Anyone else on the spectrum not able to cope with Facebook?

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15 Nov 2015, 6:41 am

I've never been on Facebook. It strikes me as intrusive and superficial, a place where people go to tell lies about themselves and others. If you've ever listened to Mark Zuckerberg speaking and reflected on what he says, it's clear that the whole concept is warped. It's a vanity project.


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15 Nov 2015, 7:05 am

i have 5 friends on facebook after about 4 years of presence there.
i do not talk to them individually, and i rarely post there.
but life is still the same whether i am on facebook or not.


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15 Nov 2015, 7:06 am

Does "not able to cope" mean that you think it's utterly moronic, which is why you don't have one?


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15 Nov 2015, 8:19 am

there is nothing wrong with morons. i like for them to look at me.


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15 Nov 2015, 8:30 am

I've never had a Facebook account nor wanted one, and similar to something that's been said on this thread, I too feel disgusted at how many ways Facebook seems to be almost required by a lot of other things in life now, even down to some TV show only having Facebook as a way of responding or participating in something regarding the TV show.

I've run across some websites that demand you log in on your Facebook account. I just leave.

I also, as someone else said, don't like the data mining aspect. And I'm not paranoid ("my mother had me tested!" :lol: ) but I do have a feeling that there are sinister uses to social networking sites that most users aren't even aware of or care about, but perhaps they should.

Finally, again as has been mentioned, the narcissism is off putting, plus also the pointless minutiae involved in that. "Having my morning latte now!" Okay.....Twitter, the same thing.

The only thing I have is an old Myspace Music account I set up ten years ago for my songwriting. But when Myspace changed everything it felt really unusable and I get the impression nobody actually uses their MySpace anymore even while still keeping one! There isn't even a comment section, or if there is I can't find it anymore. So basically it's dead; I never bother updating mine, it's just there if I need to refer someone to my music, which happens like....never. :lol:


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15 Nov 2015, 10:57 am

I tried Facebook for like a month, and it was interesting catching up with some old high school classmates - but I quickly found the social scene was exactly like high school, in which I became anxious and paranoid that I wasn't fitting in, or coming across as 'normal' enough... So I quit, and never looked back :P


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15 Nov 2015, 11:31 am

It is incredibly superficial and narcissistic, but it doesn't bother me so much because it's not real.
The things I observe in real life are much more disturbing to me.


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15 Nov 2015, 12:31 pm

Ashariel wrote:
I tried Facebook for like a month, and it was interesting catching up with some old high school classmates - but I quickly found the social scene was exactly like high school, in which I became anxious and paranoid that I wasn't fitting in, or coming across as 'normal' enough... So I quit, and never looked back :P

Given that it is currently considered a part of a modern, somewhat privileged life (those with access to tech) it's pretty cool that unlike high school social politics it is possible to choose to completely ignore Facebook. I'm guessing that's mostly because it is part of a product chain (data analytics & advertising) rather than an actual part of the infrastructure (although not having an account does lock you out of some online activities on sites that require a FB login).

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15 Nov 2015, 1:03 pm

I use Facebook for roughly an hour and a half a day broken up into chunks. It bothered me a little that my sister unfriended me a few times, because she doesn't like my neurodiverse views on autism and acceptance, as well as life in general and she didn't want Kinks videos all over her page. I also think that my dropping a hint bomb about my Gender Dysphoria in early 2014 also did it for her.

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15 Nov 2015, 3:20 pm

I always knew that I'm not "normal", I probably wouldn't feel comfortable there.
Chatting with people is exhausting, I can rarely think of anything to say.
I don't have many friends anyway, I don't need facebook to manage.
I can easily go without the social aspect of facebook, there are other options for being social.

The only thing facebook might be genuinely good for is these info groups that I've heard about. People at my uni use them to keep updated on upcoming events, or people who want to study together make a group to manage everything.

The other thing I could remotely have use for it is to communicate with new acquaintances (wouldn't need that often, but there have been times where it might've been useful), BUT I might as well use whatsapp or phone number for that... I don't care if that's not the hip thing to do.

From what I've heard, a lot of the socializing many people nowadays do is going on on facebook, not in real life... so there might be some unused possibilities there to make friends. But come on... no way... ^^

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15 Nov 2015, 3:56 pm

The groups are useful for getting information out and sharing a plan.

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15 Nov 2015, 4:17 pm

Facebook is extremely idiotic to me, I do not see the point in having one; it's especially frustrating when family members keep asking me if I have one, to me it's like asking if I own a yacht. What doesn't help is the fact that a few years back someone reportedly made a fake account with my name and used it to stalk and harass people, making me look even more like a psychopath than they already thought I was, and they totally believed it was me! Besides, DeviantART is addictive enough for me, and hardly anyone talks to me on there, so why should I get caught up in other people's drama on another site?


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15 Nov 2015, 4:28 pm

I feel like I can't make posts since I'm single, don't have a kid, etc. Nearly every post is about dating, marriage, having kids, and so on. In other words, Facebook is just like real life. I can only take so much.


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15 Nov 2015, 5:18 pm

There's so much "noise" on Facebook that it can be overwhelming and exhausting. I try to check it every once in a while, but I've learned to use it to replace the "hi, been thinking about you and wondered how you were doing" phone calls that normally socialized people make from time to time to stay in touch with friends and family.

On the plus side, I know that one of my cousins who had a tough childhood and lots of struggles in early life is now happily married, her kids have both graduated from high school and one is in college, that my former colleague is in a happy relationship after a very tough divorce, the guy who relapsed with childhood leukemia five years ago at 30 is now a crossfit junkie with a demanding job that he loves, and the like. Knowing people I care about are happy is nice, even if I'm not directly participating in their lives.

All I've got to contribute is links to science articles from, pictures of my cat, and sometimes photographs of drawings I've made. The day I take more than one selfie a year will be the day I close the account, though.


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15 Nov 2015, 7:40 pm

I don't have any problem with facebook. But then, I have some unorthodox approaches. My friends list only numbers 37. I've been known to unfriend when it seems justified. I use the "unfollow" feature to decrease the number of posts I see from certain people, like one I went to high school with who is very political and must be sharing a dozen or more political sites a day. By unfollowing everybody who bothers me or just doesn't interest me, I manage to keep the news feed manageable.

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15 Nov 2015, 9:35 pm

BeaArthur wrote:
I don't have any problem with facebook. But then, I have some unorthodox approaches. My friends list only numbers 37. I've been known to unfriend when it seems justified. I use the "unfollow" feature to decrease the number of posts I see from certain people, like one I went to high school with who is very political and must be sharing a dozen or more political sites a day. By unfollowing everybody who bothers me or just doesn't interest me, I manage to keep the news feed manageable.

Nodding, nodding. Yup. Same here. My news feed is all related to my interests with very few exceptions. Every other interaction is kept to private groups that I can "unfollow" (like the un-bookmark here), and no longer receive notifications.

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