What it's like for aspies in poor countries?

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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02 Sep 2022, 9:01 pm

Like in many countries in Africa, Haiti and the Middle East? I bet there's no enough resources for people with autism.


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03 Sep 2022, 1:43 pm

Probably worse than in “developed” countries.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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03 Sep 2022, 1:56 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Probably worse than in “developed” countries.


And things aren't exactly great in one of these so called "developed" countries that I have lived in all my life.


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03 Sep 2022, 8:18 pm

Things must be pretty dismal in those countries.

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03 Sep 2022, 8:33 pm

Poor or developing countries tend to have a dictator, a corrupt government etc, which means the government has no time, willingness or money to help vulnerable people. Not much resources or awareness about such an invisible disability as ASD. Also intolerant of differences.

My feeling is that people in general in such a country are also less aware and very intolerant of ASD people. I say this from my experience at university. Overseas students from some developing countries (certain countries not all) were generally quite mean and nasty towards awkward people. Just my observation. I imagined that it must be horrible to live in their countries.

Carl Friedrich Gauss

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04 Sep 2022, 2:20 pm

temp1234 wrote:
Poor or developing countries tend to have a dictator, a corrupt government etc, which means the government has no time, willingness or money to help vulnerable people. Not much resources or awareness about such an invisible disability as ASD. Also intolerant of differences.

My feeling is that people in general in such a country are also less aware and very intolerant of ASD people. I say this from my experience at university. Overseas students from some developing countries (certain countries not all) were generally quite mean and nasty towards awkward people. Just my observation. I imagined that it must be horrible to live in their countries.

You are right. Most of them (maybe all) are govern by dictatorship or the political power is always in the hands of a group of people who radicalized a race or a subsystem of religious groups, in my country, we have both.

The prisons are full of journalists and academicians etc. They always radicalize people with patriotism/ patriarchal system and religion. Corrupt and handshaking of people and mafias etc...

For me, my Asperger would not be a big problem, if I would not read too many books that I lost touch with the reality in which they live.

I am like Socrates... who has Asperger syndrome. But he defended himself, I won't. Not because I fear of death or something similar. But because, I began to see people as little small insects. Or animals that are rudimentary humans who could not complete their evolutionary process...

I know that some of you can claim I am talking like a narcissist. I won't defend myself. I don't care anymore. I just want to change the world for a better world for all. I am trying to read / learn / not to pollute environment/ not a fascist/ racist / sexist or ageist. I don't care. I respect people. I don't hate them.

But they f*cked my life with their ignorance. I am fighting with their ignorance not with them. I was borned one of those countries and they f*cked my life. Maybe you won't believe me but I never use swear words in my life.

But I have to do my military service duty which is compulsory in this sh*t country. I don't know what to do. Because I know I am NOT able to do military service.

I have sensitivity to noises, smells and lights. And I can not live a life that I can not rationalize. I have to be a scientist. I know advanced math and many other things. I can even multiply 5digit by 5digit in my mind and remember deck of cards. But this country kills me... these people kill me... I couldn't even get a formal diagnosis. I am always bullied all my life... then I developed panic attacks and urticaria.

But I am strong. I always hate pessimism. I am always optimistic. I am going to be a scientist one day. I don't believe, I am going to do it. You can not imagine how hard it is to live in such a country. I won't elaborate it. Because f*cking intelligence agencies follow everything in this country. I may be jailed by these sentences.

If you read the books of George Orwell, especially 1984, you will understand me, I hope. Or the movie V for vendetta. But I recommend 1984.

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05 Sep 2022, 11:01 am

By the way, my country (it is on 2 continent) is not poor. But the difference between income of poor and rich people is a cliff. If you obey the dictatorship (seemingly and supposedly democracy since people vote) and if you are smart enough, you can be rich. But if you have honor, and are dissident, things will be hard for you.

But there is a hope that leftwing can win this time.

But I believe no country is ideal. Any country in the world has different toxic sides.


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05 Sep 2022, 11:39 am

My country can be considered poor, but i am pretty content. Although i am pretty high functioning so this might be why.

In terms of government support there is little to none, however in terms of how people are treated, people are actually pretty supportive. Actually from what i witnessed, more traditional/conservative families are more protective of their children and they do not shame them for being different.
I don't hear any horrible bullying stories like in the west either. Treating people with disabilites or mental illness badly is considered bad and not honorable.

Same with poor people and the elderly, they are not seen as burdens but people that should be cared for.

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05 Sep 2022, 12:03 pm

AprilR wrote:
My country can be considered poor, but i am pretty content. Although i am pretty high functioning so this might be why.

In terms of government support there is little to none, however in terms of how people are treated, people are actually pretty supportive. Actually from what i witnessed, more traditional/conservative families are more protective of their children and they do not shame them for being different.
I don't hear any horrible bullying stories like in the west either. Treating people with disabilites or mental illness badly is considered bad and not honorable.

Same with poor people and the elderly, they are not seen as burdens but people that should be cared for.

I don't know what high Functioning mean. If it is about intelligence. I consider myself more intelligent than 99 percent of people.

Superficially, most of things seem fine in my country, if I look at the eyes of some people in my country. Some of them see here as heaven. But I am a realist more importantly a rationalist. I don't believe speeches of politicians . I look at facts, statistics.

And they say these naive approaches do not help people with autism, Asperger or etc. We need policies. Rules. To protect our rights.

They will never understand us. Because we are biologically different.


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05 Sep 2022, 12:25 pm

It's probably not much different in more developed countries as it is in those that are lesser developed. There is a shortage in support everywhere. Even in areas were services exist, you still have to have referrals from specialists to access them, money to pay for it, and the time and energy to navigate complex bureaucracies to even get started.

Even then you'll be lucky to get help that isn't ABA therapy which is too often little more than dog-training to get rid of "undesirable" behaviors.


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05 Sep 2022, 12:30 pm

I think some have the misconception that a "Poor Country" means that your life as an autistic person will automatically be worse. That may not be the case depending on what is going on in said country. I couldn't answer this question because I don't live in a "Poor Country". But I doubt autistic people in these countries are all struggling, it all depends on the person you ask.

temp1234 wrote:
Poor or developing countries tend to have a dictator, a corrupt government etc, which means the government has no time, willingness or money to help vulnerable people. Not much resources or awareness about such an invisible disability as ASD. Also intolerant of differences.

My feeling is that people in general in such a country are also less aware and very intolerant of ASD people. I say this from my experience at university. Overseas students from some developing countries (certain countries not all) were generally quite mean and nasty towards awkward people. Just my observation. I imagined that it must be horrible to live in their countries.

This is also a misconception. Not all poor or developing countries tend to have dictators, corrupt governments, and they also could know about ASD but just don't have the resources to deal with it. Also people in these countries can be pretty tolerant of ASD and is tolerant of differences. Due to the media these misconceptions about other countries keep growing. Also the students overseas that you met at university doesn't represent the entire country.

Autism is a disorder not a personality trait!

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05 Sep 2022, 12:34 pm

Carl Friedrich Gauss wrote:
AprilR wrote:
My country can be considered poor, but i am pretty content. Although i am pretty high functioning so this might be why.

In terms of government support there is little to none, however in terms of how people are treated, people are actually pretty supportive. Actually from what i witnessed, more traditional/conservative families are more protective of their children and they do not shame them for being different.
I don't hear any horrible bullying stories like in the west either. Treating people with disabilites or mental illness badly is considered bad and not honorable.

Same with poor people and the elderly, they are not seen as burdens but people that should be cared for.

I don't know what high Functioning mean. If it is about intelligence. I consider myself more intelligent than 99 percent of people.

Superficially, most of things seem fine in my country, if I look at the eyes of some people in my country. Some of them see here as heaven. But I am a realist more importantly a rationalist. I don't believe speeches of politicians . I look at facts, statistics.

And they say these naive approaches do not help people with autism, Asperger or etc. We need policies. Rules. To protect our rights.

They will never understand us. Because we are biologically different.

I meant intelligence, yes. In my case, my country has more of a community based of a society as opposed to a individualistic one.
Both has its pros and cons.

Carl Friedrich Gauss

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05 Sep 2022, 4:22 pm

DanielW wrote:
It's probably not much different in more developed countries as it is in those that are lesser developed. There is a shortage in support everywhere. Even in areas were services exist, you still have to have referrals from specialists to access them, money to pay for it, and the time and energy to navigate complex bureaucracies to even get started.

Even then you'll be lucky to get help that isn't ABA therapy which is too often little more than dog-training to get rid of "undesirable" behaviors.

I agree with you. And I liked your ABA definition, since they try to change people with autism to something they are not.

Carl Friedrich Gauss

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05 Sep 2022, 4:28 pm

AquaineBay wrote:
I think some have the misconception that a "Poor Country" means that your life as an autistic person will automatically be worse. That may not be the case depending on what is going on in said country. I couldn't answer this question because I don't live in a "Poor Country". But I doubt autistic people in these countries are all struggling, it all depends on the person you ask.

temp1234 wrote:
Poor or developing countries tend to have a dictator, a corrupt government etc, which means the government has no time, willingness or money to help vulnerable people. Not much resources or awareness about such an invisible disability as ASD. Also intolerant of differences.

My feeling is that people in general in such a country are also less aware and very intolerant of ASD people. I say this from my experience at university. Overseas students from some developing countries (certain countries not all) were generally quite mean and nasty towards awkward people. Just my observation. I imagined that it must be horrible to live in their countries.

This is also a misconception. Not all poor or developing countries tend to have dictators, corrupt governments, and they also could know about ASD but just don't have the resources to deal with it. Also people in these countries can be pretty tolerant of ASD and is tolerant of differences. Due to the media these misconceptions about other countries keep growing. Also the students overseas that you met at university doesn't represent the entire country.

There are too many evidence for Richness comes from democracy. Because it is about economics. Just read some related books. You will get a grasp on it. At least there is a correlation between them. But I am talking about "equally distributed richness".


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06 Sep 2022, 5:33 am

Terrible by order of magnitude worse than in the west.

I`ve been to several of these countries in S America, Asia & Egypt

It’s not hard to see why. There are usually no gov help no welfare benefits given. You’re on your own

Most people are poor, they have large families. Their families replace the government to form a kind of protective group where the young source resources and help the parents & elders.

This is why women have so many children in these countries, not because of lack of contraception but economically it makes sense in the long-term creating many young people to eventually go out on your behalf to get things and eventually look out for you, if you become sick and when you get old in the absence of gov help.

Girls are married off early (in parts of Cairo slums 12/13 years old is the norm) to form links with other protective groups (families) further strengthening their family economic / access to resources position.

This probably explains why LGBT people / groups have such a hard time in poorer parts of the world, the reasons apart from religion is obvious. A family member that deliberately stays unmarried / childless, thus choosing sexuality over family is seen as not helping their wider family so likely to be disowned for this reason.

Aspies are likely to get by due to having normal intelligence. In countries where arranged marriages are common many have no trouble having a partner and children but will likely struggle in the usual areas like here.

Those further down the spectrum will likely die very early. Mothers have so many children that one to one supervision is impossible, there are also no real resources for a family to look after someone long term.

The normal routine is children / siblings tend to take care of themselves by the age of 5 these kids are on the streets running around interacting with adult strangers either to beg or sell something.

You don`t need to be an autism expert on the implications of being nonverbal, Intellectually Disabled, prone to wandering, high risk of accidents, inability to communicate with siblings and other street kids for self-protection to see the likelihood of a probable terrible tragedy.

An African lady said once on an internet autism forum back in her country seriously disabled kids are taken out of the village to the jungle and left. I don’t know if that`s true but it probably wouldn’t surprise me if it was.

Why it’s annoying to hear ND advocates say they are against treatment / cure for autism. They almost all say these things from the comfort and safety of their parents’ home in the west, where they get all the essential help they need.

They really don’t have a clue about life in the rest of the world & the dangerous implications of being born disabled on the person & their family

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Carl Friedrich Gauss

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06 Sep 2022, 8:23 am

carlos55 wrote:
Terrible by order of magnitude worse than in the west.

I`ve been to several of these countries in S America, Asia & Egypt

It’s not hard to see why. There are usually no gov help no welfare benefits given. You’re on your own

Most people are poor, they have large families. Their families replace the government to form a kind of protective group where the young source resources and help the parents & elders.

This is why women have so many children in these countries, not because of lack of contraception but economically it makes sense in the long-term creating many young people to eventually go out on your behalf to get things and eventually look out for you, if you become sick and when you get old in the absence of gov help.

Girls are married off early (in parts of Cairo slums 12/13 years old is the norm) to form links with other protective groups (families) further strengthening their family economic / access to resources position.

This probably explains why LGBT people / groups have such a hard time in poorer parts of the world, the reasons apart from religion is obvious. A family member that deliberately stays unmarried / childless, thus choosing sexuality over family is seen as not helping their wider family so likely to be disowned for this reason.

Aspies are likely to get by due to having normal intelligence. In countries where arranged marriages are common many have no trouble having a partner and children but will likely struggle in the usual areas like here.

Those further down the spectrum will likely die very early. Mothers have so many children that one to one supervision is impossible, there are also no real resources for a family to look after someone long term.

The normal routine is children / siblings tend to take care of themselves by the age of 5 these kids are on the streets running around interacting with adult strangers either to beg or sell something.

You don`t need to be an autism expert on the implications of being nonverbal, Intellectually Disabled, prone to wandering, high risk of accidents, inability to communicate with siblings and other street kids for self-protection to see the likelihood of a probable terrible tragedy.

An African lady said once on an internet autism forum back in her country seriously disabled kids are taken out of the village to the jungle and left. I don’t know if that`s true but it probably wouldn’t surprise me if it was.

Why it’s annoying to hear ND advocates say they are against treatment / cure for autism. They almost all say these things from the comfort and safety of their parents’ home in the west, where they get all the essential help they need.

They really don’t have a clue about life in the rest of the world & the dangerous implications of being born disabled on the person & their family

I agree with most of these. But you draw a very dark picture. Anyway. But you may have been mostly in the rural areas. Because there is a big difference between rural areas and urban areas. Most of the things you mentioned is valid only for rural areas. But things like LGBT is valid for all of the country (countries) since it is about religion/s.

In my country, most people have cars and houses. However, they are working like dogs (or bees) to obtain these things. Petroleum products, food products, and technology are very expensive. But since those people are very hardworking and many in number (as you mentioned before), they can buy those things.

But nobody can criticize the big brother (big dogs). You may be jailed once you do so. You can not also criticize anything about religion, corruption, patriotism, or patriarchal system etc.

These things are valid for all middle east countries. But US and RUSSIA are also to blame because of these things, since these two big beast want everything in the world and always try to canalize other nations. But the most of the faults is belong to my ignorance people, I have to admit.

They dont read books.
Don't inquire the things that they heard.
No critical thinking.
Always believe what politicians say.
Accept what religious leaders say without questioning.
And so on...

But to talk about these things will never make a difference. I don't believe that these people will change. Only revolutions can change such people. I am going to devote myself to science and philosophy and math, eventually I am going to die...

By the way, I don't think that people of "developed" nations is more intelligent or etc. than people of "undeveloped" nations. Because when I looked at US, I see it as it has both heaven and hell. Its hell is everything you can find in the middle east. Its heaven is freedom. If you remove freedom from US, it is no more US.

I would never wanted to live in Russia. But EUROPEAN countries seem somewhat different. But for now I don't have a chance to go one of them. In the future, if I discover something in science, maybe one of them may accept me. Otherwise, I am going to die in those people.