Reading emotions from eyes test - What's your score?

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Tufted Titmouse
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07 Jun 2017, 2:21 pm

There's a pretty common test that's been around that supposedly measures ones ability to read emotions from the eyes. It give you a picture of only someone's eyes and asks you to pick from four options as to which emotion they're experiencing. You can take it here:

Funny enough, it seems that autistics score pretty well on this particular test. The first time I took it a few months ago I scored a 75%, correctly identifying the emotion in 27 out of 36 sets of eyes. I took it again a few minutes ago, and scored a 80% at 29 out of 36 eyes identified correctly. From what I've seen, this seems to be a pretty average score for those on the spectrum. Autistics seem to score in the 70s in terms of percentages the first time they take this test. I'm interested to see what ya'll score.

One of the flaws I'd like to point out (and the reasons those on the spectrum can do pretty well) is that this is a multiple choice quiz. In real life, you don't get four options to pick from when trying to read someone's emotions. I found that sometimes I had no idea what emotion the set of eyes were showing until I saw the correct answer among the multiple choice options. In a real life situation I'd remain lost as to what emotion their eyes are showing. (Plus, I'm not able to read expressions when talking to someone. It's like when I'm having a conversation I just stop processing faces. Anyone else have a similar experience?)

My official diagnoses:
.Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
.General Anxiety Disorder

¡Viva el autista!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Jun 2017, 3:24 pm

25 out of 36...


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15 Jun 2017, 4:01 pm

I got 22 out of 36, which I guess is 61% . I remember seeing a similar test on that Good Mythical Morning channel on YouTube. For whatever reason they thought that it was testing whether or not someone was a sociopath, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but whatever. I remember doing pretty well on the few samples they showed on that episode, but then I do below average here. Go figure. :roll:

Pileated woodpecker
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15 Jun 2017, 5:16 pm

24/36 - 66.67%

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 148 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 60 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)

Dx Autism Spectrum Disorder - Level 1, learning disability - memory and fine motor skills, generalized and social anxiety disorder
Unsure if diagnosed with OCD and/or depression, but were talked about with my old/former pdoc and doctor.

Criteria for my learning disability is found at this link:


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15 Jun 2017, 6:18 pm

I remember taking this test and I scored high on it. Like you said I think the multiple choice is a bit easier to choose from. I think in the moment of a conversation, it's much harder to tell the emotions. It's been said that people on the spectrum can't multitask well and I think juggling what the person is saying verbally and the body language at the same time is too much.

EQ: 11 out of 80
Your neurodiverse score: 131 out of 200
Your neurotypical score: 81 of 200


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15 Jun 2017, 6:25 pm

30 out of 36, I tried to imagine the whole face somehow and it took some time.
"Your score is better than 74% of all participants." Wow, I did not expect that!

The problem would be actual naming of emotions, I'd be like "erm... sad", "kinda happy", "afraid maybe?". I even struggle with naming what I'm feeling.

Sea Gull
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15 Jun 2017, 6:31 pm

CenturioAlpha wrote:
One of the flaws I'd like to point out (and the reasons those on the spectrum can do pretty well) is that this is a multiple choice quiz. In real life, you don't get four options to pick from when trying to read someone's emotions. I found that sometimes I had no idea what emotion the set of eyes were showing until I saw the correct answer among the multiple choice options. In a real life situation I'd remain lost as to what emotion their eyes are showing. (Plus, I'm not able to read expressions when talking to someone. It's like when I'm having a conversation I just stop processing faces. Anyone else have a similar experience?)

I fully agree with you. I can usually get a respectable score in this type of eye test, by spending quite a long time homing in on the option that has the highest probability of being right, by a process of elimination. It is very unlike real life.

I would have thought a better test could be constructed, in which there would be a complete list of all the possible emotions covered by the quiz, and so for each question one would select from the full list, and not merely from a restricted subset of 4. It would still not be ideal, but I think it would be better since there would no longer be clues provided by the targeted subset of options. It would probably also limit the tendency to use the "process of elimination" approach to answering the questions.


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15 Jun 2017, 6:34 pm

Got 28 out of 36, better than 54 percent of respondents. Don't know what that means, but it sounds like I did okay.


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15 Jun 2017, 6:56 pm

I hate this test. I had to do as part of my assessment and I didn't do very well. I did it again just then and got 20/36. So many of the pictures didn't have the answer I wanted as an option which I find frustrating.

I have a piece of paper that says ASD Level 2 so it must be true.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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22 Jun 2017, 7:48 am

I got a 29%. My only issue with this type of test is that if I don't look at the answers I have no clue on 95% of them. I get them right by a process of elimination, but you can't do this in real life. There aren't 4 possible answers. Is it weird that looking at the women eyes, most of them I read as sexual interest, and that interpretation was most of the time way off?


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22 Jun 2017, 2:08 pm

I think I got a 26 on that test, which was right in the middle of the "average" range.

Edit: Took it again and got 28.

Sea Gull
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25 Jun 2017, 8:18 am

"Your score is 30 out of 36.
Your score is better than 74% of all participants."