Jason Thayer wrote:
My mom almost never lets me complain about stuff! She doesn't understand that I NEED to complain! If I don't vent, I can't calm down properly! I just had almond milk that was all watery because they sealed the cap too tightly and of course the carton doesn't pour properly. My morning was ruined and of course mom doesn't get it!
OTOH, people on the spectrum don't get a wide variety of social things at any given moment. One of them is that others don't like to listen to complaining, especially about things that Most people deem to be "small," and "not a big deal."
I guarantee that her perception is that complaining about almond milk being watery because a cap was sealed too tightly is something that she would consider insignificant and not worth complaining about At All, especially not to the level that it ruins someone's entire morning.. and that if it warranted complaint it should maybe be a 2/10 annoyance, not a 12/10 ruined an entire morning sort of thing.
Seems you'll have to find some sort of balance between your level of aggravation by almond milk consistency and your mothers' unwillingness to listen to complaints about it. If you need to vent verbally, perhaps do it in a room she's not in and is unlikely to hear. Otherwise maybe choose a thread to vent in like ASPartOfMe posted above.. because she's never going to "Get," it and be on the same wavelength as you, so you'll have to find a way to deal with your frustrations that don't involve irritating her, ideally.
for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.