THIS is how I've been treating myself w/ miraculous results.

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06 Dec 2013, 6:36 am

goldfish21 wrote:

I just find it quite funny that others who are on this website looking for help treating themselves are so quick to dismiss what has worked for me as impossible to work for them. why bother even being here? Just looking for a pity party?

Well you see that is where you are making a huge fundamental mistake! Many of us didn't come here looking for a cure, in fact there are many here who don't even want a cure! Some of us simply come here to chat with like minded people - that is what forums are for. I personally didn't come here looking for a cure, I came looking for more information about my condition, and stayed because I enjoyed the discussions.

My big concern with your diet is that there are desperate parents out there who would try anything to 'cure' their children, and will force their kids to be subjected to this diet 'for their own good'. How can you be sure that a young child won't be harmed by your diet? Are you expert enough in nutrition to be able to guarantee no unpleasant side effects? do you even know what the nutritional requirements for a child are?

This is why I talked about the lack of legal accountability - if a child becomes sick through malnourishment or a bad reaction to some of the things you recommend who will bear the responsibility? Because I'll bet my bottom dollar it won't be you!

Oh and your comments about a 'pity party' are actually extremely insulting to the majority of people on this forum(and very revealing). It seems to me that you see us all as pitiful creatures who need curing whether we want it or not. And that you won't be satisfied till we are all bowing down at your feet in gratitude for saving us from the dreaded autism!

Autistic dad to an autistic boy and loving it - its always fun in our house :)

I have Autism. My communication difficulties mean that I sometimes get words wrong, that what I mean is not what comes out.


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06 Dec 2013, 6:39 am

goldfish21 wrote:

If anyone has the balls (ovaries?) to give this a shot and see if it works for you, feel free to pm me with any questions & I'll be happy to reply.

Again insulting people for not believing in your cure just exposes your power trip for what it is!

Autistic dad to an autistic boy and loving it - its always fun in our house :)

I have Autism. My communication difficulties mean that I sometimes get words wrong, that what I mean is not what comes out.


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06 Dec 2013, 8:11 am

Goldfish, it is good you have tried out new things and felt improvement. And trying to pass on the info is also a positive thing. But without further evaluation by scientific process, it is impossible to determine just what happened, the causes and effects. Too many uncontrolled variables. So while it is your right to experiment on yourself, I do not think it a good idea to promote your methods accompanied by any claims that it will improve or eliminate anything. Really you don't know what it will do.

I would suggest taking a more careful approach to sharing the information. Your own experiences are very subjective and not facts that can be applied for others. I hope you get the gist of this. Its not bad to share info, its just how you do it.

I just wish there was a proven diet that included doughnuts. :( :lol:


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06 Dec 2013, 8:33 am

goldfish21 wrote:
I find it kind of sad how closed minded & negative some of you are. I've offered up what's been helping me tremendously, and it's something any of you can see if it works for you inside of a couple of weeks

I'm not negative about it, but I just had to check if it's generally agreed upon that changing your diet can cure autism. And I'm unsure now if that's the case.

But I'll change certain things to my diet, like cutting sugary, sweet stuff out completely. I rarely drink caffeinated beverages, and they are nearly completely cut from my diet.


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06 Dec 2013, 8:36 am

cavernio wrote:
Leaky Gut Syndrome is a scientifically known and scientifically measurable problem.

Can you give me a link?


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06 Dec 2013, 9:13 am

Toy_Soldier wrote:
I just wish there was a proven diet that included doughnuts. :( :lol:

It has been proven that if you eat too many doughnuts you turn into a policeman. :P

I've left WP indefinitely.

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06 Dec 2013, 10:36 am

goldfish21 wrote:

who have I diagnosed with what? Feel free to quote me and provide specifics.

There are also many books on depression & depressive thinking...that you might want to pick up and read and see how your own depressive paradigms are hindering you from accepting the possibility that what I'm saying is true & real.

I think it is becoming pointless to debate with this guy. We've debunked his diet, we've explained why he experienced an improvement even though his diet almost certainly doesn't work, and we've said why it working for him does not mean it will work for other people. Not once has he said "hmm, good point, I better do some more research as to the effects of these foods/the placebo effect/leaky gut/regression to the mean/the causes of autism" or anything along those lines. And then he accuses people who have actually done research of being closed minded!


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06 Dec 2013, 11:09 am

Acedia wrote:
cavernio wrote:
Leaky Gut Syndrome is a scientifically known and scientifically measurable problem.

Can you give me a link?

The one in my post about research into probiotic diets also covers this: ... 141900.htm

There are a couple of quotes that from that piece that may help to illustrate my discomfort with the way Goldfish proclaimed his miracle cure:

The researchers stress that much work is still needed to develop an effective and reliable probiotic therapy for human autism -- in part because there are both genetic and environmental contributions to the disorder, and because the immune-challenged mother in the mouse model reproduces only the environmental component.
"Autism is such a heterogeneous disorder that the ratio between genetic and environmental contributions could be different in each individual," Mazmanian says. "Even if B. fragilis ameliorates some of the symptoms associated with autism, I would be surprised if it's a universal therapy -- it probably won't work for every single case."


"I think our results may someday transform the way people view possible causes and potential treatments for autism," Mazmanian says.

They acknowledge the complexity of autism, rather than trying to reduce it to a single cause with a single cure. They acknowledge that "it probably won't work for every single case." Goldfish has a more messianic tone.

goldfish21 wrote:
I just find it quite funny that others who are on this website looking for help treating themselves are so quick to dismiss what has worked for me as impossible to work for them. why bother even being here? Just looking for a pity party? Obviously it's your call, but I'd wAY rather try new things and see if they help vs. go with the same ol' same ol' and get the same ol' misery as a result - but hey, you can be stubborn to your heart's content, it's not going to hinder my happiness any nor my ability to accomplish my goals. I have not demanded that anyone do this, I've merely offered up what's working for me because I know first hand the value of it and want to share it with anyone & everyone who could benefit from it.

I am amazed by these remarks, Goldfish! "why bother even being here?" ! !! Your experience of this community and reasons for interacting with it must be utterly different than mine.

Typically (for me), I feel that most people here come here for the same reasons I do, because I think they think just like me. Intellectually and experientially, I know this is not the case. There is a diversity of people and purposes here.

I came here as part of an intense effort to find out what the hell they were talking about when they called my son this thing (aspergers) about which I knew little. I was shocked by the continuous experience of recognition of my own story and circumstances in the things others were sharing here. Now I know that the people who diagnosed my son were right and that this is also my diagnosis.

I keep coming back because I like the ideas and personalities I encounter here. It feels like the right planet. I am not expecting to find a cure here or looking for a pity party. I suppose I come here for a little bit of shared experience from people who at times seem more like me than most of my species.


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06 Dec 2013, 12:24 pm

It looks like this topic has run its course as recent posts have largely degenerated into trading insults or sarcastic remarks rather than any meaningful discussion. So I'm locking this topic/thread before it degenerates further. Anyone wanting to continue discussing the topic please take it to PMs directly with goldfish21.

I've left WP indefinitely.