i'm too weak, tired, slow, and clinically depressed to do anything significant. constantly struggling just to take public transportation to work, not get made redundant, get along with annoying ass hole customers, coworkers, and day laborers, go to the litterbox, dishes, garbage, laundry, taxes, health insurance,
there is no way i am ever going to accomplish jack s**t in my "life". every slightest movement takes way too much energy.
i wonder if i have a medical condition causing me to be so f*****g lethargic. i'm closer to being dead than alive, in some ways, s**t. but when the doctor asked if i had any "weakness" or "fatigue", i lied and said "no" because i was afraid that if i said "yes", she would not sign the form for work, and then work would gimmie the pink slip and i would end up homeless.