide in your house.

I've never even been to Saudi Arabia. I live in the USA.


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14 Oct 2013, 9:35 am

In that case, I guess an Asperger's alert card might come in handy. Then again, they might not care or pay attention at all. Some of the information near the top of the Wikipedia page on Asperger's might be good to put on a card.


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14 Oct 2013, 10:18 am

That sounds like a scary incident for you... :(

They have these cards in the UK for exactly this kind of scenario, in which people in a position of authority, who could make life very difficult for you if they don't understand where your behavior is coming from, can be shown that you do have an officially diagnosed condition, your extreme reactions might be out of your control at that moment, thus you need to be treated with a different response than that given to someone neurotypical.

I don't know if the US has these cards, but one thing you may want to look into is asking your doctor if he or she could compose a brief letter stating much the same thing as the cards state. You could carry that with you for situations like this, and it would carry more authority than if you printed out something yourself or made a homemade card.



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14 Oct 2013, 11:02 am

Where I live, the Ottawa Police has an Autism Registry. This makes it easier when they pull up your information on the dashboard computers they have in order to deal with a person diagnosed with Aspergers or Autism.

Some of the information included is where you are likely to frequent to, and instruction on questions to ask you and how to calm you down.

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14 Oct 2013, 12:30 pm

I keep a text to speech app on my phone in case I need it (I've never needed it, because I've always had another way out when I've been unable to communicate, but then unable to communicate happens). I also have some presaved phrases including ones about how I'm autistic and if they leave me alone I'll be in better shape because overload.

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14 Oct 2013, 8:05 pm

I would print something out that has your name, says you have Asperger's, lists a few bullet points about how it could relate to a situation that would involve law enforcement, what police should do, and lists at least one contact. The biggest problem I foresee with this, however, is that it would not be official. Anyone could print out a card like that, and some police will be suspicious. I think having a contact would make police more willing to trust it. Another option is to ask your local police department if they have a system set up for something like this.


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14 Oct 2013, 8:11 pm

I have Asperger's on my medical profile attached to my Road ID emergency bracelet. But you can have it engraved on the bracelet too.

Here is the link.

I wear mine when I am doing sports especially if I am alone but you can certainly wear it all the time. Many authority figures such as police and fire workers in the US recognize a Road ID bracelet or a traditional medical alert bracelet when they see one and will pay attention to it. You can get a traditional medical alert bracelet at any pharmacy as well I think and have it engraved with Autism or Asperger's.

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