BearMode wrote:
Yeah, it does happen from time to time. Suddenly there are like floodgates being opened and new ideas, thoughts, memories just come pouring in.
It's pretty distracting if you're in middle of something..
I am not diagnosed with ASD but the rushing thoughts are becoming more problematic for me. Sometimes it's traumatic memories, or hurtful things said to me by people who are no longer in my life, and a lot of times, the thoughts concern things I HAVE to finish, or get done, within a short period of time. They seem like "racing thoughts" during a manic episode but these thoughts randomly and intensely come to mind regardless of my mood. I wish I could compartmentalize these thoughts to where I'm not visibly affected by them, or asked by others about what I'm thinking at the moment.
It comes off to others that I'm not even in my body. My face is basically
with no expression or engagement when the "ideas, thoughts, memories" run at a pace that's hard for me to control. I wish I could take a break from that.