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18 Oct 2020, 8:26 pm

Before the pandemic my parents got mail. It was about me. It said that my family qualifies for respite for me. I'm not sure what that is or why my family would want that.


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18 Oct 2020, 8:51 pm

Have you asked them about it? I'm not sure their reasons but it looks like it refers to providing your family with some assistance in providing care for you.

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18 Oct 2020, 11:12 pm

Respite services in Canada is similar to Home Health Care in the U.S.

Care once delivered in hospitals and other institutions is now delivered in the home or in communities, whenever resources are available.

Here is a link: Respite Care in Canada

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19 Oct 2020, 1:39 pm

Respite is designed for parents / carers of those with higher needs, especially alzheimer's, dementia or severe mental disability.

Its basically to give them a temporary break to relax, they take the person being cared for away somewhere usually fun like a park for example or in the case of dementia a home where they sit in a circle sing a few songs etc.. then get taken home.

It might just be an automated mailing nothing personal to or about your functionality by saying you have severe symptoms or your parents need a break, your parents probably are registered somewhere as a carer & were notified that its there if they need it.

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28 Oct 2020, 7:26 pm

Crystal1414 wrote:
Before the pandemic my parents got mail. It was about me. It said that my family qualifies for respite for me. I'm not sure what that is or why my family would want that.

Respite is when someone looks after you for part of the time so your parents can have a break because it's a lot of work raising someone with special needs.