Do all autistics have sensory issues?

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Sea Gull
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07 Jun 2016, 12:31 pm

i have problems with smells and tastes and sounds :heart:

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07 Jun 2016, 3:30 pm

I don't think we all do, because I normally can't relate to the sensory issues people on this forum have.
Anyway, I could be a bit sensitive to some noises, but I don't have meltdowns in public, so only my parents notice.

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07 Jun 2016, 3:39 pm

I think most do, but not all.

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07 Jun 2016, 5:40 pm

It's a requirement for diagnoses for some psychologists,

I have mild sensory issues, I can't stay in a overstimulating environment for more than an hour without shutting down, which makes very music functioning extremely difficult and talking becomes limited.

I also just find loud sounds painful, such as toilet flushing, airplanes, motorcycles, balloons popping, dogs barking, and the list goes on.

Fluorescent lights make things hard to see and makes me shut down faster, there were some old computers in my old school and using them was like staring straight into a strobe light.

There's a list of things I can't eat due to texture sensitivity and taste sensitivity, eggs being top of the list.

On the flip side my pain tolerance is extremely high and I get hurt frequently without noticing.

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07 Jun 2016, 5:59 pm

I don't think so. I never had many except for tactile issues. And my issue with sound was more due to being deaf for a while and then I wasn't used to it when I had tubes put in my ears. But it took me a really really long time to not get over stimulated. There are still sounds I don't like and make me want to scream and I can't sleep with snoring.

But many many many people with autism have sensory issues. It's also possible to not be aware of them. I wasn't aware of mine as a child.

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07 Jun 2016, 7:36 pm

Not sure... What makes it an issue other than when it's a complaint?

In my case, it's lack of filter. Especially in hearing, I mix noises with voices, and voices with other voices that I misinterpreted and mishear words.
I started out as a Sensory Seeker who's under-stimulated, and there were no complaints. Until sometime around late childhood until I became over-stimulated, intolerant, prone to Sensory Overload due to anxiety.
I regained my threshold at late adolescence, when I got over anxiety, then I no longer became intolerant, no more sensory overload since then. Yet I still have the sensitivities and lack of filter, with little or no complaints about it.

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07 Jun 2016, 8:00 pm

I don't have. Only if I'm already stressed do sounds etc bother me but I think all ppl are the same. I sometimes have like an information overload if something surprised me a lot or I'm so confused by something I can't understand it and I'm stuck thinking about what they told me. Strange social situations can do this. Then I can go into shutdowns or meltdowns.


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08 Jun 2016, 9:35 pm

Probably not. At least it's not required for a diagnosis in the DSM-5 (it's mentioned as a possible symptom, but not a required one).

Most of mine are tactile, with a few smell/taste issues here and there, but I can't really relate to other autistic people's sensory issues because they aren't as severe.

Some autistic people are hyposensitive rather than hypersensitive. I am like this with pain.


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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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08 Jun 2016, 10:16 pm

A diagnosis doesn't require sensory sensitivities, but I think the addition of them to the DSM 5 is an acknowledgment that they are common. This would be a good survey question though, I'd be curious to see how many people on here have them.

I personally do, and until about 4 months ago, I never knew there was anything to it, I never thought about it really. I have touch, sound and light sensitivities.

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08 Jun 2016, 11:07 pm

I'm sensitive to the sounds people make when they eat and to wet mouth sounds or smacking. It's kind of like being mentally stabbed when I hear them. I get angry and have to leave the room. It's not easy to explain to friends and family. Everyone thinks you're blowing it out of proportion. Some people call it misophonia and some people call it selective sound sensitivity.

I also have a pretty heavy startle reaction to certain noises and I hate certain tactile sensations: socks, wool, and jewelry just to name a few.

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13 Jun 2016, 4:05 pm

some but not all.

at the end of a long day nothing feels more relaxing than a nice hot shower despite the fact my parents tell me to turn the water down.

I can't feel the harm if actually is any.

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